Nanao Mahfouz Ejected From Alliance Navy!!!

by Alphaville Herald on 15/07/08 at 7:41 am

Former Admiral to pursue other interests, spend more time with family

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk

Mr. Mahfouz studies his civilian options in an elaborate heads up display

As word spread of the ejection of former Admiral Nanao Mahfouz from the Alliance Navy last weekend, the big questions in the Second Life militia community went un-answered. What will Mr. Mahfouz do next? Is the Alliance navy’s base in Dorien sim in danger of Mr. Mahfouz selling the land? What caused the disagreement?

Seeking answers, I made a visit to the AN base and managed to take one picture of Mr. Mahfouz before I was killed – but learned that Mr. Mahfouz was turfed out of the navy due to long standing disagreements on leadership direction.

Pixeleen Mistral: Was there some sort of change in AN command?
Nanao Mahfouz: And what about them? You’ve come groveling back here hoping for another story you can twist into some sensationalist scandal to attract more avid readers?
Dexhen Helios: holster

Pixeleen Mistral: well – I’m a reporter, and there are these rumors that you are out of the AN command Nanao – but the sources are all outside the AN
Nanao Mahfouz: No, I know who you are, reporter wouldn’t be the appropriate title.

Pixeleen Mistral: so I do the reporter thing, and ask questions
Hades Juran: Nanao is no longer a member of the AN at all. Leave now Pixeleen, you are not welcome here
Nanao Mahfouz: Yes, I’m out of the AN. Here’s your cookie for sharp, top-notch investigative journalism.

Pixeleen Mistral: but you own Dorien, what will happen to the sim?
Nanao Mahfouz: Nothing will happen to the sim. It’s staying here, just like it is, as I promised I’d maintain it.
Pixeleen Mistral: that is good for the AN
You died and have been teleported to your home location
Teleport completed from

It was unclear if I was killed due to an accidental weapon discharge by one of the Alliance navy troops as I stood at the spawn point for the Dorien base or if this was due to enemy action. In any case, it seemed wise to continue the interview at a distance, via IM.

Pixeleen Mistral: so Nanao – why did you leave the AN? I’d like to be able to tell your side in the story I’m writing but I guess I can always go with “Nanao refused to reply” – and let the speculation run wild in the comments section – but it seems like it would be better if you had your say
Nanao Mahfouz: Like you asked for my side of the story last time?

Pixeleen Mistral: I’m asking this time
Nanao Mahfouz: What makes this time different, miss hot shot investigative reporter?
Nanao Mahfouz: Here, how’s this for you then, since you’re asking. I didn’t leave, I was ejected.

Pixeleen Mistral: so this was not your choice — but you will still support the Dorien sim?
Nanao Mahfouz: Yes.

Pixeleen Mistral: there is already a lot of speculation going on – do you have any idea why you were ejected? was there any advance notice – or was it a surprise ejection?
Nanao Mahfouz: No, there was plenty of advance notice. I was kicked because I no longer agree with the directives and motives of high command, their leadership, or their intent on masking themselves behind their own failures to adhere to the doctrine and standards which they establish.
Nanao Mahfouz: This group is left to suffer because of the actions – or rather the inactions – of a few.

Pixeleen Mistral: it sounds like there was a fundamental disagreement about leadership – those are always tough. So you will now be pursuing other interests and spending more time with your family?
Nanao Mahfouz: I’ll be spending more time doing what I do. Combat, and building. The AN is no longer a fun experience, and the only reason I stuck around – obligation – no longer exists.
Nanao Mahfouz: So yeah. I’m gonna pursue other interests, relax a lot more, build for myself and all that feel good metaverse bullshit.

107 Responses to “Nanao Mahfouz Ejected From Alliance Navy!!!”

  1. lulz

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Oh no! Who’s going to protect us all from the make-believe enemy on the make believe seas? No one cares. sheesh

  2. Reality

    Jul 15th, 2008

    You were killed because they did not want you there and you persisted in ignoring them.

    Next time when you are told to leave an area – do so.

  3. Avil Creeggan

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Not only does the Herald print one-sided articles now, they print one-sided articles, with one interview, where a majority of the content of the interview is the interviewee dissing on the Herald.


  4. Anon

    Jul 15th, 2008

    “Nanao Mahfouz: So yeah. I’m gonna pursue other interests, relax a lot more, build for myself and all that feel good metaverse bullshit.”

    Relaxing. Please state the Nanao Mahfouz definition of relaxing.
    Does it involve children?

  5. steve319 cao

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Anyone else remember the days when the herald was so far up the AN’s ass it could barely see daylight nice to see the universe has balenced itself out a bit, good luck with the future AN getting rid of nanao may actualy solve some of the diplomatic issues with other groups however I somewhat doubt it after all harlequins still around.

    Anyone wanna run a betting pool on how long it is before nanao pulls dorien.

    Steve319 Cao

  6. Rico Roizman

    Jul 15th, 2008

    You know, it doesnt make sense – If he has been paying all the time. ANd now hes ejected because of disagreements/hatred of his past Militia.

