Archive for September, 2009
Sion Chicken Advice: Don’t Ride Them Nekkid!!!

Does tainted animal feed from China weaken chickens?by Pappy Enoch, Pullet-Surprise Winner After my first masterwork on them poor dead chikkins, I got me a sad letter from a poor (and pretty) gal suffering from different poultry disasters. I didn’t sign on at the Herald to be no advice communist, but let me take a [...]
Full StoryVampirella Jewel — Post 6 Grrrl

[I was helping friend and former Post6 model Shyayn Lusch run a fishing contest at her store and turnedaround to see the most gorgeous Neko creature I had ever seen. I askedher if she would pose for us and was thrilled that she said yes. Whenwe set up the shoot, I was disappointed when she [...]
Full StoryzFaDarkness Yue’s Cars and Drag Racing

Motorsports for the family by Alessandra Narayan, sports desk Broken hands and fingers explain zFaDarkness Yue’s obvious preference for voice over textchat. Mr. Yue is a retired pilot who now dedicates his time on Second Life building tracks and racing fast cars – best referred to as karts and drags – all in the name [...]
Full StoryAutomated Single-Player Zyngo – a Game of Skill or Gambling?

Is Linden Lab making millions from online gam(bl)ing again??? Second Life High Roller Gam(bl)ing – part 3 by Father Jones, investigative reporter In the previous two parts of this series we looked at the amazing number of high stakes gaming parlors in Second Life and the history of online gambling in Second Life. Although gambling [...]
Full StorySecond Life High Roller Gam(bl)ing – part 2

Linden Lab earning millions on virtual gambling – all over again? by Father Jones, investigative reporter Has Linden Lab really moved beyond the gambling businesses – a major part Second Life economy before the 2007 gambling ban? With Zyngo parlors publishing odds for auto-play games it is hard to believe online gambling has been replaced [...]
Full StoryMairead McConnell — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Isaw Mairead McConnell at the beach one day and begged her to pose forus here at Post 6. Thankfully, she agreed. She is beautiful and smart,and it was a pleasure to work with her, I only hope I've done herjustice. -Timothy Morpork] I'venow been in SL for almost three years. Like most, I've had my [...]
Full StoryBanLink Security Broken – Shocking SQL Reveals All!!!

Sloppy software willingly accepts rogue queries - BanLink passwords compromised? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk BanLink is a resident-created Second Life "service" allowing land owners to easily share lists of players to ban from their virtual land. Given the potential for abuse of such a system, you might expect a certain level of care [...]
Full StoryStroker’s Lawyer: Case Is About Protecting Creators Against Piracy

Similar case resulted in a $32M USD award to LouisVuitton by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs deskThe class action lawsuit against Linden Research is about "protecting therights of content creators against piracy" according to Michael Aschenbrener of the KamberEdelson law firm. Mr. Aschenbrener is the lead attorney representing Mr. Serpentine and Ms. Zaius. Michael Aschenbrener When [...]
Full StoryEros, LLC v. Linden Research: Initial observations
by Jessica Holyoke The metaverse is still buzzing with the news of SL Resident Stroker Serpentine filing a class action lawsuit against Linden Lab. After reading the complaint, a number of things pop up. As Benjamin Duranske used to warn on Virtually Blind, please remember that this is an active case and situations and facts [...]
Full StoryWill Stroker and Munchflower Win?
Can players p0wn game gods in court? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The gloves have come off with Stroker Serpentine and Muchflower Zaius’ class action lawsuit alleging intellectual property violations for both copyright and trademarked works on the part of Linden Lab. Both Mr. Serpentine and Ms. Zaius run well-known and successful businesses in [...]
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