Archive for December, 2007
Op/Ed: Financial Myth Busting Edition

by Jessica Holyoke In my time at the Herald, I’ve seen bank failures, aborted mergers, strange actions by the stock exchanges and company failures. I’ve also experienced first-hand what happens when residents believe that we’re in a "virtual economy" or "fictional economy." Residents subscribe to a number of myths that affect how they view everything [...]
Full StoryScrooge McSheep Cans 22 ESC Employees One Week Before Christmas

Tiny Tim despondent – lumps of coal and company restructuring for the holidays by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Jeremy Vaught reports on the Second Life Podcast blog that 22 employees of the Electric Sheep Company will have a permanent holiday this Christmas – leaving them plenty of time to select and wrap presents and [...]
Full StoryFinancial Update – Ginko Not Dead Yet
Ginko Financials still taking deposits The "JT" behind JT Financials revealed by Jessica Holyoke I approached a Resident when I noticed that she had a December 2007 rez date and two Ginko Financial groups in her profile. She told me how she used a Ginko Financial ATM based on the advice of a friend. She [...]
Full StoryEmpty Position Leads to Linden PR Void

by Jessica Holyoke Philip Linden is happy the BBC gave him a big kiss Earlier this week, residents learned of the departure of Cory Ondrejka aka Cory Linden aka SL’s own Flying Spaghetti Monster, from sources as varied as Massively, the recipient of leaked e-mails, to CBS News, which featured an article on Cory’s departure [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: I’m Too Old for This…

Why are Residents believing in Linden Lab’s proclamations? by Jessica Holyoke The more people discuss Age Verification, the more questions are raised. The biggest one is why are Residents believing in Linden Lab’s proclamations. The Lab states that "[w]hile not foolproof, age verification can provide an additional layer of trust for inworld businesses and Residents. [...]
Full StoryRemembering Cory

by Urizenus Sklar, from the Missing Linden Desk Cory sipping tequila in the Herald Hospitality Suite at the Tribeca Grand Hotel As I write this I am drinking bourbon from a paper cup, listening to country music, and waiting by the phone in the vain hopes that Cory Linden Ondrejka will call and agree to [...]
Full StoryQuest Jarrico Post 6 Grrrl

[Note from Justine- Quest Jarrico asked if she could be a Post 6 Grrrl many weeks ago, and then added that she would like to use her own pictures. I asked her to send me her shots and the pics you see below are the result. I wish I'd had the opportunity to take her [...]
Full StoryDesigners Running AttackAlts? – Fashionista Shock!!!
Why the Brutal Honesty blog cannot keep their mains clean Ana Boogiewoogie sez: Amelia Abernathy = Tina Travanti & Elexor Matador = Lothian Utorid by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk I’ve been having a hard time writing this story – probably because it bothers me to see SL society descend to a level of nastiness [...]
Full StoryHelp Wanted: SL Herald Seeks Experienced Chief Technical Officer
Due to recent growth, the Second Life Herald is expanding our staff and now seeks an experienced Second Life CTO to join our team. Recent graduates of Linden Lab are strongly encouraged to apply for this position – special consideration will be given to avatars who appear in the form of a flying spagetti monster, [...]
Full StoryBabyfur Leaders Tell-All

Interview with Raven Welesa and Corsi Mousehold by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk [Recently, I sat down with Second Life babyfur community leader Raven Welesa for an in-depth conversation about community, publicity, and SL politics. We were joined by Corsi Mousehold, who acts as a sort of den mother to the babyfurs - changing diapers [...]
Full Story
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