Corsi Mousehold: JLU Are Power Hungry Crazed Nutjobs
by Alphaville Herald on 09/03/10 at 12:38 pm
[Corsi Mousehold has been awarded the “commie” or comment-of-the-week award for her explanation of why the Justice League Unlimited superheros are not welcome in Furnation. The award winning comment is reproduced below. ]
Here’s a bit of a story. IN years past the JLU were a welcomed member of the FurNation community. They didn’t bother anyone and no one really bothered them. That was until we were under a griefer attack and the JLU came over to ‘assist’ and the first thing they did was report ME to the lab for griefing. They approached me and yelled at me for causing the issue. I asked them why they reported me of all people. By this time I had already deleted all the offensive material. They told me that I was the one putting it all out and they had seen me doing it. Basically they had watched me selecting objects to return them. They were extremely rude to me at the time and informed me that they would have reports go up on me. I contacted Kalel and he too said I was being reported and then for harassment as well. I was not rude to these people at all. It was several days later that I was contacted by Kalel informing me that the ‘charges’ had been dropped because they did not realize I was the sim owner. My response of course was to point to the info hub I had in the center of the sandbox that had my name clearly displayed as the sim owner and if his comrades had taken a moment to look they would have seen I was in the admin team.
He called me ungrateful and abuse reported me again. I was informed of this by him as well as he had several of his friends make the same report. All reports were dismissed by the GOV team as illegitimate. Soon I had JLU members ‘patrolling’ the sandboxes and abuse reporting anyone that they felt was disobeying my rules. They started to get several members of my community banned. I was forced to add a new sim rule that the JLU were not allowed in the sim for any reason. When they had seen this, I was reported again for griefing. Again the report was dismissed.
In the end I was approached months later by Green Lantern Corps asking if it was okay for them to be there. They apologized for the treatment the JLU had given me and asked if they would be allowed to just come and build.
Green Lantern Corps are allowed to visit and act if they wish. But they are not allowed to be in tag or act as a part of the Corps while visiting. If they are the subject of a griefing they are to come to me and I would take care of it. They can then file all the reports they like.
In the end the JLU are a bunch of power hungry crazed nutjobs that think being an SL Police force gives them the right to get away with whatever they want. The GLC on the other hand have always been very respectful to me and my residents.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 18th, 2010
I have yet to be banned on my main or alt, so I was either not AR partied or my ARs were ignored(gonna go with the former). It seems picketing with a sign that says “The JLU are harvesting your information and putting it on their private network. Say no to the JLU.” in sandbox sims that they supposedly actively patrol doesn’t push them far enough.
And wow, from the above I see Plexus still supports them? Isn’t he already on very thin ice with LL as it is?
Judge Joker
Apr 18th, 2010
Good old Plexus “Platypus” Linden
Plexus Platypus perma-ban venom.
The perma-ban venom appears to have a different function from those produced by non-mammalian species: its effects are not life-threatening but nevertheless powerful enough to seriously impair the victim.
Since only males produce perma-ban venom and production rises during the griefing season, it is theorised that it is used as an offensive weapon to assert dominance during this period.
Tux Winkler
Apr 18th, 2010
@ Gaara
No doubt, GLE would have announced your plan to the council – XD
And as for my ban, probably justified, I was trying something that may be seen as naughty. Plus I took a cheap shot at Plexibaby.
So probably may fault. 0.o’
Judge Joker
Apr 18th, 2010
@Tux Winkler
I read your blog post before including the one now containing just
“POST REMOVED – NOW LIFT THE BAN?” which is also still fully visible in a google cache. Aka I Know What You Did Last Summer
As far as I know Linden Labs would not bother adding
“BEATEN DOWN BY THE LINDEN HAMMER” and a 1st life pic saying Linden Censorship protecting you from reality on your profile.
So are you saying Plexus added it? and it’s new policy to mock people he bans? instead of just deleting the account?
I think thats more than his jobs worth to publicly put you in stockades and throw rotten tomatoes at you?
So whats the real deal? are you being threatened by the JLU and being forced to feign being banned from SL? to make a semi quiet exit?
Or are you taking that connection error you experienced
and opportunity of which to duck out of going after the JLU, because your tired and RL is more important?
If not heres what you profile looks like in-world, enjoy!
Tux Winkler
Apr 18th, 2010
I used that profile pic many times =) it has been removed too quite often. I can’t remember where I got it.
I cannot help google cache. I just removed the post because I had issues with Chiyo previously for blogging.
And no no one threatens me (that I am aware of or pay attention to).
I do think what I was doing is being investigated, more so because it was after the new TOS etc. It was quite naughty tbh. But I would have thought it would have been figured out by now.
