Archive for November, 2006
Big Brother in SL: Rules that Even Orwell Could Not Anticipate
As one might expect, the blog-o-sphere is all a twitter over the upcoming Big Brother in Second Life hyperevent because …well… just because its a hypervent. You’ve seen the reports from our friends Adam Reuters and Mark 3.D Wallace, but now you’ve come to the Herald for the *real* story. You are asking: Uri, what’s [...]
Full StoryGor Is Not a Cult

[editor’s note: Our Gorean-theme week continues with a Gorean slave's rebuttal of Artemis Fate's 'Problem's of Gor' series.] by Tara Reardon Artemis Fate’s statement regarding Gor being a cult is entirely incorrect. Do you have first hand experience in a cult? Do you understand how they work? My guess is that you don’t quite get [...]
Full StoryIBM Finds Application for Second Life Scions

If you were wondering what on earth you were going to do with your Millions of Us crafted Scions, well wonder no more. IBM has made its first contribution to Second Life — figuring out an application for those Scions. Kudo’s to Ian Hughes of IBM’s Hursley Park Lab who posted this idea on their [...]
Full StoryJudge in Sheep/Edelman Biz Plan Contest: SL Probably Not Sustainable

Well this is certainly interesting. Venture Capitalist Susan Wu, who has been tapped to judge the Edelman/Sheep business plan contest has a fresh blog post in which she says that Second Life is an incredible innovator, but probably not sustainable. Ouch. At first I saw irony in the idea of Susan judging business plans for [...]
Full StoryUpdate Wipes Shivar: Concierge Won’t Return Calls

If this is how they Treat Media Moguls Imagine the Service others are Getting Shivar before and after update. Well, I tried to be understanding about this. Called the concierge service three times, left a couple messages, emailed regular support. Fuck it: AT LEAST TELL ME YOU GOT THE MESSAGE. Obviously it won’t come as [...]
Full StoryReminder – Take a Gorean to Lunch – Today!
Second Life’s annual celebration of all things Gor celebrated in many ways A well-loved tradition in Second Life is the annual “Take a Gorean to Lunch” day – where scores of residents break bread with Gorean Masters, slaves, free companions, warriors and physicians. Across the grid, citizens ponder gifts appropriate to the celebration – collars, [...]
Full StoryIt could be worse. We could be in There.
I’ve posted this machinima rock video because (i) it involves griefers and (ii)…well if it involves griefers I don’t need another reason. Still I feel guilty because I’ve been to operas that were shorter, and the There avi’s are freakin’ hidgie, and well the video is… how can I put this…well…is it still wrong to [...]
Full StorySecond Life Creates Strange Bedfellows

Will Linden Lab land shortage place Gorean slaves by the NBC Christmas tree? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In the lead up to a virtual Christmas tree lighting event to be staged for NBC television between 4 and 7 pm PST today, a real surprise was uncovered by Prokofy Neva – at least one [...]
Full StoryPeace, Justice, and the Second Life Way

by Fiend Ludwig [Editor's Note: When my father first set up shop in Second Life, I knew it was only a matter of time before he would find a way to get his peace work going there. Recently, my dad sent me a press release, asking whether the Herald wouldn't be interested in reporting on [...]
Full StoryThe Problems of Gor – Part 2

Beyond Roleplay – A Cult? [editors note: this is the second half of an abridged version of Artemis Fate's notecard on Goreans. Those interrested in more related readings should contact Artemis for a copy of the 'Problems of Gor' notecard.] by Artemis FateIn one form or another, all seven conditioning tactics outlined by Dr. Singer [...]
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