Archive for April, 2009
How Profitable is the Second Life Fashion Game?

by Tenshi Vielle I recently ran a very informal survey at Shopping Cart Disco in attempt to learn what Second Life's fashion designers cash out of Second Life per month. The results are summarized in the table below — the average earnings for all designers was $850 USD/month. Inexperienced designers claiming to take home an [...]
Full StoryFive Reasons Why Free Realms Kind of Rocks

Butthurt divas of Second Life appear as NPCs in Free Realms by Tenshi Vielle Last weekend when I signed in to Free Realms, I cringed upon logon. How fruitcake could a game get? It looked like IMVU and World of Warcraft had a drunken night of debauchery and spawned some kind of freak. The more [...]
Full StoryUnderground in Gor: A New Series

by the Wanderer Recently, a blogger named Joan Sweetwater explored Gorean culture and regions in Second Life, as a freewoman and, later, as a kajira. I began to wonder what a geeky man would do in these settings. Sweetwater began with a large chip on her shoulder: she despises Gor and its culture of male [...]
Full StoryMob Attacks Second Life Vice

by Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro, SL League of Decency An overflow crowd recently gathered to protest vice, depravity, and bad taste that mark the current state of Second Life. SLOD reserved a PG region (there being no G regions, sadly) and came well armed against any roaming perverts. Overflow crowd demands end to [...]
Full StoryBetter Than a Freenis – Tenshi Gets A Boob Job

by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista Skin: Blowpop Skins, Bikini: Shai, Hair: ETD Ladies, digital boobs are no longer good enough for us. There are places the skin layer simply cannot go. That skin you love so much might just need a little enhancement for that special night out on the town. Nobody wants to look [...]
Full StoryWhy the SL Avatar Mesh Fails

by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista slmesh.jpg – Courtesy of Annyka Beckers, creator of Blowpop Skins Inan amazing feat of web-stumbling, it has been revealed that 3D mesheswork best when they do NOT contain triangles. Triangles, due to theirodd nature when subjected to division createbumps and humps in the avatar's appearance. We, of course, see thisnearly [...]
Full StoryEx-Second Life Newspaper SLNN Now Covering Golden Grrrls?

Metaverse loses another news source as SLNN changes ownership and direction by Tenshi Vielle SLNN's coverage of the Second Life world has gone missing and is now feared dead. For nearly two weeks, the formerly Second Life-oriented news service's web site has been unresponsive. Readers attempting to access current or past articles are greeted with [...]
Full StoryCrowdsourcing Grief in Second Life’s Remembrance Garden

Will residents remember the dead in Linden-approved style? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk I join several scantily clad residents in Linden Lab's new "Remembrance Garden" and click on Flower Dispenser 55. The dispenser replies in soothing tones, "Please type the name of the person to commemorate. The person must be a SL avatar name. [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Asking for it
by Jessica Holyoke A friend of mine used to joke that you can't rape the willing. It was a silly statement that is fundamentally true. You can't rape the willing. The act and crime involves a lack of consent for sex. That consent can be either taken by force, induced chemically or statutorily unable to be [...]
Full StoryWrite About the Herald, Get a Pulitzer Prize

by Urizenus Sklar, reporting from the Zac Efron party tent at the Pulitzer awards. The Herald is pleased to report that Jim Schaefer and some of his colleagues at the Detroit Free Press have received a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the Kwame Kilpatrick affair. What we media insiders know is that while Schaefer [...]
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