Archive for December, 2007
Second Life Ponygirls: Prancing Into the Metaverse
Don’t Spit the Bit. 4000 ponygirls/boys can’t be wrong! By Urizenus Sklar, at the equestrian sports desk In this Herald Instant Classic ™, Uri talks to two leading Second Life ponygirl/ponyboy stable owners (PonygirlSarah Clapper and Alicia Delphin) and discusses the whole ponygirl fetish – what it is, why people are into it, and exactly [...]
Full StoryBrutal Dishonesty Blog Stiffs Herald Paparazzi
SLebrity Tenshi Vielle hopes to donate prize money to charity by Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista One of Second Life’s famous fashionistas – Tenshi Vielle – still holds out hope that Brutal Dishonesty blogger Tina Travanti will make good on her promise of big prize money for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tenshi. [...]
Full StoryWhat Scares Me In SL?
Players who treat others as toys by Aurel Miles dancing in fear When I came to SL I assumed I was not afraid of anything here. After all, it never gets cold, you can’t starve to death. You can look as you please, go where you want and nobody can injure you. Play lemming as [...]
Full StoryStronger Protection for Virtual Sex Toys in SL
Stimulating prospects for fapping-based economy? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Benjamin Duranske reports at the Virtually Blind site that a judgement by consent has been filed, settling the copyright and trademark lawsuit brought by several SL content creators against SL resident Rase Kenzo’s real life typist Thomas Simon. The content creators – including part [...]
Full StoryIn Every Dream Home a Heartache: Simulating the Simulacra
I Blew up Your Body, But You Blew My Mind by Urizenus Sklar – Virtual Vinyl Desk Today I discovered virtual inflatable dolls. Usually weird things in SL don’t give me pause but this did. I had thought that real inflatable dolls looked the way they did because they are cheap to make and they [...]
Full StoryThe Alliance Navy – Banished & Forgotten?
Merczateer accuses AN of spawnkilling, sithacking in response to riot shield testing in Dorien by Fox Mulgrave, Military Correspondent I have seen many strange things in my time in the Second Life military community, personal vendettas, operations such as Crucifix and Crucifix II and of course the infamous Emit Time scandal, however, they all seemed [...]
Full StoryBrutally Pathetic Starfucking Cyberstalkers
Herald Paparazzi scores coveted shots of SL Fashionista, demands immediate payment by Pixeleen Mistral, new media critic Leading the race for dumbest fashionista in the metaverse is the Brutal Honesty blog, where “clever” Tina Travanti put a bounty out for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tina’s favorite target to hate on – SL [...]
Full StoryAdvertisement: Second Style Issue #13 Available Now
Second Style issue #13 is now available for download from the Second Style website. Issue #13 features cyberpunk and steampunk looks from around Second Life, as well as our regular monthly features, tips, shopping advice and interview. You can also find issue #13 in world at kiosks all over the grid. Simply “wear” the object, [...]
Full StoryLag4Peace Protesters Say “Don’t Iraq Iran”
Text and voices raised at replicated U.S. Capitol, usually deserted media islands by Jessica Holyoke December 1st saw the multi-sim themed protest Lag4Peace. Avatars from all over the world and the Grid gathered starting at 8am SLT in order to let their text and voices be heard. "Don’t Iraq Iran" was the theme as protesters [...]
Full StorySecond Life On Mars
tune by, and apologies to, David Bowie by Faerie Hax It’s a God awful small affairTo the girl with the purple hair,But everyone is yelling, “No!”And her friend has told her to go,But her friend is no where to be seen. Now she walks through her sunken dreamTo the seats with the clearest viewAnd she’s [...]
Full Story
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