Second Life Is Indefensible
by Alphaville Herald on 11/09/07 at 10:29 pm
“banning griefers is a worthless excercise” – ACS Dreamland
PN rumored to be preparing megaprim-based weapons
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Dreamland construction forgot to auto-return the particle spam emitter
The landlord’s role in the Second Life virtual land business may be getting a bit more challenging. Consider the group notices from Anshe Chung’s Dreamland over the last week. ACS Dreamland is the largest land rental/resale operation in the metaverse and are presumably expert at virtual land management. Despite their expertise, a certain note of desperation is evident in the messages sent to Dreamland residents.
September 6th, Dreamland honcho Master Quatro observed that “banning griefers is a worthless exercise” because “we have almost 600 sims and are only allowed 300 estate bans”. This raises the possibility of reverse economies of scale – all estates in SL have the same size ban list, but super-sized land barons have more targets for griefing.
After a weekend of amusing or exasperating pranks – depending on your perspective – Mr. Quatro sent a message yesterday suggesting, “it’s time for another public letter to the Lindens about preventing this abuse but at least taking care of it when it happens”. I’m a fan of Master Quatro – but if the last open letter to the Lindens was a dog, the furries I know would say that dog don’t hunt. What is going to make the game gods pay attention this time? Residents holding their breath until they turn blue?
shortly before Tanadar Mighty was disappeared by Linden spooks – along with all his prims
Master Quatro’s call for more letters to the Lab appeared on my iMojo wire while I was in-world so I teleported to Dreamland hoping for some pictures, and found that Mr. Quatro was right when he said the Lindens “have done nothing in an hour since it was reported”. I had a great time flying though particle spam originating from Dreamland construction-owned sims – perhaps the construction workers didn’t get the memo about turning on auto-return? Paying residents of Dreamland were sent a message September 4th, begging them to set autoreturn on their land so that griefer’s objects would not persists in the upscale community. Good help is hard to find.
rumors of the “tree”
After flying though blizzards of particle picture spam got boring, I contacted an unverified resident who claims ties to the Patriotic Nigras griefing group – but prefers to remain unnamed. My source said that the particle spam I was seeing outside Dreamland’s central sim was nothing special – instead I should be concerned about a much more serious weapon currently under development by the PN – the “tree”.
According to my source, the “tree” uses self replicating megaprims to quickly cover entire sims. It is unclear if this is possible, or if my source was simply role-playing, but self-replicating megaprims might well be able to span no-build plots, and cover large areas with a small number of prims – the sort of approach that could sidestep the Linden’s grey goo fence.
Does this mean we are facing the imminent destruction of the metaverse? This seems unlikely. The more successful a self-replicating prim attack is, the faster the culprit can be identified, assuming the ownership of the automatically reproducing prims is not faked. Once you cover the world in your prims the evidence is everywhere. Of course, this presumes that the Lindens are actually responding to abuse reports — based on Master Quatro’s comments there is some question about Linden responsiveness.
Predictably, the next act in this theatrical production will be calls for mass bans of any groups that might perhaps possibly be associated with the troublemakers. That will buy all of ten minutes peace while the contestants in the stupendous ironic badass race create new alt accounts. Why was it the Lindens decided they don’t need billing information on file for new players again?
8:37 am September 11:
Group Notice From: Dreamland ACS
We have returned the replicating objects that griefers left all over Dreamland yesterday. Please IM Master Quatro if you have any remaining objects still flying around your property. I will remove them promptly.
This attack was not limited to Dreamland. Many sims were affected grid-wide.
Thank you for your patience.
6:07 pm september 10:
Group notice: Grid Wide Griefer Attack
Group Notice From: Master Quatro
The present griefing attack is happening on hundreds of sims all over the SL grid. It is not limited to your sim nor to Dreamland. It’s all over the grid. I think it’s time for another public letter to the Lindens about preventing this abuse but at least taking care of it when it happens. They have done nothing in an hour since it was reported.
5:22 pm september 10:
Group notice: Griefers Self Replicating Prims
Group Notice From: Master Quatro
Please right click on one of these objects if you see it, then click “more” “more” “Report Abuse” .. Maybe if enough of us complain they will do something about this.
september 6:
Group notice: Estate Banning of Griefers
Group Notice From: Dreamland ACS
We have almost 600 sims and are only allowed 300 estate bans. Banning griefers is a worthless excercise since they have hundreds of alts and switch from one to another quickly thus rendering our bans useless. The best protection you have is to use autoreturn and/or land tools options to prevent their objects and replicating scripts from landing on your land. Please use them or ask an angel for help on how to set them.
september 4:
Group Notice From: Master Quatro
We have asked you to set autoreturn or use options to prevent griefers from dropping objects all over your land. If you are unwilling to do that then we can’t help you when griefers attack your land and leave all this garbage. Access restrictions and security orbs don’t help you. SET AUTORETURN or use LAND OPTIONS to prevent a mess on your land. Call an angel if you need help with this.
