Archive for August, 2008
Linden Lab Governance Team Blinks – Reverses Itself

Tizzers BnT brought back from the dead by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Tizzers at Fort Longcat A tense stare down developed between residents of Second Life and the Linden game gods earlier this week – part of a struggle over avatar naming rights and a series of preemptive account bans in the absence of [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Repression, Tyranny and Corruption = Economic Stagnation
by IntLibber BrautiganKREMER, SL – The recent LL blog announcement by Jack Linden that LL is holding off any new mainland land sales indefinitely, due to flat land prices, indicates that there is little new interest in land buying by the general public. This means literally zero economic growth in SL for the past two [...]
Full StoryElwood Abernathy: How LL Will Keep Their Customers?

Lab holds grandpa’s alt accounts hostage for being underage – then refuses to talk? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Elwood Abernathy is not happy with Linden Lab A distressing notecard from Elwood Abernathy was waiting when I stopped by the Herald offices last night: I read with interest the Second Life Herald about intlibbers [...]
Full StoryI’m a Barbie® Girl, in a Barbie World

Daddy? Can I have your credit card? by Sigmund Leominster Barbie Girl Home: VIP girls get SuperB Chat™ then shop for clothes and funky new furni As a kid, I was never wanted to play with dolls. As a boy, calling them “Action Figures” didn’t make it any more likely. At one time, I’m pretty [...]
Full StoryLL Disappears More Accounts Overnight

The killings will continue until until morale improves by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk death squads “disappear” more Tizzers accounts Over the last 24 hours, at least three more avatars with the first name “Tizzers” have disappeared from the search people list – apparently terminated by secretive Linden Lab avatar death squads. This comes in [...]
Full StoryAll Tizzers Must Die!!! — LL’s Firstname Ban Policy?

Tizzers Aristocrat account gone before morning by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Tizzers Aristocrat: your account has been activated – we will be deactivating it shortly To kick off “National Register a Tizzers Alt Account Month”, I created an alt account named Tizzers Aristocrat to check Intlibber Brautigan’s claims that Linden Lab is banning all [...]
Full StoryShyayn Lusch — Post 6 Grrrl

[My first thought when I saw Shyayn was 'OMG, she's so cute. I want to pinch her little cheeks'. There she was, a Barbie en miniature, sexy and innocent looking at the same time. When we started talking, I soon had to realize that there was more about this Shyayn than just a pretty face [...]
Full StoryNational Tizzers Month – Register an Alt Account Today!

“Your World, Your Imagination” — unless your first name is Tizzers by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Tizzers Aristocrat and Intlibber Brautigan suggests everyone register a Tizzers alt account After buying the exclusive rights to the BnT avatar last name in Second Life for a $500 USD setup fee, plus $500 in annual fees, Intlibber [...]
Full StoryMemorial for a Queen

Saturday, August 16, a memorial service was held in Shivar, for Queen of the Shivari, Montserrat Snakeankle/Sparrowhawk Perhaps (Carmen Hermosillo irl). It was attended by many members of the Shivar tribe as well as dignitaries from other nations and races. There was also at least one ambassador from the WELL, where she was known as [...]
Full StoryCasino Gambling Returns To Second Life

Does Linden Lab approve of gambling for Z$s purchased with L$s ? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Z$s cannot be converted to L$s — so you can cash out here Just over a year ago, Linden Lab banned gambling in Second Life, a change that sent the in-world economy into a tailspin as virtual [...]
Full Story
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