Archive for October, 2007
Jimbo’s Halloween Treehouse of Horror

by Jimbo Quality Jimbo in grayface costume I decided to go Trick or Treating this year. I figured it was a good way to combine running for President with the annual scam for free candy. I could go door to door, meet some people, shake some babies and kiss some hands. And get free candy. [...]
Full StoryCSI:NY Shrinks By 93%
Electric Sheep in-world service workers out of work – CSI:NY downsizes to 32 sim by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A virtual recession may threaten the metaverse, as service workers hired to meet and greet noobies suffered mass layoffs today. The layoffs are part of a significant downsizing in the number of CSI:NY sims – [...]
Full StoryThe Office – SL’s Coach Potato Onslaught Continues

Metaverse shark jumping is the latest television craze by Jessica Holyoke Dwight’s avatar Dwight Even if you don’t watch CSI:NY, you might have known about their episode dealing with Second Life last week. But you might have missed another television show that went onto the Grid. The Office, the NBC American Version, also visited the [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Someone’s Killing Mum in SL
by Katrina Eales IF Second Life was the real world my lifeless body would now be in the possession of the coroner. On October 28, for the first time, I saw the dark and sinister side of Second Life in a very personal way. I was attacked by a man who wanted to wield power [...]
Full StoryThe Chimera Scene in SL: Shemales

So what do men want? by Aurel Miles According to an article in the February 2001 Journal of Sex Research, 78 per cent of heterosexual men’s sexual fantasies involve a person who has never been their sexual partner. That seemingly high number does not mean men don’t fantasize about their partners, that is in addition [...]
Full StoryPenance Sautereau – Post 6 Grrrrl

[Note from Justine- I was wandering around Book Island one day and this vision of brilliant purple and cream caught my eye. I looked closer and saw it was a gorgeous creature named Penance Sautereau. She is beautiful in all ways and I hope my pictures do her justice.] Penance Sautereau (as written by her [...]
Full StoryYAAR! The Pirates of Sanchon

by Tiny Newt [the Herald's literary thursday tradition levels up with the resumption of the Pirates of Sanchon series - now a continuing weekly feature - the Editrix] The captain and crew of the barque HMS Endeavour, a 400 ton SL replica of Captain Cook’ ship of 1860, find themselves press-ganged into fighting a series [...]
Full StoryClear Blue Sea
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate I rezzed my ship on a clear blue seaUnder midnight stars and tranquilitySurrounded me and my solitudeRefreshed my mind and attitude Then I set sail around the simWhere mountains stand and fishes swimI heard the splash of pixelled waveThe electronic call the seaguls gave And when I shut down for [...]
Full StorySL Business Embraces CSI:NY – Players Shrug

Television viewers yawn, move on with first life by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk CSI:NY adotped by native SL businesses Responding to the CBS-funded Second Life hypervent for CSI:NY, in-world entrepreneurs are now using CSI search terms to help promote their largely sex-based businesses. Querying the Second Life search tool for CSI yields a number [...]
Full StoryBeware: Paintball Firing Furries

by Jessica Holyoke Only in SL can you start with dead hookers, then move up to virtual hookers I watched the CSI:NY episode “Down the Rabbit Hole”. Which if you are in some other form of hole, you would know is part one of the CSI:NY Second Life episodes. Part one aired Wednesday, part two [...]
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