Doubledown Tandino
Sep 12th, 2007
Does the reason Anshe is being attacked have anything to do with her $10linden sales tactics? She’s gone and pissed off a lot of people. She doesn’t have much sympathy coming to her. If Anshe is going to make decisions that greatly impact the SL community negatively, then she’s going to get griefed… and that means that her renters are going to receive the grief as well. I think the best defense from griefers is to stop pissing off so many people.
Prokofy Neva
Sep 12th, 2007
Yes, ban the groups and condemn their anti-Semitic and racist behaviour, Pixeleen — you didn’t see fit to mention that piece of it — it’s not about Dreamland. It’s not about annoyances. It’s about a global system wide attack that singles out Jews and blacks for harassment and also destroys Second Life for all of us. That’s wrong. The Herald needs to condemn that, as do the Lindens.
And yes, shut down the groups by all means. Absolutely. That buys you a year of peace, as experience showed us with W-hat after the mass-ban of October 2005, not ten minutes. Hell, yeah. Go for the groups. Alone, it is not a solution; in conjunction with a robust menu of technical, social and political methods, it will work.
When the Herald is ready to stop aiding and abetting these griefers by giving their their own airtime and space to author articles in the Herald and harass reporters in the comments, that will help, too.
It’s not about guilt by association; the guilty are associated already in groups with obvious names from obvious destructive Internet-wide griefing movements like b/tards. Once a group shows a critical mass of day-olds caught griefing; of main accounts caught harassing, hey, time to shut down their tribal recruitment station and mafia discipline machine called “the group”.
Groups matter. If they didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be the liberals at the Herald and the licentious at libsecondlife screaming, oh, you can’t shut down groups. If groups weren’t anything special, could be made again, or a griefer didn’t even need to join a group — then hey, what’s your beef? You pretend that you have the uber-sophisticated approach by dismissing the notion of closing groups. You don’t. You have the lizard-brain, collectivist tribal consciousness in not wanting your homies, the people that make you news copy, that people that come to the Herald parties, to be removed or frozen because they’re in a group. But hey, our lives in Second Life are more important than your newspaper.
You know that it is about the tribal mind and the law of the jungle versus civilization, and the place you must hack at to get at the roots is the groups.
Shut down the groups. Concentrates the mind wonderfully. Some good candidates to start:
1) Woodbury University
2) b/tards
3) Prokofy Neva Fan Club
Sep 12th, 2007
I heard on burning life group chat that they got hit by a megaprim problem yesterday, maybe thats that new mega prim weapon you mentioned.
Also in dreamland yesterday there was another Grief attack on selfgiving, self replicating party hats, much worst that the ninja turtles.
Bobby Troughton
Sep 12th, 2007
Probably they’ve been targetting Anshe’s sims because her latest actions on SLExchange. Check the forums there.
Azzu Manga
Sep 12th, 2007
Ann Otoole
Sep 12th, 2007
Public protest, including “Open Letters”, appears to be a useless and futile waste of time.
So what do you do? make Identity Verification mandatory in SL?
That should do the trick. One sort of trick. Probably not the desired trick.
What fascinates me is that these griefer organizations issue public statements in the various blogs about what they are planning. Then when it happens we see what appears to be a lack of interest from Linden Research. One might think if Linden Research were serious about Secondlife they would have at least one person tasked to monitor the free press related to Secondlife and report such “intel” to the Linden Research Security Team.
Obviously they don’t really care that much. About this or other threats to the longevity of Secondlife.
I frequently wonder if Secondlife is just some weird doctoral thesis experiment or a stranger rich people’s wager of some type.
That being said I am no longer in the “SL is a platform” camp.
In fact I have pretty much given up on trying anymore.
I just don’t see it as remaining viable without suffocating governmental control.
And I don’t think anyone really wants that.
Jenny Raymaker
Sep 12th, 2007
Well it’s not often I’ll stick up for the Linden boys and girls at the moment but credit where it’s due.
We had these turtle things swarming round my local info hub the other day, probably from nearby land from what I could tell (I’ve deliberately witheld the place names to avoid needless repercussions). I’ve never ever seen a Linden in all my time to date in sl but two of them turned up shortly afterwards. The griefing had stopped by then and I never got a chance to ask them if that’s why they were around. It would be a strange coincidence though. Call me a hopeless optimist but maybe, just maybe, the Lindens actually are looking into ways to prevent or at least limit griefing?
*climbs back into box*
Sep 12th, 2007
Greetings, this is ban of the PN speaking.
1) Stop acting like we would target sims based on some e-politics. We are interested only the the lulz, as should be well known by now.
2) We had no such “tree” project under development. BUT NOW WE DO, ENJOY
janeforyou Barbara
Sep 12th, 2007
I herd the giefers went to Dreamland to give Ms.Chung a message to forget her 10L items plans.
Well thay dont need to do any, it will just die by it self. SLX will go,Dreamland will go.