    Then why the hell would he still be paying for the sim? I believe hes just going to one day and poof, The AN Members will get something like this “Teleport Failed, this location is no longer availible” They check their maps and look up Dorien and it will say “None FOund”. But who knows I could be wrong.

  7. Nidol Slazar

    Jul 15th, 2008

    wow the AN aren’t very intelligent are they?

  8. Hades Juran

    Jul 15th, 2008

    By the way Pixeleen, that was not an accidental discharge, that was me placing a knife in your face. You have literally bashed the AN every single time that you have done an article on us, so you are no longer welcome in the sim.

  9. T.K

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Wonder where he’s gonna go now.

  10. Avil Creeggan

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Nidol, your mother wasn’t very intelligent in bed last night, but I didn’t go and talk shit about it.


  11. Vegna Fouroux

    Jul 15th, 2008

    he’s right that the AN have done some pretty odd stuff lately
    against 5 mercz they deployed 2 talons and a fleet ships along with some ground forces..necessary? I don’t think so

  12. Hades Juran

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Well, if you remember right Vegna, that was when all of yoru guys were using the new Uriels to attack Dorien. It is called a distraction move.

  13. Nidol Slazar

    Jul 15th, 2008

    lol ocean of piss etc

  14. Bob L

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Apparently Alliance Navy has read what General Wosely said what the military should do to reporters.

  15. Ethan Schuman

    Jul 15th, 2008

    “Wonder where he’s gonna go now.”

    Good question…he’s recently put in an app to join Mercz. He’s finally seen the light, it seems.

  16. Ethan Schuman

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Oh me, oh my, where to start? I’ll take “Baaawing at Turned Tables” for 400, Alex.

    This group, which once actively sought out the attention of Herald reporters to print pages about their lego wars, now shoots said same reporters on sight for reporting on the less savory parts of their group, and reports on opposing militaries.

    Hmm… What is the Alliance Navy?

    The Alliance Navy has had more articles written about it in the Herald than all other military groups combined. Just go look through the history. Yet now that the Herald covers other militaries, and reports on Nanao getting ejected for being Pedobear’s hero, suddenly they are kill on sight. “It’s ok to report on us, as long as you only report good things and stroke our egos!” I guess it should be expected though, given the treatment of former personnel who leave for various (and usually quite valid) reasons. Heaven forbid you injure the image of the Alliance Navy! THOSE WHO SPEAK AGAINST THE GLORY OF THE AN SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH! Pretty freaking comical, actually. But hey, everybody knows Nanao’s a huge crybaby with a victim complex. Maybe that’s why he likes raping babies… if he makes toddlers scream louder than he does, maybe he won’t look like such a bitch.

    There is one point that Nanao makes, however, that is extremely accurate.
    “Nanao Mahfouz: This group is left to suffer because of the actions – or rather the inactions – of a few.”

    That is so true. The difference between the rank and file of the Alliance Navy and the Command is like night and day. Nanao’s ejection presents an interesting series of scenarios. As much as I can’t stand the guy, he was probably the last shot the AN had at returning to superpower status. I’m actually quite curious as to exactly what went down, and I’d love to hear it directly out of Nanao’s mouth. While I’m positive that the disagreement and ejection occurred as a result of differing opinions regarding strategic directives, what I don’t know is who was backing what direction. Perhaps Nanao was trying to convince the High Command of the threat presented by the Iron Symphony, and they brushed him off. Maybe it was the HC that was interested in the engagement of diplomatic relations with the Iron Symphony and Nanao was opposed. Until the details come out, it’s impossible to predict what will happen to the AN as a result. However, one thing is for certain… it’s going to be an interesting few weeks ahead of us.

  17. Adrastos Fhang

    Jul 15th, 2008

    I really don’t get why. Get off of Nanao’s back. He’s a good guy. So what, SL Sex is common, Jesus. All you have to do is leave him and his personal sl -things- alone. It’s not like any of you havent made mistakes or have been spied on by a little prick. All your doing is riding his back about it. Second Life is supposed to be fun. Not the media shitting on people. And last time I have checked, it isn’t ‘Shit on Nanao Day’.

  18. Anon

    Jul 15th, 2008

    While I certainly don’t like Nanao or anything he stands for (as well as the AN), this is some pretty half-assed journalism. SL Herald might as well be the latest grocery store tabloid at this rate.

  19. Steve319 cao

    Jul 15th, 2008

    “By the way Pixeleen, that was not an accidental discharge, that was me placing a knife in your face. You have literally bashed the AN every single time that you have done an article on us, so you are no longer welcome in the sim.”

    So what your saying is the AN now kill unarmed reporters not even with a but by stabbing them in the back my what honor was displayed here GG my friend GG.

  20. Judge Hocho

    Jul 15th, 2008

    I find this absurd.
    Not the article mind you; there are certain folks who will always lean (nigh the breaking point) in one direction or the other. In as much as we’ve come to expect such with the RL media, why not the SL variety? Of course, CNN does a far better job at masquerading as non-biased professionals.
    I don’t even view with any disdain the multitudes of comments left by those for whom the metaversical world should be solely reserved for virtually dancing in a virtual disco, virtually have virtual sex with an avatar of questionable origin or virtually anything that can be imagined but look upon virtual militaries from aloft that high horse — because you know, that’s just not what the cool kids are doing I guess.
    I care not for the meanderings of such petty fools who may lay claim to any aspect of this environment. That is just a tad self-absorbed, and I have neither the time nor the inclination to concern myself with the opinion of those that believe the world revolves around them and their opinion.