There is no connection error because I can get into SL, but not with any account I have previously used. Even my bot accounts are blocked. Which may be giving errors to some users inworld.
Apr 18th, 2010
It’s just sad to see you get slapped down by Plexus in the name of the JLU without Plexus getting the shit he deserves for this. I wonder if the rest of LL even knows that he’s still vetting the JLU and making some very potentially nasty situations for them with it. LL shouldn’t have any right to moderate what you post on sites outside of SL and the SL forums either.
It seems like you should push this, if only for the principle of the matter.
Tux Winkler
Apr 18th, 2010
Oh, it has nothing to do with JLU (other than my snide comments), I was being naughty – XD
Judge Joker
Apr 19th, 2010
How many irony points do I get for finding a Pilot called Kalel Venkman on a disorder score board?
And joined “PressCorp. Bounty Hunting and Engineering”
A new corporation dedicated to furthment of Science while enjoying a good rat hunt from time to time.
I can see what hes filling his head with when subscribing to titles like “A disturbance of the peace or of public order”.
If that really is him it’s a sad score, Play more games Kalel and play Second Life less.
Apr 19th, 2010
Well anyways, I have to give it to GLE for skillfully avoiding acknowledging the real questions at all for this monitoring thing. I think GLE’s unwillingness to even address the questions for this plus Kalel and GLE’s unwillingness to remove the monitor for Furnation despite it having no actual use for the JLU besides patrolling; proves that the JLU is still monitoring Furnation for the sake of actively patrolling it, likely on secret alts.
Keep an eye on any suspicious people looking for trouble in Furnation, Selkit.
Selkit Diller
Apr 20th, 2010
I usually have better things to do than trawl the sandbox for suspicious looking people. Tend to save that effort for real problems, which tend to come once every few days, not ZOMGEVERYWHERE. Got better things to do than sit around wanking the banhammer, like building. Nothing anyone can really do about alts, but I doubt they have the intelligence (Or the gall; “Heroes”, not spai, remember? lolwut) to hide their group tags.
Won’t stop me from slinging them from banline to banline for fun before leaving them sitting and sputtering in a red-line dance, mind you.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 21st, 2010
Completely off topic on this subject but:
I had another interview with GLE recently, in which he claimed that the JLU is moving on(aparrantly from everything, this matter, the wiki leak, etcetera), but I am seeing different colors from other members.
I checked their Krypton Radio site this morning and they spared no time in looking into the matter of the hammer being brought down on WU, and turning the event into a glorified article to show their superioirity.
“The Second Life community at large breathed a sigh of relief today when, in a surprise move earlier today, Linden Lab administrators destroyed the four regions belonging to the rogue group called “Woodbury University” in response to the egregious and continuous violations of the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards. Information is sparse at the moment, but the decision could have been based on information acquired by two Linden employees embedded as watchdogs within the group as well as information supplied by some half dozen peacekeeper groups and internal informants. The group itself is currently being dismantled by Linden Lab, with its charter description and image logo already removed. A large number of the membership of Woodbury is already missing from search, presumably with more to follow. When word of this reached the membership, a mass exodus from the group took place as well – nobody wanted to be caught being a member of Woodbury University.”
I mean, they literally do what they do and make WU out to be cyber terrorists. “Most SL residents are now glad WU is gone” is essentially what the first line says. When I did picketing in the Sandbox sims as a test to see how long it’d take me to get AR partied by the JLU for a propoganda sign defaming them(which I wasn’t for some reason)most of the people who saw my sign had no clue what the JLU are. I highly doubt that the bulk of the over 30k sims of residents in SL knew about WU, cared highly about them in any positive or negative manner, or wanted them gone.
I also will state that I am going to continue being a member of Woodbury.
“Only three of the original eight members of “The Wrong Hands”, the Woodbury subgroup responsible for the theft and illegal distribution of the Justice League Unlimited’s private wiki survived the justice action by Linden Lab. Tizzy Teardrop (Jordan Bellino in real life) and Hydrogen2 Oxygen were two of the ones who lost their accounts and all their known alts in the Linden operation. Haruhi Thespian, however, remains at large. “The Wrong Hands” is also either deleted or no longer findable in search.”
That does not look like moving on to me.
“No other Lindens would offer more insight into the situation, and the specific parties of the cease and desist order have not been made public. However, on Bellino’s web site at, he issues the following threat:
The Cyn, Jack, George, and Jeska Linden have ordered any presence of Woodbury University in Second Life to immediately cease and desist. The school is no longer welcome in any capacity and they refuse to give us any details or explanation as to why this is. Estate managers that have been banned because of this can appeal their ban via the guest ticket system if their account was previously in good standing.