Why? Just think RL for a moment, you own a shoppingsenter, you rent out space to shops based on % of the sales in the shops ( like slx do) Then some big company comes in opend a giant marked with prices 10-15L on 50 diff producktlines. Then my sales in my shops drops to 0… why will i bother to work on marketing, crate and update my items wen i dont sell any? No, i move to a other marked,,, besides i also think that a lot of shops will move off slx just in protest! Ok so now Ms.Chung may get 80% of the sales on slx, not a lot more number of items then the sales are today,, you buye a item you got a item so there be no more numbers,, BUT the L$ will drop a lot…and as slx now take 5% then a 100L item gives slx 5L it will only give 0.5 L 10 times less and that will kill slx.If Ms.Chung goes on with her plans and my sales drop you can be shure i will get off slx!
Ms.Chung and Dreamland are in trubble, i took a trip and fly over 40 SIMs there 80% was villages with malls and shops that was totaly empty. She clams to hire up to 100 items creators from China, wel thay get like 1 USD a hours?=100 USD a hours,, then she may need to hire them 200 hurs to create? =20.000 USD = bout 6 mill L… = 10L items =
600.000 Items,, then shes on cost cover,, maybe. A user may buye 10 diff items from her = she need 60.000 costumers and that are a wery large number. Why she do it? Wel it puzzles me! Its not good for SL economy, its not good for slx, and she wont make a proffit.
You can like or dislike Dreamland, but there land polecy and there costumerservice sucks
You ” buye” a island, but you dont get estaterights,If you need to get ridd of it you will get big problems selling it and thay take 400 USD to take it in return ( i got samples of this ) I been asked many times by ppl how to bye land, i allways tells them to stay away from Dreamland or any other “land barons”,, Bye from Linden Lab.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Sep 12th, 2007
“Shut down the groups. Concentrates the mind wonderfully. Some good candidates to start:
1) Woodbury University
2) b/tards
3) Prokofy Neva Fan Club”
What on earth do you think that would achieve, exactly?
Maximilian Goldflake
Sep 12th, 2007
ACS is hardly expert when it comes to griefer prevention. I’ve noticed that all their mainland plots for sale never have “no build” or autoreturn on. Two basic first steps in preventing any griefing. I’ve always argued that autoreturn should be the default setting on all land.
FlipperPA Peregrine
Sep 12th, 2007
We never seem to have much of these problems up in my regions, and we’re on the mainland, which has *less* tools to deal with this kind of nonsense.
It is amazing what using auto-return on *all* parcels can do for ya. It limits the time people can get their jollies being jackasses. BanLink helps quite a bit too, especially if you have a lot of parcels in many different sims. Having to update each plot manually is just the pits; being able to share a list of your own making across multiple sims is fantastic, not to mentioning opting in to lists created by friends.
Sep 12th, 2007
lulz, that was me guise. I’m glad somebody told me about this tree project, idk what they think they’re doing not involving me in a weapons project. Time to get to work;)
Prokofy Neva
Sep 12th, 2007
Doubledown, your concept is absolutely reprehensible, poorly conceived, and just typical of this sort of mediocre mass maliciousness that always prevails as the lowest common denominator in Second Life. Knock it off. You are saying, like Aimee Weber and Cristiano Midnight said about Plastic Duck harassing me even by calling me at home, that if I’m disliked by them, it’s ok to have griefers harass me. That it’s fine to harass me and my child in real life just because they didn’t like what I wrote on the forums. Huh?
So…you don’t like a cheap price that undermine’s your pals’ furniture prices, and so it’s ok to subject thousands of people unrelated to this dispute to huge, giant, gaping asshole pictures of the goatse man? Huh? What the fuck is up with THAT?
You’re saying it’s ok for terrorists to harass people you don’t like, even though you wouldn’t use those methods on them. That’s despicable. The essence of terrorism is that it attacks innocent people, unrelated to a political dispute, to try to place social pressure on the real targets of the dispute — or merely just out of malice and hate, to disrupt as much as possible.
If Anshe has a policy you don’t like, you can demonstrate, blog, write letters, ask her to hold public meetings — but celebrating the terrorism against her is just appalling, and suggesting that she “deserves what she gets” when NO ONE should get shit like this is an attitude you should reject, lest it come to bite YOU on the ass some day.
Ansheland was attacked long before she had $10L sales. And those $10L sales are *just fine*. The hatred of them and the desire to close the economy is what’s *not* fine.
It isn’t only Ansheland or specifically high-profile venues, like rentals or clubs being attacked. That’s my point. It’s the entire grid.
I’m amazed that people can keep writing this unadulterated CRAP that Anshe is attacked because of her $10 items? Huh? What the FUCK is up with that? First of all, there’s nothing in HELL wrong with $10 sales. And if you’re going to bash $10 sales, hey, go bash them equally on Brazilian, Belgian, Japanese and other sims, eh? Let’s see you do that. I dare you. Because the real issue here is globalization, and protectionism. Sometimes there are things worth protecting. Is somebody’s $100 pair of shoes that thing? Perhaps not, if it is a rapacious and inflated price. Time and the market will tell. The market may well be distorted in SL, but the answer is not to control and implant protectionist strategies.
Anshe is not attacked because of this policy or any policy; she’s attacked because she’s a visible person about whom the media will write.
She was attacked because it was 9/11, as we all were. I’ve been getting attacked all week. So it’s ok to attack me because my blog is hated by some? So…that’s the norm we have now for our um *cough* civilization that terrorists can be the bagmen for this or that little thin-skinned click that can’t bear being criticized?