    The individuals that exasperate me are those that forget what a fine and honorable officer he was. Yes, it’s a game to some but to others it’s a learning experience … a place to come to terms with responsibility, loyalty or nearly any of a hundred other words many of you have no concept of, like integrity. Nanao Mahfouz embodied those qualities, and led the AN without fear of the unknown or how he appeared when accepting new methods from his juniors; allowing them to succeed based entirely upon their own merit. How he stood by his allies, and even defended some of his enemies if he felt they deserved it.

    Maybe his personal life is not what you would choose for your own — I say maybe because no one ever really bothered to find out what was really going on. Everyone condemned him over fractionally circumstantial evidence and a Herald article. Those same people who condemn the Herald for poor reporting; now using it as a bible to thump upon. Ahh, the irony.
    I know two things — whatever happened is between him, his partner and his deity. He hurt no one; he affected no one in any negative fashion. I cannot condemn him for things I have no empirical evidence to support. Anyone who claims otherwise is a fool.
    However, the Lab does read the Herald, I am sure (not to mention the hoards that no doubt filed AR’s moments after the story originally broke) yet … he is still online.

    What he did do, is keep some very talented people in a group for a very long period of time and kept them contented despite many hardships.

    I don’t know of very many people in the SL military community that have not had at least at one time or another a positive experience with him, no matter which side of the fence you happen to sit on this week. Yet, it’s so easy to jump on the bandwagon and reprehend another with absolutely no raison d’etre.

    For me, he was my superior officer. He granted me, albeit for a brief period the chance to recall the way things had been. For that, I thank him and choose to remember him as the gun-toting, hard charger in the green gear who led that organization not just in virtual victories, but more importantly, individual development.


    Oh, and if some folks insist with the insults, just be sure to use proper grammar before you call someone else an ‘idiot’ … it loses its ‘punch’ otherwise.

  21. Vegna Fouroux

    Jul 15th, 2008

    I’m not those guys :o
    I’m S.R

  22. Eye Korobase

    Jul 15th, 2008

    Although some of the merczs get pissed at me posting comments in these stories, I do not care and I have freedom of speech, SO I am going to comment ANYWAY.

    I do think it is time for us to stop with the Nanao pedobear jokes and incest insults. I think we are all being WAY too childly about these things and need to grow up. So what if he likes to RP sex his own way, who really should care what he does off base?

    I do agree with a few of the comments on this page though explaining how the AN are now acting to Herald reporters. AN listen, You were the first Sl military to even have a story here on the herald and have (like others have said) more stories then anyother military on the Herald. You have had your 15 mintures of famous, now it is time for other armies to have the spot light. it is called “shareing”, it is something you learn in pre-school.

  23. Quest Jarrico

    Jul 15th, 2008

    @Hades Juran
    “Well, if you remember right Vegna, that was when all of yoru guys were using the new Uriels to attack Dorien. It is called a distraction move.”

    Hehe I attacked Dorien a few days ago alone, with no vehicles, and my gun was a Single Action Army, a slow shooting 6 round before reload pistol. The deemed appropriate force from the AN for that threat to their heavily fortified base was 10 soldiers with high rate of fire machine guns, 2 Talons, and a Fleet ship shooting anti-air missles at me.

    It was pretty fun though, especially when I managed to bring down the fleet ship with a 1800′s era pistol XD Granted it was after like 50 deaths, but I still think that’s an impressive feat.

  24. Ethan Schuman

    Jul 16th, 2008

    Firstly, lawl@someone posting under my name, especially with something THAT stupid. Nanao’s dug himself a grave, and the only place besides Sparta that would even consider taking him in is Vanguard. Oddly enough, I could actually see that happening.

    Alright, Judge. I was going to let this lay, but since you opened up Pandora’s box, let’s see what’s in there.

    “The individuals that exasperate me are those that forget what a fine and honorable officer he was. Yes, it’s a game to some but to others it’s a learning experience … a place to come to terms with responsibility, loyalty or nearly any of a hundred other words many of you have no concept of, like integrity. Nanao Mahfouz embodied those qualities, and led the AN without fear of the unknown or how he appeared when accepting new methods from his juniors; allowing them to succeed based entirely upon their own merit. How he stood by his allies, and even defended some of his enemies if he felt they deserved it.”