Dr. Clift is currently fueling the jets of his legal team, and they will be contacting Linden Lab soon. In the meantime I will be busy waging a media campaign. They might have nuked our little virtual playground, but that doesn’t mean we’re going away. Woodbury will be a thorn in the side of Linden Lab until the day they close their doors.
We are also contacting the ACLU.
-Tizzers Foxchase”
This is a threat? If LL did this against Kalel he’d probably say/think/attempt the same thing, without the “thorn in their side” comment. Of course they wouldn’t see it as such. After all, the comment Kalel made to me when I told him I’d send a report about the matter in a ticket wasn’t a threat either, no matter how much it sounded like one. Ho ho…..
GLE, if you continue to read this which I can ascertain that you do, I know you told me a lot of positive things in our last interview, but why would you tell me such things only for me to find other members of the JLU STILL going on about what you claimed to be passed.
No, do not retort with some simple “Well why haven’t you moved on either?” comment.
Do not skirt around the question.
Why would you tell me that the JLU is moving on only for clear evidence that it hasn’t in terms of its views on everyone else pops up less than two days later?
opensim launchpad
Apr 21st, 2010
Time to start… WoodburyGrid
David McNaughten
Apr 21st, 2010
Considering that Linden Lab is going to delete the Woodbury group completely, I don’t think you’ll be staying on as a member, LOL.
I read the articles on Krypton Radio too, and Prokofy Neva’s blog site and it looks they’re telling the truth that the Herald isn’t telling. You notice there’s no article on the Herald about this at all. Why? Because the Herald has been backing the wrong horse the entire time, it looks like to me.
Asking why the JLU hasn’t moved on isn’t the right question. I think a better question is why the JLU hasn’t said ANYTHING about it until now?
Foxchase is just another kid who thinks he rules the world. He hides behind alts and pretends he’s innocent, and then manipulates the media to back him up. In your own post here, it shows him planning to do this very thing.
Face it – it’s all blown to smithereens, and Foxchase pushed the plunger. There’s nothing left to be a member of, it’s gone, banned and the sooner everybody forgets about Woodbury University in Second Life, the better for everybody – including the real life Woodbury.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Apr 21st, 2010
When you mention that I said JLU is “moving on,” I’m assuming you’re referring to my opinion that we are not considering any further actions related to the wiki theft. I don’t know what the future may hold, but for now I’m assuming that the sun is setting on that whole affair.
The Krypton Radio article is part fact and part speculation. Everyone can see what happened to Woodbury and its occupants. No one seems to know why, though. As far as I know, JLU had no part in it. We were as surprised as anyone else when we heard about it. It seems to me that they must have done something pretty bad to have their sims shut down and their groups and members deleted.
As for “sparing no time” to write the article, remember The Wrong Hands group and the operation that resulted in JLU’s wiki being stolen? All of that was planned in Woodbury University, by Woodbury University members. I don’t know how anyone could fault JLU for reporting the demise of the group that attacked it.
By the way, the website is where JLU posts its official statements and positions on different topics. You can expect to see more articles on various subjects as we start getting more comfortable with using it.
Last night I took a turn around Sandbox Goguen and met a couple of friends there. The conversation went something like this:
“Hey, GLE, how’s it going?”
“Not bad. Did you hear what happened to Woodbury today?”
“No, what’s Woodbury?”
Neither of them had ever heard of Woodbury University. Just like the folks who looked at your protest sign and didn’t know who JLU was, not everyone in Second Life is up to speed on what happens in our little corner of the grid.
Apr 21st, 2010
@GreenLantern Excelsior
I’m disappointed you didn’t take the bait this time, everytime I’d said you’d given up, you’d pop in and toss a few more messages (unfortunately they were always entirely avoiding the point, which is why I’d have to keep pressing).
“I don’t know what the future may hold, but for now I’m assuming that the sun is setting on that whole affair.”
It’s getting to the point where there’s not a whole lot more to squeeze out of the wiki leak, the thing has been strained for every immoral creepy stalker pulpy content, and there was lots, unfortunately besides being pretty funny, it didn’t particularly change the status quo. The JLU so far as I know still keeps their wiki, and all the wiki leak has done is given them a few more pages of creepy data on all the people who reacted negatively to their immorality and bullying.
“All of that was planned in Woodbury University, by Woodbury University members. I don’t know how anyone could fault JLU for reporting the demise of the group that attacked it.”
From what I remember in Haruhi’s article discussing the process of it, Woodbury wasn’t particularly involved and Tizzers didn’t even know about it until it was like, half done.
“I don’t know how anyone could fault JLU for reporting the demise of the group that attacked it.”
I’m not surprised, I remember the article gleefully reporting the real life death of the first wiki leaker, Nikola Shirikawa, with I imagine private little high-fives over their victory.