If these people attack me because of my blog, let’s say, or they attack Anshe because of her $10 L sales, then…why do they attack the rentals 2 sims away from me? Why the Shelter, which can certainly do no wrong in most people’s eyes? Why this random sim just sitting there? Why islands of people on the concierge list? Explain that away, eh?
Jenny, being coy and not telling us where your sims are is just silly. Can you grasp that THOUSANDS OF SIMS ARE ALL UNDER ATTACK, SPECIFICALLY AND RANDOMLY?
And Lindens do in fact respond very fast now, within 30 minutes of an abuse report. But some abuse reports still languish for hours and even days. The chat spamming for example isn’t addressed, though the giant cubes have been removed by this morning.
Ann, I would like to think Lindens do keep up that kind of intel, but they are always poker-faced when you try to give them that intel. Perhaps they don’t want to reveal their hand.
Ann, verification does no good on an attack like this. The mains of these people are all verified, or have info on file, by the way, as we all know perfectly well. Woodbury University bought and managed an island and its officers had payment info on file. But their alts and little griefer buddies perpetrated — and continue to perpetrate — vicious attacks around the grid. So verification is only a mild deterrent.
They all use anonymizers to log on to SL, and that means other means have to be used — closing the groups is a good start.
lolwut is exactly what we’d expect from Azzu Manga, owner of the Woodbury group, because his alts are doing this.
Sep 12th, 2007
shockwave yareach
Sep 12th, 2007
As I have said before in the Jira, a couple of new controls are critical if the Lindens want to turn over all their police powers to sim owners. Land owners must have several layers of control: Owner only, group only, verifieds and group, anybody. These varying level of permission should be for the following aspects of the game: creating particles, creating sounds, rezzing prims, offering TPs into the area, and running scripts.
We must accept the fact that the Lindens are never going to take care of their toy and that banning troublemakers is a pointless exercise. So tools must be created that take all the griefer’s powers away if we are to continue having our own lols instead of surrendering them to a small cadre of arrogant assholes.
Take the tools they use for troublemaking away from them. You could then have a danceclub where the verified accounts can rez stuff and run their bling while the unverifieds (griefer throwaway accounts) may not. (Verified means age or finance here.) And no, unverifieds aren’t relagated to lower class citizen – if they join the group there then they can do everything again. But they can’t just walk in off the virtual street and spam a Zen Garden with penises like they do now.
CJ Abernathy
Sep 12th, 2007
Dreamland should also protect any of their mainland that is forsale. I am on a sim where they have 3 parcels forsale and they have all land options enabled. I have repeatedly asked them to set their land to NO ENTRY on objects and they should set autoreturn. I actually had an ACS help person there and they did not have permissions to make the change. they should make it standard practice on any land they have forsale.
Sep 12th, 2007
“banning griefers is a worthless excercise” – ACS Dreamland
Because they don’t know much about using (parcel) ban list. I already have a system that can keep people banned over 300. (unlike retarded banlink) Supporting up to 9,000 users. Not only that, keep the list in order type of ban, some are banned for life, some are banned for a week, etc. etc.
….easier to say ACS is clueless fucktards.
And I’m sure people have guts hatred about Anshe after what she had done with SLX martket ground and Estate market. Disrespecting people for money.
(Greedy whore.)
Prokofy Neva
Sep 12th, 2007
>We never seem to have much of these problems up in my regions, and we’re on the mainland, which has *less* tools to deal with this kind of nonsense.
>It is amazing what using auto-return on *all* parcels can do for ya. It limits the time people can get their jollies being jackasses. BanLink helps quite a bit too, especially if you have a lot of parcels in many different sims. Having to update each plot manually is just the pits; being able to share a list of your own making across multiple sims is fantastic, not to mentioning opting in to lists created by friends
Perhaps FlipperPAY’s lack of knowledge of the current forms of griefing are causing this attack of knowitallitis.
But, the reality is that FlipperPAY is a total fucking *asshole*. A smug little prima donna fucking retard. If a feted inner core sim is missed by these huge cubes all over the grid, then would it be so hard at least to commiserate with one’s fellow human beings?
On Ravenglass, where FlipperPAY has a store due to the traffic potential *cough* he should worry about his business given that the sim has been repeatedly attacked for a week. Others have moved out over this. It seems to have receded now but one never knows.
Autoreturn is set at 1 on every single Ravenglass plot and always has been. Names of griefers are instantly put on the ban list on the land menu. If autoreturn isn’t on 1, it’s because a tenant has moved it to 10 for store purchase rezzing reasons, or if it is at 0, it’s due to a strange bug I’ve seen where new patches blank out settings. But…Autoreturn does absolutely no fucking good if your neighbours, like fellow griefers in Ravenglass, do NOT put on autoreturn; the stuff piles up there, and the textures then drift on to your land. Sure, you can turn them off, but as I keep on explaining, physics-enabled cubes roll up to your land.
