Archive for October, 2006
SL SHOCKER! – SLLA Hires Freelance Hit Squads

L$1000 bounty for hits on Electric Sheep, Millions of Us, Rivers Run Red – Aimee Weber hit jobs discounted to L$500 by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk SLLA now paying freelance shooters Addressing the dearth of entry level jobs in SL, the Second Life Liberation Army today placed a bounty on a number of high-profile [...]
Full StoryGhost Hill

Fiend Ludwig reporting live on location in Opelessence mwahahahahahaha!!! From what I can gather from the local riff raff, a kid named Stephen Fonzarelli ventured into the abandoned house at Ghost Hill some years ago. He was never heard from again. Some say he was held captive and left clues hinting at his fate around [...]
Full StoryThe Megabucks of Metaversal Minions

By Prokofy Neva, Desk of Outrageous Excess If you were pinching your pennies and slaving all night over a hot PSP in Second Life trying to generate enough cash to buy an island under the old tier scheme, and your hopes have been sadly dashed by the new prices, maybe you’re in the wrong line [...]
Full StoryReport from Year 2010: “Second Life Has Been Pacified!”

By Future-Embedded Reporter Poindexter Linden In this Screenshot an elegant Scion makes its first forays in the the silly hideous world that was Second Life back in 2006. Lord Philip, following please find my report on the great success of our Second Life Pacification Project, otherwise designated SLPP-108b. I can assure you that apart from [...]
Full StoryGet A Life

Get A Life is the most popular and widely syndicated advice column in Second Life — known for Heartun Breaker’s down to earth common sense and witty reason. by Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist.Heartun Breaker is here to help HEY HEARTUN: I’m new to Second Life but not to Role Playing. I’ve heard about Gor, [...]
Full StorySLBoutique Zeros Commissions
Second Life content creators plan to break out party hats and hooters to celebrate by Pixeleen Mistral, Virtual E-commerce desk Saturday night, SLBoutique notified sellers that the web-based shopping mall is dropping its sales commission to zero – metaverse content creators who sell their virtual wares via the web site will net a few [...]
Full StoryLL Confirms Private Island Price Hikes
By Prokofy Neva In an announcement on the Official Blog this evening at 6:02 PM SLT, Linden Lab confirmed recent rumours reported by the Herald of island price hikes. New islands purchased after November 1 will cost $1675; the tier on them will cost $295. Mainland sims and previously-owned island sims will be grandfathered with [...]
Full StoryFM Radio – Sponsored by Astroid Blue’s Space Station Casino

Hot country fried SL ads and no static at all by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk SL radio honcho Darryl Daniel Rhett Akins is singing “Driving My Life Away” on SLKY – a Second Life-oriented “hot country hits” audio stream that promises the surreal combination of unrequited love songs and ads for SL businesses such [...]
Full StoryUri Does Strumpette; Hates on PR Fucktards

Your humble servant Uri has a guest column in the PR/marketing blog Strumpette, at the invitation of head strumpette Amanda Chapel. In the article, I argue that the new corporate builds in Second Life are standing out mostly for their rust-belt aesthetic and mind numbing lack of creativity, and that the endless false claims of [...]
Full StoryBetrayal!

Will the future of SL favour RacerX Gullwing’s magical snail-race chariot or Nissan Scion? By Prokofy Neva The story of the betrayal by Linden Lab of some of their early adapters and later-wave land barons is now clear to me from a variety of credible sources telling the same story in different ways this weekend. [...]
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