    Nanao? Integrity? HAHAHAHAHA. That’s funnier than those screenshots of Uildiar having sex on Harlequin’s desk. Let me tell you a little bit about the individual you lay praise upon. For all of Nanao’s bitching about “integrity”, he has a history that makes MINE pale in comparison. Shall we start with content theft, like how he endorsed the transfer of full permission AN II equipment? How about we look into how he and Harlequin talked Christoph into the destruction of the Merczateers in Adscita? Maybe we should talk about how he supported Luca in the theft of the Kremlin. What was that philosophy he embraced so dearly? Clauschwitzian warfare (spelling may be wrong on that)? “Destroy the enemy’s will to fight?” And how can anyone forget that wonderful little quote of his that summed up his stance on diplomacy between other groups, “I will not be happy until every other military group on the grid is destroyed and the Alliance Navy is all that remains.” Even with all that, it still doesn’t even begin to cover the absolutely unacceptable way he treated completely innocent strangers whose only crime was to commit the treachery of belonging to a different group. And yet there is still so much more.

    Trying to paint Nanao as some sort of honorable, noble figure does nothing more than make me laugh and make you look like an ignorant ass, Judge. I absolutely -LOVE- it when the Alliance Navy sit and talk about how evil the Iron Symphony is for things like MOSCOW and Emit Time. Wake the hell up. Aryte Vesperia actually used to be a really nice guy that HATED conflict. Lurdan used to be completely unable to handle conflict. And I was far from the sinister bastard I am today. You chastise us because we view you with apprehension and hostility? You got pissy because we tried to exclude you from the community? Wake up, you fools. We didn’t become what we are on our own, because we’re bad, evil people. We hardened up and started hitting back because this “honorable, noble” leader of yours didn’t know what the line between a game and reality was, and we had to adapt for the sake of our subordinates, and our survival. Look at Ordo today. Ordo is where they are today, because Nanao and those like him pursued, tormented, and harassed them. This planted a fire in those who have been around since the beginning, a fire that was fueled into the flames that birthed the most powerful military group on the grid by the disgust of former Alliance Navy personnel who were fed up with the “wonderful leadership”, defected, and held a grudge. So yes, Nanao has had a positive effect on the community as a whole. Without him being the cowardly, hypocritical, sleazy son of a bitch that he is, the Ordo and the Merczateers would have never surpassed you all. For that, we of the Iron Symphony thank him from the bottom of our jaded hearts.

    Think that the whole ageplay thing is inappropriate? Perhaps, but it’s still pretty damned funny. Not because of the content of it (though dual daughter fucking demon cocks still make me laugh), but because he was stupid enough to get caught (with pictures) and that he managed to piss someone else off enough to motivate that. If I was half as wicked as many claim that I am, I’ve got volumes of stuff on Nanao that’s way worse than this, and I would have sent it out ages ago. To this day I still won’t bring forward what I have from when we were actually friends. So don’t mistake my laughter for a genuine interest in his personal life and a desire to ruin him by any means necessary.

    Now that he’s gone, we can only hope that his mindset goes with him. We still look with caution towards Harlequin and towards Luca, but we’re optimistic that with Nanao gone, real progress can begin to be made towards taking things to where they should be. But as with all things of this nature, only time will tell.

  25. R. Lee Squirmy

    Jul 16th, 2008

    “So what your saying is the AN now kill unarmed reporters not even with a but by stabbing them in the back my what honor was displayed here GG my friend GG.”

    No. PRETENDING to kill “unarmed” (I doubt Pixeleen is unarmed. She is packin’ at least 4.5 inches of Professorial man-blade) pretend reporters, you fat nerd.

  26. Zrazor Rozenstrauch

    Jul 16th, 2008

    i think nanao is a pretty cool guy. eh disses the herald and DOESN’T AFRAID OF ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Judge Hocho

    Jul 16th, 2008

    Oh Ethan. I expected drivel of this sort, but your duplicity knows no bounds and that is more surprising.
    One point eludes me; Clausewitz … did you mean Carl von Clausewitz and “On War”?

    His documented observation on warfare are still required reading for many officers serving today. I fail to see the negative connotation, though I suspect there really isn’t one.

    You go on further to proclaim with great disdain that his summation of warfare was to destroy every other group – mind you, we’re still talking about SL here. Yet in your harried obsession to once again make this about you, the missive ends with (and I am compelled to actually quote this) “So don’t mistake my laughter for a genuine interest in his personal life and a desire to ruin him by any means necessary.”

    So if I understand you correctly, in terms of warfare it not acceptable to defeat utterly your enemies in the context of the environment, but it IS perfectly acceptable to threaten and in some cases (Harlequin) attempt to “ruin” people’s real lives?

    That is an interesting position, morally skewed as it may be.

    Insinuating that I appear an ‘ass’ means little coming from your ilk Ethan … especially given your “Don’t know the line between game and reality” speech – plate of hypocrisy for one?

    Only an ego-maniacal person would suffix the entirety of their argument with “… the way they should be.” SL according to Ethan? I shudder that the thought.

    I wonder how long it will take for someone to notice that despite protestation to the contrary in countless Herald articles and comments connected thereto, you just admitted that the Mercz and Ordo were never better than the AN.

    In the end, it doesn’t matter what you or I say. There will be those that will remember him as he was, and those that prefer the demonized (no pun intended) version. That’s simply the way of things; people perceive what they wish to. You would do well to remember that Ethan.

    Retort if you like, it matters not. By this afternoon there will be another snail story or half naked avatar gracing the virtual pages of the Herald and this conversation will be left for the archives. I am done with you Ethan.

