Archive for May, 2004
We get Tigger. They get the CEO.
Well, if you are tired of camping out on Stratics and waiting for little nuggets of uninformative nothing from Tigger (aka Ms. I’ll Have to Get Back to You), this should give you something to think about. Following is a link to a Second Life Town Hall meeting with Second Life CEO and founder Phil [...]
Full StoryScammers moving to Second Life?
As the TSO diaspora continues, a group of Alphaville scammers have now moved to Second Life (at least part time), including Celestie the Abusive Granny, Mimi (not exactly a scammer, but she?s really really cute so I have to mention her here), Kimmers, Nick, and Bradley C. In this interview we talk to our friend [...]
Full StoryAlphaville Gazette opens shop — talks to Crystal’s River
Former AVG Press officer , money trader, and frequent contributor to The Alphaville Herald, Ian, is still several decades away from being the stylin’ mack daddy and media mogul that Uri is, but he has made a good start with the lauching of his blog, The Alphaville Gazette. His most recent post is a very [...]
Full StoryWe’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!
Well, not the subscribers to TSO — We still love to bend over and take it from EA — but other gamers are fighting back against their game owners. For example according to this article in the JoongAng Daily (Korea) subscribers to Lineage (500 million total subscriptions thus far) have threatened to file a class [...]
Full StoryAVG seeks new veep.
The Alphaville Government is seeking a new Vice President to replace Paul Tulley, who recently resigned and formed a government in Mount Fuji. Check out the AVG web site for details.
Full StoryMove over Jerry Lewis and Jaques Derrida: French now love Uri
Yep, those loveable clowns Jerry Lewis and Jaques Derrida had their day in the sun that is the attention of trendy French “Intellectuals” but now the sun shines on Uri. Wooot! Makes me wanna open a bottle of Bord Ho and break out the crusty bread and gooey cheese. Check out this article from Le [...]
Full Storymore about pets
the trade in pets continues. the pet lotto transfer store, marjoriex, proprietor offers the following four ways to trade in pets:
Full Storyin praise of bots
by humdog for uri: You Are My Sunshine why are there bots in tso? comments about bots in tso seem mostly limited to value judgments relative to their relationship with the tso rules, such as they are. i think that a case can be made the bots are necessary to the game, given the economic [...]
Full StoryRose Thorn Community Welcome House Takes top spot from scammers
Kudos to the Rose Thorn community for opening a house in the welcome category and knocking the infamous scam house run by Mr President Bradley out of the top spot in welcome. Hopefully this will help prevent newbie sims from being fleeced and verbally abused on their first day in game. Although the Rose Thorn [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: You can so have fun in TSO

by Hyper Some people may argue that there is not enough content in TSO, they may say that that is the reason they quit there was nothing interesting or fun in game. It was all about making money reaching the top in a category and quitting. Some people may say they are griefers and like [...]
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