Archive for October, 2005

Something Awful Goons Plan SL Infiltration/Invasion

The W-Hat bannings in the wake of the W-Hat-engineered grid crash have apparently led to plans for many more goons on the Something Awful forums to infiltrate Second Life as stealth W-Hatters. They are being instructed to “find the others” (as Timothy Leary would say), most of which are now reportedly located in Galli. There [...]

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“Anti-Griefer Patrol” is Clandestine W-Hat Operation

It has been brought to the attention of the Herald that an SL organization ostensibly established to fight griefing is in fact an operation controlled by members of the W-Hat griefing organization, most recently responsible for crashing the entire grid. A brief review of the membership of the “Anti-Griefer Patrol” membership list will turn up [...]

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To the editor: Why I left SL – Lindens rip off designers, mentor program overrun with W-hats and other griefers

This was posted in a comment thread, but it was so poignant that I felt I should post it in the main thread. I’ve known Stellsy since my earliest days in TSO and I will say that there are few people in this world (online or off) that I trust or respect more. This post [...]

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Virtual Market Matters: Cyberland Steady; Is Ginko in Trouble?

By Dow Jonas Since the demise of the well-liked independent Linden currency exchange Gaming Open Market, Second Life’s land and content markets as well as its fledgling financial institutions have taken a beating. With the month-long ramp-up time of the LindEx, Linden Lab’s own currency exchange, which still has a hefty fee and slow manual [...]

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Doomsday Book is Finished!!!

As uber-journalist Mark Wallace has reported on his blog, the Doomsday Book (Otherwise known as “Only a Game: Online Worlds and the Virtual Journalist who Knew too Much”) is complete — coming in at a hefty 118,819 words spread over 17 chapters, it is quite possibly the longest book on MMOs that ever has or [...]

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Opus 1000: The 20 Greatest Herald Stories?

I meant to post a top 10 list at the time of our 2nd Birthday, but it seems that post 1000 gives an excuse that is just as good. I found it impossible to narrow the list to 10, even getting down to 20 was difficult. I’d be interested in what others think should be [...]

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Book Review: Synthetic Worlds

Author Ted Castronova demonstrates approximate size of words used in his new book (photo by Cory Linden) Run, don’t walk, to (is that even possible?) and order your copy of Edward Castronova’s Synthetic Worlds: The Business and Culture of Online Games today. For anyone interested in deeper thinking about MMOs than just whether the [...]

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1/3 Linden Employees are FIC, Cory Confirms

by Dow Jonas In a shocking revelation published on the prestigious virtual world studies blog Terra Nova, Cory Ondrejka, Vice President of Product Development for Linden Lab, acknowledged that by his rough count, as many as one third of Linden Lab’s estimated 60 employees came from the ranks of existing residents of the growing online [...]

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Post Six Grrrl Elesha Aleixandre

The Herald is very happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Elesha Aleixandre! Elesha claims to be the shy type, but at the same time, seems to enjoy criticizing the Herald, asking why we don’t simply post the same girl week after week, since they all “look the same”. Our thanks to Heart [...]

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Times Uber-Reporter at it Again! Wallace Dishes on the Virtual Vacation that is SL

Forget about Plamegate, Harriet Miers, the war, and the next hurricane. The big news in today’s New York Times is clearly the story by Mark Wallace, discussing virtual travel, but with a big emphasis on Second Life. But the big dish in here is the news that former Post Six Girl Diamond Hope – the [...]

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