“Neither of them had ever heard of Woodbury University. Just like the folks who looked at your protest sign and didn’t know who JLU was, not everyone in Second Life is up to speed on what happens in our little corner of the grid.”
What exactly are you responding too, that’s what Gaara said originally:
“I highly doubt that the bulk of the over 30k sims of residents in SL knew about WU, cared highly about them in any positive or negative manner, or wanted them gone.”
From my experience most people I’ve met have never heard of either group, JLU certainly has the delusions that most people support their efforts, and they validate this by the idea that they’ve not been banned from operating in most of Second Life, but most of Second Life also has no idea who they are and were never asked whether they want their help or not.
“Note that this is “sims”, not “estates” – that’s two sims about of about five thousand. I think we’re doing something right here.
–Kalel Venkman 09:54, 9 August 2007 (PDT)”
It’s a strange sort of delusion, but the little tiffs between JLU and Woodbury or all the other minor “griefers”, is completely insignificant no matter how much Kalel wants to play it up as a threat to everyone. That’s your roleplay.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 21st, 2010
What I am saying specifically GLE, is that the people who wrote those still refer to the leak as “the illegal theft of the JLU’s private wiki”, still basically putting Woodbury down(the first line of that KR article exclaiming that most of SL seemed happy about it, which is pure opinion), and while the JLU may have moved on they still act this way towards people like WU.
And yes, what We said. That some JLU seem to think the whole grid knows about them and supports them. Unless of course those are just catchy lines like the Herald puts into their articles.
Also, this came as a surprise to me as well. From the looks of it LL refuses to explain why WU is no longer allowed to have face of any kind in SL. Basically, “You’re not allowed here. You cannot be here any longer. We won’t say why, but just know you’re no longer tolerated by us”, is what LL’s saying.
Or a big finger to put it in blunt terms.
Apr 21st, 2010
I hadn’t read through the Krypton Radio news site much but I took a look because of Gaara mentioning an article on Woodbury.
And yeah, they think the Herald is poor reporting? Jesus. These “news” reports are little more than thinly disguised propaganda, full of conjecture, personal opinion, half truths, and some outright fabrications. I also notice how much they include real names and information of the people they dislike, they practically gave Pixelleen’s home address, and every time they mention Tizzers they say his real name and location.
The article on Woodbury first does the “everyone breathed a sigh of relief!” thing, which is pure conjecture since it’s already been ascertained that most people have no idea who Woodbury or the JLU is. Then gives a little information about it, then hilariously the JLU try to take credit for it while simultaneously saying they have no idea what happened or why.
They’re still pushing the idea that the wiki was “illegally stolen”, I notice in the report about the actual leak, they fail to mention that Haruhi was a member of the JLU, invited in by Kalel, and freely given access to the wiki. They make it sound like she hacked into the web server and distributed it, they even refer to it as a “break-in” not an “infiltration”. The wiki wasn’t stolen, nor was it illegally distributed, it was given by Kalel and there were no legal agreements forbidding distributing it, making it’s distribution legal.
Then they go on to say that the wiki torrent on Piratebay is full of viruses and was “heavily edited by the posters”, an outright fabrication. They also claim that their “copyright was found valid” because the content was removed from sites they sent DMCAs too, and that Pixelleen’s counter filing didn’t challenge their copyright, another outright fabrication. All the taking down of the content meant was that the DMCA was successfully filed, it says nothing about whether the copyright was valid or not, GLE has even echoed that sentiment.
They go on to suggest that the Second Life Herald changing it’s name back to Alphaville Herald has to do with the wiki leak and LL striking back (an outright lie provable otherwise, as the name was changed long before any of this for the purposes of opening up their news possibilities to other things besides Second Life), and that they had to move from TypePad due to DMCA violations (since this is on TypePad right now, this is obviously a lie).
They then attempt to suggest that the outcry from their stalker activities was simply a small griefing group using multiple accounts with no actual proof of such, then trying to prove they own copyright without actually addressing the fact that they’re claiming copyright on illicitly obtained chatlogs and other people’s data, only trying to support the idea that they can collect it at all.
This thing just goes on and on with fabrications, half-truths, and propaganda. How do you support this GreenLantern, when you yourself have contradicted a number of the statements passed off as truth in this “news” site?
Apr 21st, 2010
*Correction: The Herald did move from TypePad to WordPress, but not forcibly, I don’t blame them for leaving since TypePad crumbled under Kalel’s cyber-bullying so easily and then managed to lose some of the data when Pixelleen counter filed.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 21st, 2010
Yep, nailed it on the head, We.
Also, Dave, no one paid attention to your comment. I can guess why pretty easily, but I’ll throw you a bone.