Seriously, FlipperPAY should be slapped for suggesting that banning, and Ban-Link, which he has used to great evil and malice — can do a goddamn thing for this particular form of griefing. It can’t. A person can be banned, banlinked, and autoreturned, but their ugly cube STILL comes rolling over, even for at least that minute, and often wedges on a no-show neighbour’s land, spewing and self-replicating and helping to crash the sim all the while.
Smug assholery of this type deserves the harshest possible smackdown. The answer to Second Life isn’t to say, “Oh, I’m cool, I know the land tools, I live in the feted core sims, you are a retard, I have the settings on right, you are fucking stupid.” No, that is never the answer in a world where a) many people are new and can’t learn so quickly about these pesky tools; b) even vaunted and feted oldbie Flipper is so ignorant he’s not grasping that banning these griefers does no good when their physics-enabled objects roll on to your property anyway (yes, I have proof and screenshots of this) and c) people can’t control their property if they rent.
So the answer is to take all the steps I and others have outlined to globally solve the problem, technically and socially, not sit there like a smug fucking bastard and tell everybody, “I’m safe and cool on my feted core sim with my tools, and you are all fucked.”
Blinders Off
Sep 12th, 2007
Linden Lab lack of security and lack of caring about security is well known. When they opened up the system to non-verified accounts, it was obvious they were putting marketing PR and “resident figures” propaganda ahead of customer interest. Reporting abuse to LL is about as effective as peeing on a forrest fire when it comes to griefers. The ban-at-computer-ID card is a long, drawn-out, ineffective red-tape process that is played far too seldom.
The mainland grid is a mass of bump-into-worthless-security-wall ventures, to the point that I don’t even visit the main continents any more. (Every time I’ve hit one of those walls I’ve been tempted to grief the brainless land owner myself). Linden Lab is so busy courting the corporate and educational megabuck-entities that it is pretty obvious they no longer care about individual island owners.
In short, the concept of “security” on Second Life is an illusion. There is none. Users are anonymous and the next grifer attack is only as far away as it takes to make yet another alt.
The Todd
Sep 12th, 2007
Um, the attacks weren’t just on Dreamland.. I saw them all over the mainland as well. I saw them appear first over mainland sims in the latest event.
Sep 12th, 2007
I heard on the Cat Lady internet that only sims owned by black people got crashed this week.
Sorry, that was just too funny to pass up. Prok has the best material!
But seriously, Project Open Letter was a failure because you consumers have short attention spans.
The only protest LL is going to notice is if people were to cancel their accounts and NOT LOG IN for like 6 months or something. If Project Open Letter had that as a consequence of the points brought up not being addressed and people actually followed through with it then we’d probably be talking about bukakke instead of this right now.
I also agree that the layers of control mentioned above would definitely help since LL won’t and/or can’t take action themselves.
But what can ya do…
SqueezeOne Pow
Sep 12th, 2007
“…he’s not grasping that banning these griefers does no good when their physics-enabled objects roll on to your property anyway…”
There’s the “allows objects to enter parcel” setting you can turn on or off. That’s been a valuable one for me!
“In short, the concept of “security” on Second Life is an illusion. There is none. Users are anonymous and the next grifer attack is only as far away as it takes to make yet another alt.”
And yet people are against ID verification which would easily get rid of this aspect of things. Sure it wouldn’t solve it but it sure would slow it down some!
You guys just don’t get it. You can either have freedom OR security. Not both!
Artemis Fate
Sep 12th, 2007
“And yes, shut down the groups by all means. Absolutely. That buys you a year of peace, as experience showed us with W-hat after the mass-ban of October 2005, not ten minutes.”
Assuming you’re not being sarcastic, and it’s really hard to tell sometimes, since often sarcasm hinges on saying something ridiculous like it’s true, but you say ridiculous things and think they’re true all the time, this would be a bad idea, I don’t know if you remember, but the mass banning of W-hat turned SL’s griefing from little events for the Lulz that sometimes involved crashing sims but mostly were about running around and making fun of people, to full blown grid crashes practically every day for weeks, and then from there on out, mostly just sim crashing and grid crashing.
Oh and once more You go from this:
“I really don’t like the nastiness in the comments and the failure of anybody to stand up to them.” -Prokofy Neva,
in another article advocating that anyone who insults you while disagreeing has to have their posts deleted here and that if they don’t it’s some large conspiracy against you, while at the same time spewing out insults whenever you feel like it like this,
“But, the reality is that FlipperPAY is a total fucking *asshole*. A smug little prima donna fucking retard.” -Prokofy Neva
Perhaps you expected your own bitching of “voice of pixeleen!” and “why don’t they delete all that ‘nastiness in comments’” not to apply to you as well? As I said, maybe you feel that you’re “more equal” than others, or that your inequalities are justified. Welcome to Stalingrad, Comrade.
“Probably they’ve been targetting Anshe’s sims because her latest actions on SLExchange.”
They haven’t been targeting Anshe specifically, we were hit in Nexus Prime too, and so were all the sims around us.
“We never seem to have much of these problems up in my regions, and we’re on the mainland, which has *less* tools to deal with this kind of nonsense.”