  28. Vegna Fouroux

    Jul 16th, 2008

    Well it’s nice to know at least the the AN H.C still have the balls to eject an admiral

  29. Fox Mulgrave

    Jul 16th, 2008

    steve -

    Firstly, I would like to applaud you; you have fina learnt how to spell your name using a capital letter. Shame you didn’t manage it in the registration process, but oh well. Can’t win ‘em all.

    Secondly, your comment that states that AN shoot unarmed reporters..
    I’d like to point out that your own Military (U.N.I.T) will shoot ANYTHING, be they a reporter, a civilian, an unarmed ally, an enemy, or even a member of their own group.
    Set your own house in order before you even try to criticise the ANs.

    -Fox Mulgrave, Rathium Commander

  30. Vegna Fouroux

    Jul 16th, 2008

    I’m unsure if you’ve read “On War” Judge but I can tell you the negative connotation when it is applied to SL:
    This thing we do, fighting in-world. It is for fun, pure and simple structured fun, now from time to time drama does get in the way. Destroying the enemy’s morale, breaking his will, and finishing him off with an overwhelming offensive, repeat until enemy simply does not exist. while these make perfect sense in an actual war but when applied SL eventually you’d have nothing left to fight thus incurring boredom and eventual self-own. But from Nanao (who claims that the AN STILL HAVE NEVER LOST A FIGHT) this really isn’t surprising. A further negative effect is it’s actually nigh-impossible to break the enemy’s will on the SL battlefield (in fact it usually just makes them angrier and want to counter-attack) it is better done through more devious means like base returns and general all round dishonorable play so if you think there’s something okay with that judge then you really don’t have a leg to stand on.

  31. Ethan Schuman

    Jul 16th, 2008

    It dawned on me shortly after I posted that that Judge found his way out of the SL military community in pretty much the exact same manner and for the same reasons that Nanao did. I probably should have spoken slower and used smaller words, but oh well. Vegna clearly saw the point I was trying to make, so I obviously wasn’t that cryptic. Your perception must still be clouded by the Templar Koolaid. Nonetheless, I’m all too happy to blow you out of the water once more.

    “His documented observation on warfare are still required reading for many officers serving today. I fail to see the negative connotation, though I suspect there really isn’t one.”

    See Vegna’s point. Of course, then again, considering some of the tactics that you yourself engaged in under the AN banner, I would be highly surprised if the concept of casual, sportsmanlike play was something that has, or ever will, cross your mind.

    “You go on further to proclaim with great disdain that his summation of warfare was to destroy every other group – mind you, we’re still talking about SL here. Yet in your harried obsession to once again make this about you, the missive ends with (and I am compelled to actually quote this) “So don’t mistake my laughter for a genuine interest in his personal life and a desire to ruin him by any means necessary.””
    -Actually, I didn’t make this about me. You called out the people who ridiculed Nanao for his personal.. preferences. I’m one of the people that have laughed loudest about the blue hair Pedobear. So yes, I responded in turn, to you making an assertion (a rather comical one at that). Nice try, but you fail once more.

    “So if I understand you correctly, in terms of warfare it not acceptable to defeat utterly your enemies in the context of the environment, but it IS perfectly acceptable to threaten and in some cases (Harlequin) attempt to “ruin” people’s real lives?

    That is an interesting position, morally skewed as it may be. ”

    Lawl@more koolaid. Perhaps if you, oh I don’t know, actually BOTHERED to check on a story before listening to the ramblings tossed down through the grapevine, you might have been able to prevent yourself from further painting yourself as a tool. I’ll say it right now for everyone: Those pictures of Harlequin were found through a direct Google search of his email address, which he freely provided. It linked right to his blog (which was what I was really looking for), and the pictures presented themselves right there. And yet, even with this WONDERFUL weapon to be used against him, myself, Lurdan, and Anthony chose to quietly warn Harlequin about the existence of the pictures, and tell him to take them down. Yet in typical Harlequin fashion, instead of doing so, he goes back into Alliance Navy group chat and broadcasts to everyone in their mother about how I googled his email address and found stuff out about him. You’re a smart guy (supposedly). What do YOU think happened when the Merczateer and Ordo spies that were on their AN alts at the time caught wind of that? What happened to Harlequin was tragic, but it’s his own damn fault for thumping his chest and trying to look big when he should have just quietly taken care of something. As for me “targeting someone who didn’t deserve it”, Harlequin is the reason Emit Time happened. Deciding it’d be a good idea to go around telling everyone I was sexually harassing AN cadets simply because I snuck up and stabbed Drew, him, and someone else, and then the AN’s refusal to take any action against him, was what prompted -my- participation in that lulzfest. And yet, I wasn’t the only person responsible for Emit Time. Every person that threw in with that had an issue with Harlequin. So yes, you all deserved that for not dealing with him properly. That doesn’t even BEGIN to get into the people who were justified to throw in, but did not. Do you really want me to get into the list of people he’s harassed, tormented, and yes, used real life information against, simply because they decided to go try another military group? Go ahead, Judge. That’s a battle we both know you can’t possibly hope to win. Once again, I hate some of the things that have had to happen, but don’t even try to pretend that Harlequin and company didn’t have it coming. What I -COULD- have done was just stay quiet about the pictures, and not warn Harlequin at all. Then when John Arna or some other person who hates Harl far more than I do found them, Harlequin would have had real life issues to worry about. I probably would have been perfectly justified in sitting back and watching it happen, too. But I didn’t. I tried to do the right thing, but in the warped eyes of the “can do no wrong” Templars, I was somehow actually trying to blackmail and intimidate Harlequin. Right. That makes TOTAL sense. Next.

