Archive for April, 2004
AJ Down Clone Identified
In news that has only just come to light, albeit via a highly reliable source, we are now able to identify the individual that was running the Scam House with a clone of AJ Down in Jolly Pines. It was none other than Janette, Alphaville’s “most infamous” sim. According to chat logs in the posession [...]
Full StoryAVG Press Secretary Resigns
By Pat the Rat In a shocking new development in the soap opera that “The Alphaville Government” has become, AVG Press Secretary Ian has resigned his postion, citing a lack of challenge, and issues with Angelique Fontaine, who seems to have become the Yoko Ono of the AVG. Apparently Mr-Pres and Angelique have spent too [...]
Full StoryNew YIM offers avatars
Since this is my week for posting old news, I thought I would add that the new version of YIM, now in Beta, introduces avatars. The avatar options are still pretty limited, but it raises interesting longer term questions about whether chatty MMORPGs like TSO are needed if we can have our own YIM chatrooms [...]
Full StoryTechTV Questions ESRB Rating for Alphaville
This story aired a couple weeks ago, but I just now located the online version of the segment. In it, TechTV questions the appropriateness of the ESRB rating systems for MMORPGs, and issue which has been addressed by the AVH on several occassions. The TechTV opener: Hot Topic: Big Trouble in AlphavilleThe Mafia’s running the [...]
Full StoryMonkeybear charges cj johnson with scamming
In a recent story we discussed allegations by Lead Architect that cj johnson in Alphaville had cloned him. Now we have the story of Monkeybear that cj promised to transfer several rares for him, took posession of the rares, and never delivered in the new city. Here is Monkeybear’s story.
Full StoryPierce Entertainment Announces Auditions for Waiting For Godot
Sorry I neglected to post this press release earlier — too much happening these days. Anyway the skinny is this: Pierce Entertainment, LTD has announced auditions for Waiting for Godot. I would have called it Waiting for MOMI.
Full StoryOh joy, and now for the email spoofers
Everyone in the Alphaville community should be on alert that someone has been spoofing email accounts in an attempt to transmit viruses/worms. Spoofing is a fairly simple hacking technique, wherein one sends an email that appears to be coming from another source. In recent days, the email addresses of both Mr-President and Peter Ludlow ( [...]
Full StoryGAMING OPEN MARKET leaves TSO, continues in 2L, There, etc.
By Atlantis Several months ago we interviewed Jamie Hale of Gaming Open Market. Since then, GOM has left TSO because of lack of interest. Its business on There and Second Life appears to be growing, however. In this story, our reporter Atlantis checks in on GOM for an update, and for our new readers, an [...]
Full StoryClones!

by Montserrat Tovar, The Phantom, and Los Clones are avatars with names that are very similar to the name of a known well-established avatar. For example a sim with a name like Johnson might be cloned by a sim named Johnson’. Clones are established for two basic purposes on tso. First, sims use them as [...]
Full StoryTSO boycott petition making rounds
This online petition ( may have gone up a while ago, but it only just came to our attention (thanks to Mr-P for the pointer). It is, in effect, a protest of the $10/month fee for the online game. The reasoning in the petition is more or less nonexistent and the language is barely literate, [...]
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