I agree. As I said above, we got attacked in Nexus Prime, and the attack was pretty much cleared up within 10 minutes. We just hit “return all objects not owned by group”, turned off build, then turned off particles (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+=), and it was like nothing had happened at all. Didn’t even bother to ban the people behind it after that, because the Lindens were permabanning them fast enough.
@Ann Otoole
“Then when it happens we see what appears to be a lack of interest from Linden Research.”
To be fair to LL, they seemed to have pretty quick response time on this one, by the time I could grab a prim of the griefers, find a name, and see if I could add them to the ban lists, the name had already been permabanned, and about 5 minutes later a brand new account came online and new prims came. This happened probably 3 times.
Course, this wouldn’t be a problem if they hadn’t made unverified free accounts.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Sep 12th, 2007
Wow Prok, when will you ever understand? PN don’t use groups! They have no need to join groups! None whatsoever!
Cocoanut Koala
Sep 12th, 2007
“You guys just don’t get it. You can either have freedom OR security. Not both!”
SqueezeOne, the world is not a 0-1 proposition.
Sep 12th, 2007
“And yet people are against ID verification which would easily get rid of this aspect of things. Sure it wouldn’t solve it but it sure would slow it down some”
More wishful thinking. I have already developed a system for circumventing age verification which I have shared somewhat with the most trusted members. The age verification won’t slow us down and it will just tank the SL economy even more so we win either way. Why do you think Chung and even IntLibber (BnT HOLDINGS) are going down the tubes? Because the SL economy is fucked. If by some act of god LL was able to fix loopholes in their system, soon thereafter you would be left with nothing anyway so you are in effect cheering for your own demise. Nobody can ever stop us.
Prokofy Neva
Sep 12th, 2007
ID and verification are all beside the point. Plastic Duck, Tizzers Foxchase, Azza Mangu, Alyx Stoklitsky — these are all verified accounts with payment on file. It’s their alts that aren’t verified simply because they don’t wish to be.
SqueezeOne Pow
Sep 12th, 2007
@ d3adlyc0d3c: There are plenty of us (including you guys
) that still look at SL as a game in which case we’ll play as long as we have the resources we have now…scripting and building. Part of me hopes the economy gets ruined so the people left will be playing for fun and not for financial gain in leu of having a real job.
I know there is nothing invincible on the internet and I kinda like it that way!
@ Coco: Disagree without presenting anything to back you up all you want but history has proven my assertion right. You exchange freedom for safety everytime a law is passed barring something to protect someone…barring guns to protect whoever, barring or limiting free speech to protect the weak-minded and squeamish from what they don’t agree with (including the government).
Nazi Germany was a relatively safe place (for non-Jewish Germans) before WWII as long as they obeyed the law. In the 1800′s American West you could pretty much do what you wanted but could get shot for any reason or no reason at all at any time.
Azzu Manga
Sep 12th, 2007
HAY Profoky! How do you expect people to take you seriously if you can’t even spell names correctly?
Fucking Idiots
Sep 12th, 2007
Sad that the richest country in the world breeds the most bored youth. Can’t they do something non-destructive like take drugs and get STDs, like they did in the 70s?
Sep 12th, 2007
@SqueezeOne Pow
nazi germany was completely different, it didnt have furfags
also lol Godwin’s law
Sep 12th, 2007
Tonight we just launched a test run of our megaprim based weapons as you may have noticed. They are 5x bigger than the max allowed size. Also here are some chatlogs and some clueless f.ags you can ask all about it.
[18:29] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: wtf u have nothing better to do
[18:29] Jiminey Fizzle: yes
[18:30] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: why u place that on my club
[18:30] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: what i do u
[18:30] Jiminey Fizzle: bad english for starters
[18:31] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: lol o and how u figure that ?
[18:31] Jiminey Fizzle: well anyway take it up with cinda valentino she hired me
[18:31] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: who is she ?
[18:31] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: is it a target on me only
[18:32] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: or others ?
[18:32] Jiminey Fizzle: boss of the valentinoa family
[18:32] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: so u do this to all clubs are is it a target on me
[18:32] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: ?
[18:33] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: u dont have to worry i wont say anything
[18:33] Jiminey Fizzle: all of the ones that arent paying protection yet
[18:34] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: all the clubs
[18:34] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: ?
[18:35] Jiminey Fizzle: the ones that arent paying protection
[18:36] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: so how longs this last and can u remove it for me
[18:37] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: or u gonna be iggnorant to someone who has not done anything to u
[18:37] Jiminey Fizzle: look lady pay me 4k for my boss and ill remove em
[18:37] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: no i wont pay
[18:37] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: thats not how things work
[18:38] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: i do know bigger gangs and griffers so i need not have protection
[18:38] Jiminey Fizzle: oh ok well have them clean it up then
[18:38] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: they did
[18:39] Jiminey Fizzle: then wtf ae ya talking to me fore nigge.r?
[18:39] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: im not blk im sry.
[18:39] Jiminey Fizzle: I HAS JEWISH MAGIC
[18:39] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: how u know im not a Jew
[18:40] Jiminey Fizzle: would you like a bagle?