“read the articles on Krypton Radio too, and Prokofy Neva’s blog site and it looks they’re telling the truth that the Herald isn’t telling.”
They’re telling it from their viewpoint though. Biased as it is, at least the Herald tells it from the viewpoint of other people.
As for Prok’s blog, Prok’s a conspirator.
“You notice there’s no article on the Herald about this at all. Why? Because the Herald has been backing the wrong horse the entire time, it looks like to me.”
It’s because the Herald doesn’t want to just slap a bunch of random, and mostly opinionated, comments together and make a big propoganda blog. This event happened two frickin’ days ago, give it time, dood.
“Asking why the JLU hasn’t moved on isn’t the right question. I think a better question is why the JLU hasn’t said ANYTHING about it until now?”
They have been talking. I also read their recent KR article on the “illegal wiki theft”., in which they stated that they believe the whole reason for it was their foiling a WU raid on the Zeide Kamp sim.
The article was made to basically make readers think that WU made a raid on the Zeide Kamp sim that was foiled by them. They could even twist my “JLU fags over here”(please note I had never dealt with them prior this and only knew rumors, the only reason I called them such)comment that I made in WU group chat as a warning for people to stay away, further ascerting that they prevented the raid.
Maybe that was mis-information and they realized that a while back, but the article wasn’t edited at all to show the truth. They just left it that way. But yeah, they have been talking at least. I mean, I wouldn’t have expected them to not talk about it in the beginning of it all considering what was done.
“Foxchase is just another kid who thinks he rules the world. He hides behind alts and pretends he’s innocent, and then manipulates the media to back him up. In your own post here, it shows him planning to do this very thing.”
My siding with WU on this matter and holding my own opinion shows that someone else is using me? Oh, haha. Funny guy. Well in that contrast the same could be said for anyone that gets media attention. It’s not like this has been the ONLY thing the Herald’s been reporting. Multiple grid related articles, Post 6 Grrrls, and such, have also appeared. So how do we completely back up WU?
“Face it – it’s all blown to smithereens, and Foxchase pushed the plunger. There’s nothing left to be a member of, it’s gone, banned and the sooner everybody forgets about Woodbury University in Second Life, the better for everybody – including the real life Woodbury.”
Actually, if you had looked into it a little more closely, you would have noted that the legal department of WU irl has been brought out and will inevitably handle it.
In other words:
Judge Joker
Apr 22nd, 2010
Anyone mind if I say it again? it’s about time we had a forum!
Come on Urizenus & Pixeleen install one for us.
bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress!
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 22nd, 2010
And nothing of value was lost.
Apr 22nd, 2010
I notice the JLU actually has a pretty strong propaganda machine, making sure that anytime the JLU is mentioned that they force a biased counter-viewpoint.
Both SL Wiki’s have JLU pages, both made entirely by JLU members, and written to be as biased as possible. Not only that, they have JLU Members watching both wikis and reverting any attempts to make the wiki neutral back to the biased version.
There was even a post on forums regarding the herald articles and the wiki leak which was posted on by a new member named “Gregtrimble”, who wrote an extremely praising comment of the Justice League, echoing just about every single fabrication on Krypton Radio’s article about the wiki leak. The post was written in a way that suggests Gregtrimble is not a member of the Justice League, but only a casual observer, and that the “facts” he obtained were from a neutral source. “Gregtrimble” is a Second Life name (Greg Trimble), the profile mostly empty suggesting alt. A cursory search showed that Greg Trimble had posted on the SL Blog twice, one comment was also an extremely praising post of the JLU (also written in a way that suggests he has nothing to do with the JLU), and that Greg Trimble had voted on a JIRA issue created by Kalel related to monitoring sims, along with most of the Justice League group.
Everything points to Greg Trimble being an alt of a Justice League member, posting on sites pretending not to be one while repeating all of JLU’s propaganda in order to make the information sound less biased and more valid.
It’s all quite sleazy.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 22nd, 2010
Also, it may be worth noting the cull of Woodbury’s administration comes less than 24 hours after this
Apr 22nd, 2010
“Greg Trimble” is very likely an alt of Kalel Venkman.
I notice that in his post on, he consistantly spells “Wikipedia” in a very unusual way, capitalizing the “P” as such: “WikiPedia”. I cross-referenced this with the leaked JLU wiki and only found two instances where it was spelled this way, one on an article where I wasn’t able to ascertain who wrote it due to the limitations of the leaked wiki, and the other in a JLU meeting chat log in which Kalel Venkman spells it that way twice. Every other instance of “Wikipedia” being written is spelled in the normal fashion.
Apr 22nd, 2010
The Justice League Unlimited article on Second Life Wikia is currently being watched and actively changed to the JLU-made biased version by a user named “Tarantulas” which a cursory google search has revealed to be the pseudo-name of GreenLantern Excelsior, I imagine hiding the real name to make the edits appear to be less biased.