    “Insinuating that I appear an ‘ass’ means little coming from your ilk Ethan … especially given your “Don’t know the line between game and reality” speech – plate of hypocrisy for one?

    Only an ego-maniacal person would suffix the entirety of their argument with “… the way they should be.” SL according to Ethan? I shudder that the thought. ”

    I of -all- people am qualified to judge who is an ass, considering how much of one I am so glad to be when people like you, Nanao, and Harlequin come waltzing in. I started off treating SL as a game, and a place to come program. Yet thanks to the leadership of the Alliance Navy, myself, and others like me, had to adapt to deal with a group of people who seemed to think that we had no right to exist or be treated respectfully simply because we were members of a different group. That’s zealotry at best, and pseudo-bigotry at worst. With that kind of mindset, perhaps you’d find a happy home with the rainbow space nazis in Supox. You shudder at the thought of SL combat the way I think it should be? We’ve done things for years the way the AN thought they should be, and look where we are. Look what the leaders of other groups have had to become out of necessity. I seriously doubt I can do any worse.

    “I wonder how long it will take for someone to notice that despite protestation to the contrary in countless Herald articles and comments connected thereto, you just admitted that the Mercz and Ordo were never better than the AN.”

    Try reading comprehension instead of “I r rubber n u r teh gl00″. Had it not been for the constant attempts on the part of the Alliance Navy to outright destroy other groups, we never would have adapted to defend ourselves, and to fight back. The Ordo and the Merczateers are vastly superior to the Alliance Navy now, and we only have the AN to thank for it. Look at Ordo. Look at Mercz. The Alliance Navy used to be the hands down dominant air power on the grid, and none of the other groups had much beyond basic Hammerhead scripts. But thanks to leadership pissing off their most talented members into defecting, the ANAD now can barely, if at all, hold a defense against an Iron Symphony air squad half its size, even with 2,000 of those proximity mines littering the skies. We have Timmahy Widget and Jeremy Duport among others to thank for that, and we have you all to thank for pissing them off enough to join us. The greatest irony of that is that you yourself were one of the major reasons Jeremy left, leading to the Uriel. So thank you for indirectly helping us surpass the Alliance Navy.

    “In the end, it doesn’t matter what you or I say. There will be those that will remember him as he was, and those that prefer the demonized (no pun intended) version. That’s simply the way of things; people perceive what they wish to. You would do well to remember that Ethan.

    Retort if you like, it matters not. By this afternoon there will be another snail story or half naked avatar gracing the virtual pages of the Herald and this conversation will be left for the archives. I am done with you Ethan.”

    And now the classic AN last resort defense mechanism (when in an argument, as STRANGELOVEing your own base is how you react when beaten in combat): Remove armor gauntlets, stick fingers in ears, and go “LALALALALALA it doesn’t matter we are the great AN and no one can stop us!!!” There will indeed be those who perceive things how they want despite mountains of objective evidence to the contrary. That koolaid you all used to fill your recruit canteens with was pretty powerful stuff, and still has a strong hold on some people even today. But that’s alright. Most of the AN rank and file know better now, and even Jim seems like he’s beginning to come around. You, and those like you, are dinosaurs. Your styles, methods, and code of conduct is recognized by more and more people every day as being unacceptable. Soon, the Templar philosophies will be nothing more than a bad memory in the minds of the veterans of SL combat who have embraced the concepts of respect, sportsmanship, and unity. Enjoy your obsolescence, Judge. At least you won’t be alone in it anymore.

  32. Blargh

    Jul 16th, 2008

    Oh looky looky, the great Eye Korobase telling people to grow up about SL.

    Cute, isn’t it ?

  33. Nacon

    Jul 16th, 2008

    So SL Herald is becoming a fucktard joint.

  34. Obscure Doodad

    Jul 17th, 2008

    No more embeds with those military units. Which leaves the opposition to get all the coverage.

  35. ex-AN

    Jul 17th, 2008

    Proof that the Ordo haven’t changed, the AN got intel that the Ordo was going to attack at 1 pm (on a weekday mind you, some of use have you know Jobs) but the AN got a force of 20+ AN to defend the base, so what did they do? called off the attack, and made their sim no access (or hand members banned from the sim) so lame.

    their is you koolaid Ethan, on a fair fight the Mercz and Ordo back down from fights while the AN doesn’t, damn I wish I had more time so I could rejoin

  36. Steve319 cao

    Jul 17th, 2008

    “Secondly, your comment that states that AN shoot unarmed reporters..
    I’d like to point out that your own Military (U.N.I.T) will shoot ANYTHING, be they a reporter, a civilian, an unarmed ally, an enemy, or even a member of their own group.
    Set your own house in order before you even try to criticize the ANs.

