Archive for May, 2010
1-8-7 Family Owns Carona Mafia

Another classic Second Life mafia showdown is playing out both inside Second Life and on YouTube. The conflict apparently started in early May when the Carona Mafia issued a video warning that they have been “watching closely” since the Nicholas and Sephora gang wars broke out and plan to strike soon. Although the video claims, [...]
Full StoryStaff Killer Plague Decimates Linden Lab Governance Team

What is behind the sudden disappearance of former Linden governance team staff members? Colton Linden and Plexus Linden are no longer found in the Second Life search people tab, and a reliable source informed the Herald that Teagan Linden will succumb to the staff killer plague within 2 weeks now that she has given her [...]
Full StoryIs One Song Making a Comeback in Second Life?

Has One Song, the leader of the notorious Associates gang and infamous architect of the Second Jessie War, returned to Second Life? In a surprising development, five years after the Second Jessie War, Karl Fredericks found a mysterious Associates gang calling card owned by OneSong Solo at the Reichstag in Jessie sim. Reichstag being torched [...]
Full StoryCynthia Shamrock — Post 6 Grrrl

[I ran into Cynthia Shamrock a couple of months ago and I happened to be wearing my Post 6 tag at the time. She hadn’t heard of the Herald or Post 6, and it is my great pleasure to say that it seems that the collective charm of the blog has won her over, as [...]
Full StorySay It Ain’t So, D3adly — Avatars United Takes A Hit, Yet Again

You don’t hear much of d3adlyc0d3c lately, except on the comment sections of various blogs. You definitely don’t see him in Second Life. Did the deadly disease get the best of him and take his hacking career down? Not really, says D3adly. But he seems to have gotten “less” deadly, that’s for sure. Explaining that [...]
Full StoryIsabelle Helgerud — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Isabelle Helgerud was recommended to me by a reader and I am thrilled that she agreed to pose for us. I was also thrilled that she was willing to write for us in her native language, as I wanted to present the first Post 6 not published in English, to remind us of the many [...]
Full StoryDid Linden Lab’s Emerald Dev Coverup Lead To Woodbury Ban?

An attempted coverup of the leaked datamine database connecting IP addresses and Second Life avatars names may have been to blame for Linden Lab’s mass ban of the Soviet Woodbury faction and deletion of Woodbury University’s Second Life assets, according to chat logs provided to the Herald. As previously reported, a group of Second [...]
Full StoryEmerald Dev’s Modular Systems Data Mine Tracks 16,740 Avatars

Documents recently leaked from the web site include a dump of a secret “datamine” data base containing over 39,000 entries tracking 16,740 Second Life players, detailing avatar name, avatar key, and IP address. The database was apparently populated between early January and April 2010, based on the timestamps found in the leaked dump. Fractured [...]
Full StoryNew Scientist’s Bitch Slap Turns Men Into Girls
New Scientist reports that men can be now turned into virtual girls – or at least experience some body transfer illusion – through a simple virtual reality program. A research subject wearing virtual reality googles first explores a virtual room in which a Nelly Furtado video is playing and a woman stands next to a [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Linden Lab Mafia
by Intlibber Brautigan In his cyberpunk novel "Snow Crash", which Phillip Rosedale has said a number of times that Second Life is based on, the federal and state governments have imploded from fiscal irresponsibility and a refusal to face reality. In his prequel works, Stephenson’s heroes of the novel "Cryptonomicon" recover a massive cache of [...]
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