Archive for March, 2007
PR Stunts Japanese Style

Netage Purchases 150 Million Linden Dollars by Onder Skall Netage Capital Partners has joined forces with Meltingdots to create a bridge between Japanese business and the virtual world. Most companies just build an island. These guys, though… they don’t mess around. Promised services to the Japanese business community include an OEM registration page and a [...]
Full StorySpring Fabulous Fashion Forecast

by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista I was reading a RL magazine the other day (that shall remain nameless!)… (shocker, right? I was reading a RL magazine? gah!) … and anyway, it contained an article covering the new trends this coming spring/summer. Their picks? Polka dots!Metallics!Whites!Blacks!Blacks AND whites!Stripes! In other words? “We don’t know what the [...]
Full StoryVirtual Worlds 2007, Report #5: Venture Capital and The New School of Athens

by Urizenus Sklar As I reported Wednesday, much of the Virtual Worlds 2007 conference reeked of the anxiety of marketing guys and gals trying to catch up with the next wave. The fear was palpable. Why else would those people be sitting in that auditorium taking notes like they were Gorean slaves pressed into service [...]
Full StoryDo Something Good for Once!
OK all you SL script kiddies, hackers, builders, goons, and event managers, now is your chance to do something good with your skillz. Jennifer Schlegel with passed along this announcement to us — a call for projects on using tech for social good. There are already a few SL projects in the mix. Note [...]
Full StoryTavasha Martynov – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Tavasha Martynov is our newest Post 6 Grrrl - and the winner of the Post 6 Grrrl pageant. I’m going to have to get over to the Elbow Room more often now - the bartenders have certainly improved - and with fast learners like Tavasha joining SL, the metaverse is more lovely than [...]
Full StoryHerald Writers Pwn Nerd of the Week

The long awaited episode #2 of Nerd of the Week is out (or has been for weeks, does it matter?), and Herald staffers figure heavily in the cutting edge of nerddom. In particular, we get more than enough words or wisdom from Editorial Director Walker Spaight (aka Mark Wallace) and Prokofy Neva. And did Prok [...]
Full StoryVirtual Worlds 2007, Report No. 4: $5 Million Worth of Worlds
Prokofy Neva, Corporate Watch So they had this big conference with 600 of the most influential people in the world, in terms of middle management or even CEO level, from major broadcast media, online games, social media, advertising, development companies, educators and government. It was kind of scary, in fact, thinking of what a terrorist [...]
Full StorySecond Life Back Stories: The City of Lost Angels

[All the fanfare about Second Life and virtual worlds more generally has to do with the builds and the things you can capture with Fraps and screenshots. But in my view that isn't where the action is. The builds and textures and skins and clothes are just eye candy designed to facilitate the creation of [...]
Full StoryVirtual Worlds, Report No. 3: Half Time Score: There, 10; SL 3
Well, alright, maybe it’s 6-4, as one MTV guy conceded. The ad people in the room, the suits, respond to control. And Viacom/MTV/There offer them control. There won’t be any “flying objects,” as Colin Parris, the IBM VP, delicately called the Anshe Chung flying penises problem. He’s staying with SL because it’s on balance a [...]
Full StoryVirtual Worlds 2007, Report #2: How the Hair Holds Up

Prokofy Neva, Kremlindenologist So I walk into the 55th floor of the Millenium Hotel and I see it…The Hair. Our Hero’s Hair is Holding Up. Relieved, I shake Philip Rosedale’s hand and ask him how he’s holding up, but the message has already been telegraphed to me: gelled, sturdy, stellar, architectural — thank you very [...]
Full Story
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