Apr 22nd, 2010
Why is the content on this site so far behind all the time?
Articles needed:
1) Woodbury is closed, Linden kicks them to the curb and tells them not to come back. For good!
2) Linden is getting sued for being the fraudulent company that they are. For collectively advertising for years that you own the virtual land you purchase and “all rights to the content you create”. Then turn around and take all the rights of the consumer away as they work on devaluing the land value to “0″. Moving away from the land business, getting ready for the sale of SL, all of the content Linden told you that you own, will be going with the sale as they continue to remove your rights, and continue with new terms that state that you do not own the content.
Enough with Pappy Enoch and JLU, let’s have some real articles!
Apr 22nd, 2010
Give me a break. I’ve been watching all your comments Gaara Sandalwood, We, and Joker. For weeks, you have railed on the Herald comment section on a wiki leak that originally broke in January. For months, you have had nothing else better to do with your sorry lives but chime in here, again and again, about the JLU’s activities and yell from the rooftops how great and innocent WU is.
It looks like you have the same problem the JLU have; leaving sh*t go and moving on with life. Now that WU is smashed, your story is no different. Seriously people, get a life.
Apr 22nd, 2010
Looks like JLU was behind it all. Legit news source covers it.
Danziel Lane
Apr 22nd, 2010
Sometimes I feel that watching yawning people might become as great a sport as watching people fishing or playing chess. When will yawning be on the olympics?
The interesting thing about yawning people is this: “I’ve been watching all your comments Gaara Sandalwood, We, and Joker. For weeks, …”
and then, a bit later: “Seriously people, get a life.”
How about your life, yawn?
Tux Winkler
Apr 22nd, 2010
Yay . . . I am back!!
Having had nearly everything reclaimed – Grrrrr
Anyways, bad to hear of WU. LL is getting worse. Wasn’t it some german chap who singled a group out and said they was not welcome in his land?
/me wonders if there is a A Linden or a H Linden!
Wyrdwolf Legion
Apr 22nd, 2010
Welcome back Tux.
Actually, i think the guy you are possibly aluding to was Austrian, not that it makes any difference.. But i thought i’d point it out before anyone tried to score some points.
Tux Winkler
Apr 22nd, 2010
XD – me and history – 0.o’
Danziel Lane
Apr 22nd, 2010
But be assured, there are a lot, a real big lot of Germans and Austrians who are totally different from that guy.
Good to hear you’re back, Tux.
Wyrdwolf Legion
Apr 22nd, 2010
Rest assured Danziel, I am well travelled, and am a huge fan of both nations and their peoples.
My Stepmother is from Frieburg.
Gaara Sandalwood
Apr 22nd, 2010
I don’t waste my life here, for whoever Yawn is. It takes ten minutes to make a logical response here.
And I wonder if it’s true. If LL does have two Linden Lab employees infiltrating WU. ufufufufu
Tux Winkler
Apr 22nd, 2010
@ Danziel
“But be assured, there are a lot, a real big lot of Germans and Austrians who are totally different from that guy.”
- But the same cannot be said for the Lindens it would seem.
“Good to hear you’re back, Tux.”
- Thanks =)
Apr 22nd, 2010
The Woodburys knew that taking any online game overly serious was bad mojo for everyone involved. The Woodburys knew that anybody who was wasting away their Real Life precious hours and years by trying to build up some fake online life was deluding themselves and needed to be woken up and broken out of their electronic-hypnosis of electric colors and spinning shapes for their own good. A “fetted pile of furfags and AIDS” as they would sometimes sum it all up.
So now the Communists have been purged from Second Life for fighting back against the Linden Labs Man, and Serious business in general, for it is wasted money and wasted time in a fake world, a fake world that could be sold, along with all the user content, to another company, or simply closed down at any time. Like all the other vitrual worlds are closing now.
So what some might call Woodbury griefing, others would call an attempt to spoil the electronic-hypnosis for the SL user to the point where the SL user starts to wake up to the facts enough that they are tempted and pushed to reconsider their wasted time in second life and leave, to the betterment of the actual person. Especially if said Second Life user is some schlub in real life trying to build up some fake persona in Second Life with the hallucenation in their head that they will become some rich and fameous Second Life Barron by forcing other second life users to conform to their Serious Business model. They especially didn’t like the “Herders of the Hypnotized” I guess you could say.
Fight Back against the fake Slum Lords! Fight Back against the fake SL police monkeys! Fight Back against fake Serious Business! might have been the Woodbury cry.
