Archive for March, 2006
Stay Tuned for Philipcast
Torrid Midnight, Lordfly Digeridoo, Maxx Monde, SNOOPYBrown Zamboni, Cristiano Midnight, Johnny Ming and I are, at this very moment, podcasting with the virtual hairlord himself, Philip Linden, for an upcoming SecondCast show. Ooooooh, exciting! The show should be up in a few days. (If you’ve missed any recent episodes, download them here.) I just asked [...]
Full StoryGoing Live With Sherry Turkle and Friends
SL resident Gwyneth Llewelyn sends word of a live radio broadcast from Second Life, to be held this afternoon at 4pm SLT. A forum announcement indicates the Radio Open Source episode will feature an “all-star roster,” including MIT’s Sherry Turkle, one of the most interesting commentators on online communities. And oh yeah, there might be [...]
Full StoryLinux SL Client Gets Its Own Blog
With the release of a Linux client for Second Life, we knew it was only a matter of time before the SL community would take to constructively picking the software apart for bugs, improvements and other cool stuff — as those wacky Linux users always do. To help them along and record their progress, SL [...]
Full StoryThe Haunted House of Sinatra Cartier

A Second Life Diversionby Daftcoho Callisto, Special to the Herald While venturing through the massive land of SL, I encountered an odd, contorted being named Sinatra Cartier, black from head to toe, except for a pair of beady, dark-red eyes. Sinatra owned a few sims of land and, like many residents, sold clever scripted toys [...]
Full StoryHerald Downtime Requirements Exposed!
Not just rock stars and Vice Presidents have special needs when they travel. Perhaps you wondered about the “Downtime Requirements” of the Herald Editorial Board when they stay in their l337 diggs at the Driskill in Austin or the Tribeca Grande in New York. Well, in a spirit of full disclosure, and so that the [...]
Full StorySpreading the Love at Linden Lab: Eeeeewwwww…
Is Second Life a platform, a game, a country, a virtual world, a corporate application, something in between? We were tossing these ideas around last night on SecondCast (new episodes now available, btw), but we never settled on the real truth, as revealed in this blog post from Yahoo! technologist Bradley Horowitz: Second Life is [...]
Full StorySL Herald Get’s Really Really Wired
It’s been a good week for the the Attention Ho’s at the Second Life Herald. Not only did the soiree in the Herald Suite at SXSW blast into the infosphere when Torrone and Fried hacked up their Roomba to play real frogger, but in the April issue of Wired Magazine (just now on the stands), [...]
Full StoryStratics Confirms Mob Management for SL Portal
The Herald’s continuing investigation into the nomination of a renowned mafia boss to manage the Stratics SL portal has revealed that the story is indeed true. Teresk of Stratics has confirmed to the Herald that Marsellus Wallace will be the new manager of the SL Stratics site, as indicated in the Stratics and Stratics News [...]
Full StoryMafia Boss Gains Control of SL Stratics

In an ongoing investigation into the news that a Second Life portal was coming to Stratics, the Herald has learned some alarming news: the avatar chosen to manage the soon-to-be-launched Stratics site covering all things Second Life appears to be none other than renowned mob boss (and occasional Herald contributor) Marsellus Wallace.
Full StoryPost Six Boy Matthias Zander

Due to frequent requests over the past 14 months or so (since the Post Six Grrrls were introduced), we at the Herald are very pleased to introduce the first of the Post Six Boys, Matthias Zander! Matthias is not only the fashion and reviews editor of the Herald, but he also creates jewelry and shoes [...]
Full Story
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