Mario Gerosa: “Stop the Criminalization of Second Life!”

by Alphaville Herald on 07/06/07 at 5:29 pm


It seems like every day there is more bad press about the moral and legal problems with Second Life. Ageplay, for example, has caught the attention of courts and media outlets ranging from the US, to the Netherlands, to Germany, to France to Italy. Mario Gerosa has said “enough is enough” and is fighting back.

Readers will recall Mr. Gerosa as the real life editor of Architectural Digest Italia and author of Mondi Virtuali. He has also made headlines here and elsewhere with his projects that include a virtual tourism agency and and a convention for the preservation of virtual architecture. What will the protest amount too? At this point it appears largely symbolic — fellow travellers are encouraged to have virtual mug shots taken. Will this protest have traction in the metaverse? Time will tell.


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