Archive for October, 2005

CmdrTaco takes on Blizzard.

There is an interesting story in slashdot, by one CmdrTaco, who was forced to change his WoW name by the game owner Blizzard Entertainment. Why? Because ‘Cmdr’ is a title he hasn’t earned. Never mind that “Commander” isn’t even a title you can earn in the game and never mind that CmdrTaco is this guys [...]

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Goldfish Scandal Spreads. Rome Bans “Cruel” Goldfish Bowls

The scandal, first reported by the Herald in which Linden employee Cory Linden was seen to be mistreating an innocent goldfish in the Herald Suite has turned out to have international repercussions, with the city of Rome passing a law to prevent innocent fish getting Coried, as reported by CNN. We will stay on top [...]

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W-Hats Bring Down the Grid. We Told You and Told You and Told You, While Lindens Bent Over and Said “Fuck Me Harder Bad Boys!”

Photo from Websnake Nightshade forum post It hardly comes as a surprise – it comes more as a prediction fulfilled – that members of the W-Hats are responsible bringing down the entire grid by use of a griefing tool that spawned massive numbers of balls with racist and other images on them. Of course what [...]

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Party On, Grid

In case you’ve nothing better to do today, just a quick reminder: The Herald turns two this weekend, and we’re having a party! Click that link for details. The festivities begin at noon SST (that’s Server Standard Time), and continue till whenever we all get bored and go home, so even if you can’t make [...]

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Infonet Infiltrated! (Well, Not Really)

Squagmire Stravinsky’s Infonet (or is it the g.Net now?) only gets more and more awesome. In fact, so formidable an operation is it that the Grid’s own “innernet” has now drawn the attention of cyberpunks and VW hackers. The Herald has learned that the Infonet complex was recently the target of an infiltration exploit that [...]

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Mea Culpa: Don’t Blame the NY Times for Judygate. Blame Uri.

by Urizenus Sklar If you read the blogs about journalism (as of course I do), you know that there is a shitstorm brewing over the way the New York Times handled Judy Miller. Critics say that they basically ceded their editorial policy to her, and that she was in effect not a 1st Amendment martyr, [...]

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Steee-RIKE!! Bowling Kingpins Knocked Over for Big Bucks. None are spared!

Anonymous sources are reporting that there has been a rash of exploits on the TP Bowling lanes in Second Life – perhaps all of them – and tens of thousands of linden dollars were scored by the turkey perpetrating this scam before he split from SL. According to Herald sources, the exploit involves using a [...]

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Post Six Grrrl Aeryckah Seifert

The Herald is very happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Aeryckah Seifert! Aeryckah loves decorating her home and playing slingo, and some day hopes to eventually be a model here in SecondLife. Our thanks to Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky for photographing and submitting this Post Six Grrrl.

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Party On! The SLH is Turning Two!

Help celebrate at the second birthday party of that most august newspaper of cyberspace, the Second Life Herald! (And Jeff Brown thought we wouldn’t see our second month, tsk tsk.) Hosted by the illustrious _blacklibrary, located in Second Life‘s Furness sim, the Herald birthday party will commence on Saturday, October 22, at noon game-time (that’s [...]

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The Wages of Play, Part II: Social Devolution

Second Life residents attempt to crash the Off the Wagon sim Well, Pat the Rat’s film finally came back from the lab, and except for a few tequila-stained shots, the Herald is happy to present an even more in-depth look at the weekend’s events. From dance contests to game development, conspiracies to goldfish, a good [...]

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