Because in a fake world built upon fake hopes and dreams, the ONLY thing that makes any sense at all when logging on is to whip around through the bright pulsating Electronic Colours and wildly Spinning Shapes, and when, in anyone with some intelligence, when the feeling of becoming sucked in and hypnotized by these wildly spinning electric colours starts to become profound, over the course of minutes or hours, then the ONLY reasonable thing to do is to PUSH BACK against this world with anarchy. Break it up. Help others wake up to their hypnotized folly.
It might seem like a big task for just a handful of enlightened university students, with the best interests of everyone except the Hypnotized Herders at heart, a big task for them to undertake it might seem. But hopefully they have had a lasting impact.
If Alyx is right, then this New class action lawsuit that has been filed against Linden Labs will be its death knell because it involves every single avatar in SL, in a giant suit against LL for Investment Swindlng to the tune of 100′s of Millions of dollars. Read: Bernie Madoff
So Linden Labs is going to have to sell off Second Life to another owner VERY SOON or lose everything. Soon like before its assets gets tied up in this new law suit. Assets meaning Second Life and everything YOU have put your work into making. IT AINT YOURS. It belongs to Lindens and they will keep whatever money they make from selling your stuff to the new owner.
The new owner will try to keep Second Life afloat by turning it into Corporate Life if they dont scrap it outright for surplus, from the word on the street. So if you don’t want to wake up from the bright spinning electric colour hypnosis of fail, and you want to keep getting screwed over in SL, then MAKE A GROUP right now to start your new Company, because fake serious business is prevailing in SL and they just killed the communists…
Vakesh Ishtari
Apr 22nd, 2010
Your full of it Tux, part of the same JLU
Not to mention, founder of the european heritage and affiliated member of then denying you ever founded that group. You and Serina MacArthur, together with Zen Gloom were recruiting from the teengrid for that slutfest in a slave sim. Oh but its “rp” so it all makes it all right.
Trust me when i say this. LL will breath down your neck, and so will alot of other people. You sir,
will eventualy become aware what the word Karma means.
It's Unfixable
Apr 22nd, 2010
The Herald CAN’T post any new articles on this – they jumped the shark, betting that none of these brats would ever be held accountable. And hey, guess what? If you make a career out of being a jerk, sooner or later somebody stops you.
Winkler, you should have taken the hint and stayed out, by the way, speaking of.
Tux Winkler
Apr 22nd, 2010
@ Vakesh
I wondered when a Jocephus supporter would spout. I’ll play with you for a moment:
“Your full of it Tux, part of the same JLU”
- This opening line has proven to everyone here you know nothing of what you are talking about.
“Not to mention, founder of the european heritage”
- That is European Heritage!
“and affiliated member of”
- IDK what that is, seems all the posts are locked there.
“then denying you ever founded that group.”
- I never denied such a thing.
“You and Serina MacArthur, together with Zen Gloom”
- Ah now I remember, Serina blew you out because you was so obsessive you resorted to stalking.
“were recruiting from the teengrid”
- I wouldn’t know what the teengrid looked like, never been there.
“for that slutfest in a slave sim.”
- I am sorry buddy, but being happily (and actively if you get my drift) married, I have absolutely no need to pretend I am having sex in a virtual world (unlike some we could mention). And please explain how wearing your dirty sock on your right hand makes it feel more real (chat logs are a killer right)?
“Oh but its “rp” so it all makes it all right.”
- I don’t RP.
“Trust me when i say this. LL will breath down your neck”
- You work for the lab? hmm, thought not!
“and so will alot of other people. You sir, will eventualy become aware what the word Karma means.”
- My life is a big learning experience, and I would be disappointed if I gained no awareness during my time.
Unfortunately you are confusing me with another. And yes, he is very active in SL once more, it seems. So by all means look him up, your organ grinder, Jocephus (being a grand wizard in the kkk and all), should know the proper channels to be able to contact him.
Judge Joker
Apr 22nd, 2010
@Vakesh Ishtari
Who the hell are you, and why do you believe that?
Why are you trying to call him a white supremacist? Tux has nothing to do with stormfront, WTF? stick to facts you can at least back up with a link.
If your going to attack someone at least post proof, link or pics or it didn’t happen.
“Everything points to Greg Trimble being an alt of a Justice League member, posting on sites pretending not to be one while repeating all of JLU’s propaganda in order to make the information sound less biased and more valid.”
Well If this is now a job for propaganda the truth usually is the best way to fight back and the is always top of the list for a google search, perhaps someone could clean it up and have the admins agree to lock it from modifications.
And while I don’t agree with the site or what it does, in this case I would have to go with it because it’s google rank alone singles it out as the best choice of place to fight back.
We all know it’s not going anywhere which gives them a prime opportunity to show a little more maturity and go against their site rules and make it less for the lulz and more for the truth.