[18:40] Jiminey Fizzle: and yes we did WTC
[18:41] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: Yeah well one day things will come back to haunt u ever heard of carma
[18:41] Jiminey Fizzle: no wtf is carma
[18:41] Jiminey Fizzle: Oh you mean caramel?
[18:41] Jiminey Fizzle: I love caramel
[18:41] Jiminey Fizzle: and chocalate
[18:41] Jiminey Fizzle: mmmmm
[18:41] Jiminey Fizzle: hey
[18:42] Jiminey Fizzle: LOOK BEHIND YOU
[18:42] Jiminey Fizzle: QUICK
[18:42] Jiminey Fizzle: loldongs
[18:43] DominatrixAnormal Rodenberger: im done have a good life
[18:45] Jiminey Fizzle: I will thank you
[18:50] Sakura Hullabaloo: You’re gonna die you bastard
[18:50] Jiminey Fizzle: oh noes
[18:50] Jiminey Fizzle: she gave me roots
[18:51] Sakura Hullabaloo: ever sucked your momma’s twat…?
[18:52] Sakura Hullabaloo: or daddies little dick…?
[18:52] Sakura Hullabaloo: i bet you got a tiny dick too, just like your daddy
[18:52] Jiminey Fizzle: yes sir
[18:52] Jiminey Fizzle: you are correct
[18:52] Sakura Hullabaloo: i know, i always am
[18:52] Jiminey Fizzle: i dont have a prize for you though
[18:53] Jiminey Fizzle: so plz accept those giant megaprim cubes
[18:53] Jiminey Fizzle: and goto and read moar
[18:53] Sakura Hullabaloo: that’s ok, i’ll take your head on a plate
Mercia McMahon
Sep 12th, 2007
I cna confirm that a Mainland sim of mine, Serpentata, is “under attack”. That is in inverted commas, because auto-return is on and object entry is off, and according to the yaabooers on this forum that means the attack cannot do anything. Well you are wrong the attack is coming from sims to the East. Saturnia is already down and Dimidata is probably next to go.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Sep 13th, 2007
“ID and verification are all beside the point. Plastic Duck, Tizzers Foxchase, Azza Mangu, Alyx Stoklitsky — these are all verified accounts with payment on file. It’s their alts that aren’t verified simply because they don’t wish to be.”
A truly hilarious statement.
My alt doesn’t have payment info on file purely because I can’t be fucking bothered.
Sep 13th, 2007
Yes, ban the groups and condemn their anti-Semitic and racist behaviour, Pixeleen — you didn’t see fit to mention that piece of it — it’s not about Dreamland. It’s not about annoyances. It’s about a global system wide attack that singles out Jews and blacks for harassment
Sep 13th, 2007
More inside infos on the latest events:
Sep 13th, 2007
You’re so cool Flipper.
The pied piper for flabby goth wannabe women everywhere, poopooing people’s problems because his problems aren’t as severe.
Selfish little twat.
I guess one wouldn’t notice the problems so much when they have The Red Phone. I’m sure shopping for leather pants and hats takes up a lot of time too. Don’t forget guzzling gallons of Linden sperma.
Let’s have a poll on who dresses more like a fucking retard. Lordfly or Flipper? I’ve never seen anyone trying so hard to be cool.
Benjamin Franklin
Sep 13th, 2007
And yet people are against ID verification which would easily get rid of this aspect of things. Sure it wouldn’t solve it but it sure would slow it down some!
You guys just don’t get it. You can either have freedom OR security. Not both!”"
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
SqueezeOne Pow
Sep 13th, 2007
“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
That’s my point!
Sep 13th, 2007
There is a difference between security and accountability. Anonymous has power because it is not accountable for its actions. When Anonymous is identified, it loses its power because its members can then be held accountable for what they’ve done.
Accountability is the basis of law, because liberty without responsibility is merely libertine, not libertarian. Law can come from the state, or from the people via the market. Those who value liberty approve of market driven law, not law from the state.
The best homeland security is every person armed and able to shoot to kill. Those who commit crime are held accountable by their victims. That is impossible in SL, ergo, SL fails to become a land of liberty. It is a place of libertine chaos, where the ‘residents’ are not citizens, they are incapable of defending themselves, and LL fails to do the one thing that all nations, even libertarian ones, are expected to do: defend the borders against attack and invasion.
Thus, SL has not achieved anarchy, it has achieved chaos, and there is a distinct difference between anarchy and chaos. Anarchy is a stateless society where individuals are held accountable by other individuals. Chaos is when nobody can be held accountable.
Sep 13th, 2007
There are no such thing as Anarchy when there’s a society with people’s mashed up opinions.
People in their bloodline has their trait to dominate, to rule, to lead… all because that one persona wants to do his/her way. When two meet, they don’t bend over that easily so they fight over non-sense like a fucking retard.
However, if you’re the last person alive on Earth…. then Anarchy exist, because you have no one to fight with, no one to set rules on you nor you can set rules for anyone else.
Being anonymous doesn’t create anarchy, it just create another stupid fight because you don’t wish to follow someone’s else rules/laws. It’s all about domination, it always has been.
