Archive for December, 2006

Home for the Holidays

By Dyerbrook, Dept. of Family Holiday FunYes, home is the place, where…when you have to go there, they have to take you in. Tired of lag, grey squares, missing textures, bots, bits, and bobs? There’s always The Sims Online, home for many of us who write, read, and comment on the Herald. TSO is where [...]

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CampBots Draining Casino Owners

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Rumours, Conjecture, Conspiracy Theories, and Inside Dope for Inside Dopes You’ve seen CopyBots. You’ve seen anti-CopyBot spamming defeaters. You’ve seen anti-anti-CopyBot defeaters. And now…you can see hordes of spam CampBots…like zombies…with Greek names! Surely there’s an ageplay/furry angle in here, too — we’re working on it! Word is starting to [...]

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Christmas Grid Attack

By Prokofy Neva, Grief-Watch Dept. Thousands of red Santa-capped green penises rained down on Second Life in the closing hours of Christmas Day on the grid, sending many residents into a panic to try to return the self-replicating objects before they displaced builds — and crashing SL entirely for others. The grid-wide spam attack was [...]

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Shock! Herald Paparazzi Catch Cardie Mahoney at Crayonista Christmas Party

Black Christmas Special from Pat the Rat. In a truly shocking development that so clearly illustrates the lack of moral compass in the English speaking world it is going to make me vote Republican for the first time ever, a Herald Paparazzo infiltrated the Crayonista “Christmas Party” — and I put this in scare quotes [...]

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You Can’t Make this Shit Up! AvaTards Blame “technical problems” for stolen content!

The content pilfered from Cheri Norton has been removed from AvaStar (Cheri’s screenshot on left, and original version of AvaStar on right). You really can’t make this shit up. AvaStar has removed the stolen content from its site, claiming that it was, and I quote, “caused by technical problem with the server that led to [...]

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Is AvaStar Stealing Content from Other Sites?

Busted!!! Cheri Horton claims that the AvaStar image on the right is ripped and flipped from her screenshot at left. Is the new Axcel Springer-owned Tabloid AvaStar ripping content from other Second Life News Sources? That’s the Charge being made by Cheri Horton of PixelPulse Magazine. And is she ever P.O.ed. We quote: The AvaStar, [...]

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Uri’s Predictions for 2007

Well, you’ve survived the warmup acts. For weeks now you’ve been exercising your fake smile muscles as you read the predictions that tell us about the MSM being duped by the Herald and dead hookers in Philip Linden’s car, but all along you wondered: When will Uri finally give us *his* predictions? And I understand [...]

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Land Rush!

Land frenzy has prompted some hustlers to chop up larger parcels into smaller newbie plots of only 256 m2 or ad sales parcels of 16m2 that can sell at 100 times the cost of a residential parcel. By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Virtual Estate OMGODZORZ1111 land is through the roof! A crappy 512 m2 is [...]

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Fear and Loathing in SL, Part 2: Gideon in Vegas

As you can imagine, being the founder and contributing editor to the Second Life Herald I get a lot of hate mail. But nothing prepared me for the avalanche of hate we received over the first story by Gideon Television several days ago. But why? I have to say, I’ve never seen anyone be sweeter [...]

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AvaTard Launches! Features Hard-Hitting Commentary from Catherine Linden

Readers shocked to learn SL has 2 Million Residents. Newbie places box on head! I have to admit that this reporter was cynical when he first heard of the launch of a new tabloid within Second Life, this one to be called “AvaTard.” But boy was I wrong! If there was any doubt about what [...]

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