Archive for July, 2006
A Double Dose of SecondCast
It’s a double dose of SecondCast today, as the crew brings you not one shiny new episode but, yes, two. In Episode 27, hear SL resident Oz Spade’s take on the recent Second Life Views event, for which Linden Lab flew eight residents to San Francisco to gather their views on the direction of Second [...]
Full StoryGetting Some Tail at the Furry Rent Party

by Daftcoho Callisto It was an entertaining scene, a couple of Saturdays back, when the massive FurNation sim held its “Tail Sale.” Not unlike “dream date” auction fundraisers, the Tail Sale was an opportunity to buy a Furry for services or company, and all of the proceeds went to keep the FurNation sim alive. All [...]
Full StoryThe Sophisticate: Fashion Designer Grace Winnfield

by Emerie Mauriac Grace Winnfield On a random visit to Grace Winnfield’s shop at Pierce (6, 62, 58) [< -- SL link] I met Grace herself, who at the time was less than 60 days in-world but no less impressive a designer for it. Grace came in with a plan, and with obvious talent. As [...]
Full StoryGriefers Take to the Waves at SLSF Cup

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald sports desk Welcome, Griefer– Philip Linden Sailor Espresso Saarinen (pink hair in the foreground) points out two suspected underwater griefers to event security just before being sent into orbit himself. Photo courtesy of Espresso Saarinen. Herald readers have observed that public events in SL always have a the possibility of a [...]
Full StorySL’s Second-Class Citizens Lead a CaddyShack Second Life

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald sports desk Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a miracle — It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole!–Caddyshack (1980) Philip Linden takes advantage of unverified labor during the Holly Kai Ocean Nine’s opening day In [...]
Full StoryCrime Beat: Murder in Blumfield

by J.L. Prudhomme (Special to the Herald) Residents of the Blumfield sim were awakened early last Tuesday morning (EST), the Fourth of July, to the horrific sight of a bloody corpse lying on a vacant lot in their fair neighborhood. The mangled body of Ms. Ava Arrow was found supine on the Linden-grown grass of [...]
Full StoryWoW SL is the New Golf

Golf has come to Second Life, thanks to the ministrations of talented scripter Kanker Greenacre, and the nice new golf club opened by a pair of residents in the Hollywood sim. Designed and scripted by Kanker, who also built the groundbreaking sailboats raced by the Second Life Sailing Federation, floG!, as the game is known, [...]
Full StorySend Philip Your Pants c/o SecondCast
The SecondCast crew roped in Philip Linden for an interview again last week, and the results are now posted for your listening pleasure. Philip talks about a very cool new golf game in Second Life, LL’s new registration policies, the No Fear policy of Linden Lab as regards lawsuits, and his need for a new [...]
Full StoryPlastic Duck On the Air This Thursday
The Duck is back! Even a letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from Linden Lab PR operative Catherine Linden couldn’t stop him. At long last, the infamous CBC interview with alleged griefer extraordinaire Plastic Duck — who took third place in competition for the Herald’s coveted 2005 Avatar of the Year award — is being [...]
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