    -Fox Mulgrave, Rathium Commander”

    Before I waste a stupid amount of time pointing out your mass flaws fox because quite honestly I neither have the time nor the space in this post to list them all I would however like to respond to your comment the only reason your shot whenever you leave the hub at calm fluttering my friend is your on the kos list or havnt you worked that out yet.

    Now lets venture back to the origins of your new group well I say new group its just the latest failure of AM in a new skin
    Rathium only exists because fox attempted to gain access to MC,and once Rancid realized what he was trying to do kicked him and his little friend from the group.

    So in conclusion Fox stop trying to hack my account stop trying to steel UNIT members because the notecards because every time you try we just have a bigger laugh about it take your base off group only and let us come kick your ass again .
    have a nice day young man oh and don’t bother responding I really cant be fucked to get into a drama fest with you over and article that has nothing to do with either of us.

    Steve319 Cao

  37. Steve319 cao

    Jul 17th, 2008

    And is anyone surprised Judge pipes up and supports Nanao there from the exact same schools of thought on how the AN should be run and there both members of the oh so secret and homosexual templars, there are those on the grid who engage in sl drama err I mean military who refuse to accept a change is coming commanders are trying to make sl combat fun again theres no room for people who think like nanao anymore sl combat is trying to become more sportsman like and less drama.
    People like the templars can either learn to live with it or pack there balls up and go home.

  38. Eye Korobase

    Jul 17th, 2008

    Reply to ex-AN

    It looks like you do not have the full story on that day. What happened was that Ordo actually attacked a good long time and had lefted some flags there. Then when ordo pulled out, The merczs came and of course kicked alot of ass. In which time the AN started to bomb their base (their basic “OMG MERCZS ATTACK O CRAP” tactice and I had 2 marines firing at me, while I helded my ground until I got 20 bombs land near and then on me. While the merczs kepted the attack up, they asked Ordo if they wanted to come back in and fight, in which we got the answer that they didn’t. So, the merczs stayed a bit longer, then pulled out.

    there is the whole story for you. O and btw ex-AN
    Anytime Merczs come in for a attack on AN, the AN freak out and call in 2142m 39th, and sparta to help save them. so, don’t complaint on how AN has no reinforcements.

  39. Ethan Schuman

    Jul 17th, 2008

    Actually, ex-AN, you’re missing a few key points. I’ll go on ahead and point them out here…

    “Proof that the Ordo haven’t changed, the AN got intel that the Ordo was going to attack at 1 pm (on a weekday mind you, some of use have you know Jobs) but the AN got a force of 20+ AN to defend the base, so what did they do? called off the attack, and made their sim no access (or hand members banned from the sim) so lame.

    their is you koolaid Ethan, on a fair fight the Mercz and Ordo back down from fights while the AN doesn’t, damn I wish I had more time so I could rejoin”

    1) The Alliance Navy no longer has the capability, even at peak hours, to rally a defense force half the size of an Ordo or Mercz attack team (let alone the two groups attacking together). We can attack at any time of any day, and we’ll still overrun your entire online group with MAYBE a quarter of any individual IS military, while maintaining a full base defense, AND running a training class elsewhere. So no, AN’s numbers were not a concern, at least from the combat standpoint.
    2) Part of AN’s standard base defense procedure is to lay down 150 mines per each expected attacker (not an exageration, sadly). With a full Ordo assault of over 35 members, that equates to roughly… a sim full of mines that an Ordo mortar would detonate, causing a chain reaction leading to a sim crash, and AN bawwing about the lag of Ordo gear.
    3) Speaking of AN bawwing about lag, let’s have a look at those Arrowheads which are STILL slamming into the grey goo wall. This is in addition to their 1.0+ ms script time, and physics breaking performance. For some reason, the AN likes to have at least four of them up at any given time if they can, regardless of what type of enemy is attacking. Couple that with the AN’s sensor HUDs and outdated gun scripts, and you get a shitton of lag per each individual AN soldier. Yes, Mercz guns are laggy, but that’s the only laggy piece of equipment they have. Mercz, Ordo, MC, and even 2142 have no issues with their gear in full out combat (even in void sims) until the AN show up, even just a handful, and enter the fight. At this point, lag goes through the roof. You all need to stop pointing fingers and screaming “OMFG LAG!” at everyone else and look at your own gear. Dorien is the only sim that has its physics break, and it only happens when there’s more than a small amount of AN in the sim. Fix, update, and standardize your gear. I still see marines using the same rifles used when I was in the AN two years ago on occasion. It might also be wise to start looking at upgrading to a Class V, as they handle combat far better.
    4) So you found out about an upcoming attack. Good for you. Now, consider this for a moment… the Ordo Imperialis can summon a 30+ man attack team in under five minutes. The Alliance Navy needs 24 hours notice to have 20 defenders ready. As funny as attacking and smashing them all to bits would have been… it’s outright hysterical to go “Oh, we’ll just attack later.”, making all your plans, defensive preparations, and espionage for naught. You spent all day getting ready for an attack that wasn’t going to come. In short… you got Punk’d. Besides, with the AN in the state it is right now, do you really want the precious few that are still willing to defend to be hammered about as the Ordo slaughtered anyone who stood in their way? If twenty AN can’t stop a group of Mercz who are fooling around (which they can’t, even with their mine spam), then they’d be dog food for Ordo’s offensive assault force.