Being anonymous only make you a coward, not powerful… if other wise, you wouldn’t have to worry about being accountable for something you dastardly did. Either dominate or suck your thumb.
Sep 13th, 2007
Prokofy Neva
Sep 14th, 2007
>Wow Prok, when will you ever understand? PN don’t use groups! They have no need to join groups! None whatsoever!
Yes they do. They cling to them fiercely and that’s what it’s all about, a game of chicken with the Lindens over groups. I know at least 3 of them. So freeze those and/or shut them down completely, then, as it won’t matter because *cough* they don’t use groups : )
Sep 14th, 2007
lol internet.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Sep 14th, 2007
“Yes they do. They cling to them fiercely and that’s what it’s all about, a game of chicken with the Lindens over groups. I know at least 3 of them. So freeze those and/or shut them down completely, then, as it won’t matter because *cough* they don’t use groups”
I challenge you to find a single PN alt crashing your sims in those groups. You won’t. …Though on the offchance that you do, report them to me so that I can eject them. Duh.
Think what you like, Prokofy, but PN don’t use groups. If you did even the slightest bit of research, you’d know this,
Sep 14th, 2007
YES WE DO USE GROUPS. We are all in Jews of Second Life.
Harlequin Salome
Sep 14th, 2007
Banning griefers, even entire groups, is a band-aid, unfortunately.
The most you can do is slow down the attack and eventually, after possibly hours of annoyance, get the person to just give up on making alt after alt after alt. The problem is that there is no real downside to getting caught, for them. They start with a throw away alt, and the only consequence is said alt is banned. What have they lost other than a few minutes of their time?
The Lindens need to sit down and figure out a way to attack more accountability to accounts, I think. I know there are those with arguments against that, and there are some very good ones out there. But I think these children’s attacks are getting more and more disruptive. I don’t think they’ll personally end SL as we know it but they can add to all of the other issues that the Lindens aren’t addressing. Premium accounts are on a negative trend now, and I refuse to believe its due to just one thing.
LL needs to get serious about protecting their little world here, or else its going to peter away and die. In fact, I firmly believe that the instant a serious competitor shows up, with all the user content ability (And maybe even with real protections rather than the false promises of LL) we’re going to see SL turn into a ghost-town.
Oh, and the PN as a whole never use a PN group to grief. But they almost always, in my experience, use groups of some sort or another, usually made for the specific occasion.
Kalel Venkman
Sep 14th, 2007
To be fair, the PN used to use groups. It’s how the Lindens were able to round them up and ban them so quickly early on, so I think Prok can be forgiven being behind the curve once in a while. Also, while Prok may have the appearance of confusing the PN with other groups, it is well known that the PN often use the groups as sock puppets for the purposes of trolling SL society as a whole. I’m sure this fact is not lost on Prok. It certainly isn’t lost on anyone else, and the PN are fooling themselves if they think anyone believes these groups wouldn’t be as much trouble on their own without the heavy PN influence on them.
For raiding purposes, however, Alyx Stoklitsky is quite right in pointing out (though not in a completely civil manner) that the PN certainly do not use groups – there is little point, when during a single night’s raiding, a PN might go through five or six accounts.
Master Quatro
Sep 14th, 2007
The obsession with some people with successful individuals who have prospered in a virtual world by filling customer needs is ludicrous. If you read my notices to the Dreamland group you will see that this was a grid-wide attack and not limited to ACS. I manage Dreamland and I can assure you that every parcel owned by us has a 1 min autoreturn. We may miss a few parcels out of 600 sims. The Dreamland Angels Team is a very dedicated group of individuals who reside all over the world and work to provide 24/7 assistance to our residents. They are courteous, friendly and respond with kindness and compassion. There are always a few disgruntled individuals who didn’t get their way who whine now and then. I see a few of them here.
I also want to clarify that any owner of a Dreamland sim has full estate tools available to them as well as very quick response when help is needed. On the sell-back issue: Have you tried to sell your sim back to Linden Lab lately? How much do they give you? ACS is in the business of selling land. We provide buy-back of land only as a service to our customers who may not have the time to stay in SL and sell it themselves. We actively seek to sell full privately owned sims for our clients to other private parties at any price the seller sets for it. As a last resort we will buy the land back at partial value. Success in selling land anywhere in SL depends on the age old economic theory of “supply and demand”.
Estate owners need to have better tools to manage new threats. The ability to return griefers’ objects sim-wide and estate-wide is a beginning. Presently we can only return scripted objects one sim at a time. Lindens consider griefing a “social issue” and therefore refuse to allow the concierge team to respond. This was stated by Jeska Linden in a recent communication. As long as Lindens are going to ignore private estate owners who pump hundreds o thousands of dollars into their coffers every month, they need to give us better sim management tools. My argument is not that they must respond but that they must give us better tools to keep this virtual world safe for everyone to enjoy.
Finally if you are going to spend time in a virtual environment you need to have “perspective”. Real life still matters. The uninhibited and obsessive behavior shown here by some of the remarks I’ve read, would make you a very undesirable individual in real life. Some, as we say in US “just have a hair across their ass” and have a need to spout off obscenities rather then remove the hair or ignore it.
Love you all