Point to the articles the JLU have made, call them out on it make it obvious and re post a link back to ED under the postings.
But I wont hold my breath….
Get the *cough* guy or girl who runs
to add some eye candy.
Are you going to add the propaganda posters? if so could you consider allowing us to upload some Lolcats type JLU images?
Real screenshots of them with the JLU fail captions?
Also it would not be hard to make a script that if detects a JLU member, posts when and where in a twitter style page.
Points if your stalked the most?
@anyone else
The JLU say or make out you have no privacy in Second Life, or Real Life, so I don’t think it’s in poor taste to post their details when they give up everyone else will give up.
Wikipage revert bot anyone? automated warfare
Just my 2 cents.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Apr 22nd, 2010
@ Judge Joker
“Also it would not be hard to make a script that if detects a JLU member, posts when and where in a twitter style page.
Points if your stalked the most?”
So you plan to graduate from SL ToS violations to RL cyberstalking? FYI, that is not a good career path. You will be dealing with more than just the “Game Gods” then.
Tux Winkler
Apr 22nd, 2010
Good idea Judge Joker, I will see what he says!
Vakesh Ishtari
Apr 22nd, 2010
yes, i’m so impressed by all the words on this forum. Were there is smoke, there is fire. Blaming it all on Jo is the easy way out of it isn’t it Tux?
Apr 22nd, 2010
@GreenLantern Excelsior
“So you plan to graduate from SL ToS violations to RL cyberstalking? FYI, that is not a good career path. You will be dealing with more than just the “Game Gods” then.”
Good to know that it’s only cyberstalking if you do it without wearing tights and pretending to be a superhero, otherwise it’s JUSTICE.
I’m amazed that you can simultaneously defend the JLU while chastising him for doing the same thing they do, it takes a real amount of Orwellian double-think to get to that level.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 22nd, 2010
>He actually makes serious posts on stormfront
It's Unfixable
Apr 22nd, 2010
If that were true, “We”, why are all the JLU still here while all the actual griefers are banned? I think there’s your double-think disconnect, right there, “We”.
You should really call yourself “I”, by the way, since you’re not actually speaking for anybody but yourself.
And Tux posting more stuff is probably a bad idea too, considering he narrowly escaped a permaban for it. Lindens do notice.
Gundel Gaukelei
Apr 22nd, 2010
Brrrrrrrz! Your post triggered the “for your own good” attitude detection sensor. FAIL!
Tux Winkler
Apr 22nd, 2010
@ Vakesh
That URL triggers a warning on my firewall, so I have no idea of its content. Although, I am guessing it is to do with SF Core. You realise he rented land from me.
But if this association makes me whatever your accusation is, then I guess I am guilty as charged.
Sorry, what did I blame on Jo again?
Judge Joker
Apr 22nd, 2010
Due to the spam filter here I have had to split what i want to say.
@Vakesh Ishtari
I see we’re judging others by their group affiliations now the same way the JLU group & GLE does against members who join Woodbury, well let’s judge GLE by his affiliations to the JLU group, this should balance it out and make things fair.
I would also suggest you don’t post links to places the government actively monitor, not to be paranoid but they do monitor groups like that and because you basically are trolling us into being seen as “viewer only” active participant if we view the website.
@GreenLantern Excelsior
If you seek to prove I’m a “rogue” mentor and should be expelled from Second Life, then go fuck yourself because the mentoring is the only passionate experience I can attribute to having been worth my time in Second Life, and I believe I have done more than you that benefited Second Life as a whole, and I have never trumpeted it or used it as a badge unlike you seem to do with your stolen copyrighted superhero persona.
But it’s a valid experience I have taken part in just like you have taken part in various dubious activities and right now I will use it to display I’m well aware of what I’m talking about, and even if you have filled in a hundred thousand abuse reports or more per year you have done little to help Kalel Venkman not end up in this situation.
So lets get this party started.
People like you make me fucking sick you egotistical piece of shit I’m virulently disgusted by you and Kalel, I detest your one sided views and I will fight to my account death to defend my rights and that of other residents rights to not be cyberstalked by you and the JLU, your belief that it’s OK for you do what you want to others in the name of JUSTICE is wrong and everyone can fucking see that’s it’s been pure truth I have spoken and pure filth that you spout.
The more you speak the more I feel like I’m banging my head against a fucking brick wall, flogging that dead horse? well you are the one who continues to try to push your one sided opinion down our throats without actively listening to what truths others tell you.
And trust me for an ex-mentor who has tolerated newbies of many faiths, languages and view points to tell you that up until this point you became the third person in nearly 4 years who enrages me, should be a big enough insult to fill your hollow ego if you subscribe to the myth pissing off an ex-mentor is worth anything to you.