  40. Ethan Schuman

    Jul 17th, 2008

    Oh, and Steve… don’t get me wrong. You’re a friend of mine. But please, I beg of you…


    The run on sentences are really hard to read, and whatever message you’re trying to communicate often gets lost in translation, as it were.

    Just remember… every time you forget to put a period where one is needed or don’t captialize something that should, Nanao rapes a baby. Please, Steve, for the sake of the children, use punctuation and grammar.

  41. Anon

    Jul 17th, 2008

    ex-AN – You made me laugh. Really. Next time the AN might be better off double checking their “intel” a little bit more thoroughly lmfao.

  42. Wtf?

    Jul 17th, 2008

    Eye, you are an idiot. When are you going to wake up and realize that nobody likes you and go die in a fire?

  43. Bruno Ziskey

    Jul 17th, 2008

    Eye, that attack you’re talking about happened on Sunday. The planned attack Ex-AN is talking about was planned for YESTERDAY. Do try to get your facts straight.

  44. ex-AN

    Jul 17th, 2008

    nice try eye, but I was able to be their for some of it, the Ordo never attacked, I’m talking about the would be attack on july 16th 2008 not attacks before hand that the Ordo and Mercz have swarmed the AN when very little AN being online or at base at the time.

  45. Eye Korobase

    Jul 17th, 2008

    reply to Wtf?

    o very funny. Insulting my person wil get you no where and I have loads of people who do care for me and see me as a good comrade. and to ex-AN, maybe if you more clean in your post, then I would not have commented about that attack on sunday. O and also, Merczs and Ordo never attack bases with one person at them. That is just unfair and we don’t do it. there has to be at least 4 or 5 guys on a base before anyone attacks them.
    Here is a good one for you ex An, if you are a Ex An, why are you acting like your still an AN member? making excuses for them and saying that everyone else but them is cheating? It sounds more like your a Real An member, more then a Ex member.

  46. steve319 cao

    Jul 18th, 2008

    To ex-AN at least Eye has the balls to post under a name we can recognize, why don’t you take the mask of and show everyone who you really are then maybe your comments will be validated.

  47. Guy

    Jul 18th, 2008

    Lol look how much drama pretend militaries stir up its unbelievable. In addition, the baby rape nanao does is actually worth a mention in these times because he cannot get around it. People are like “omg get over it its just SL play sex come on” well if you look at it from a psychological perspective, nano has daughter rape fantasies and why would he do that in SL?
    Because he enjoys it. You don’t do stuff like that unless you want to do it and enjoy doing it. I bet nano was fapping the whole time not at pixel cartoon sex on his screen but at the idea of him having a daughter and ejecting his load in her. very lulz worthy indeed.

  48. ex-AN

    Jul 18th, 2008

    yea and have someone as vindictive as Ethan have anymore details? right I really don’t want to have to get an alt. Ethan claims he helped turn emit time into a furry deathcamp, why? because some stupid he said this and someone else said that? come on you would never be able to prove one way or another what really happen so of course the AN didn’t do anything. Much less Ethan is a disgraced reject of the Early AN when people like shadow, lief (or was it mief) ran divisions. the AN requires hard evidence that one of it’s members have done something before it will act.

    I’m kind of sure I stated that I have a job, I can’t sit on the PC all day playing war all the time that’s why I’m not a member anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still on good terms with the AN and updated on it’s events.

    so call me a pussy or what have you but the little time I have in SL I don’t want Ethan or some jackass breathing down my neck when I just want to have some fun.

  49. Zrazor Rozenstrauch

    Jul 18th, 2008

    You know, I can’t help but find a lot of similarities between the literary works of Ayn Rand and the SL Herald comment posts of Ethan Schuman. Both are obscenely long, painfully self-indulgent, and mind-numbingly boring.

  50. ex-AN

    Jul 18th, 2008

    Also eye, why are you trying so hard to make this personal? I mean come on really? I could get all pissy but what good will that do? and I did make it clear it wasn’t the Sunday attack by saying weekday. I don’t need to make any “excuses” for the actions of the AN, as I’m sure they don’t really give a shit anymore what the herald writes as they are now shooting reporters,I’m sorry Knifing. I’m not acting like the AN hasn’t seen better days, not acting like they are now the most powerful or what have you. But they can still hold their own on a one on one fight or even a one on two fight, not a 1 to 4 fight like the Ordo and Mercz seems to enjoy. And from talking to Ex Mercz that the members of the AN aren’t as easy to offend as the Mercz members, to figure I guess having the all Mercz insults and what have you have given the AN thicker skins.

    Also why for the love of god did you guys put Avil back into the Mercz he’s he one that land nuked your sim back a while ago.

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