Archive for July, 2008
ZOMG!! Military Warfare At Risk!!!
Will Linden Lab allow Second Life Militaries to go extinct? by Adrastos Fhang During my time in Second Life, many Second Life residents have gone through harrowing journeys. Upgrade after upgrade, Second Life attempts to become the new ERA for PC Games. In all of these upgrades, many things seem to go right, and then [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Tortured Thoughts
by Jessica Holyoke, Gorean kajira Torture has been on my mind lately, not only due to my Gorean excursions, but also in real life as well. Back in June, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was on the U.S. news magazine show "60 Minutes." He was asked why is the U.S. government allowed to torture….I [...]
Full StoryThe Invincible Military’s Demise: Drama
by Vinzenz Fiertze The wars of many,the invincible crew,her army at the ready,Vanguards strength proves true.With insults some squeeze our necks,until our faces turn blue, but it seems that their armies names, we always outdo.They have no clue,What they have gotten into. Let us have a mighty spar,from parcels, regions, and sims afar.Put their pickled [...]
Full StoryOde to a Hug Attachment
By Kris Dibou, Warrior Poet To show how much I love herIn the good ol’ SL wayI bought a hug attachmentAnd I put it on today I typed the slash and h-u-g andWaited for responseAs she raised her arms and moved in close;SL only taunts! For I became a poodle dog whoFound himself a leg;My [...]
Full StoryAzdel Slade — Post 6 Grrrl

Azdel was stubborn in her attempt to become a Post 6 Grrrl and although I thought that we have had enough Nekos so far, the bio she dropped into my inventory was convincing enough to invite her for a photo shoot in Midian City, her favorite hangout. She was different than the other girls so [...]
Full StoryOutrageous Harassment: Griefers Scramble Police To SL Resident’s RL Home!!!
When will the FBI get involved? by Stoli Babbage, staff reporter “Swatting”, is a term for a technology-enabled real life attack in which the perpetrator calls the victim’s local police department in hysterics to convince the 911 emergency operators the victim is in a hostage situation — or going on a shooting rampage. By making [...]
Full StoryLively Lesbian Subtext to Google’s 3D Chatrooms?

Google’s Lively “Heather” & “Vanessa” Avatars Can’t Dance With BoysFighting breaks out in Jen’s Coffee House by Pixeleen Mistral, International Affairs desk I have enjoyed my time in Lively so far, but there are parts of the experience I find troubling – I simply cannot dance with irishJohn36. I met irishJohn36 in Jen’s Coffee House, [...]
Full StorySecond Life Herald Opens Lively Office
by Idoru Wellamn, staff writer Pixeleen Mistral today announced that the Second Life Herald is expanding it’s “always fairly unbalanced” coverage of the most vital virtual worlds’ news, by opening a branch office in Lively – internet advertising behemoth Google’s first step toward monetizing the immersive social experience. Ms. Mistral relaxes in a goth chair [...]
Full StorySecond Life Image Tarnished by Users?
RiversRunRed CEO warns against allowing residents to create 3D content by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk MIT Technology Review writer Brian White advises the metaverse that users may make “shoddy and even offensive content” if allowed to create in 3D worlds — sentiments echoed by the CEO of RiversRunRed Justin Bovington who praised internet advertising [...]
Full StoryAOL Tightens Belt, Massively Chokes Off SL News?
“Massively Staff” blogs for free at AOL properties after gaming writers are told to stop posting by Idoru Wellman, staff writer Techcrunch reports that AOL has savagely cut their blogging empire’s staff, chopping personel budgets up to 25% and telling writers to take a few weeks off while they wait and see if they have [...]
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