Tizzers Foxchase: Linden Lab is Linden Lab’s Worst Enemy
by Defne Demar on 03/06/10 at 12:16 pm
I recently interviewed Tizzers Foxchase, the perma-banned Woodbury University faction leader, as part of a post-mortem of the mass delete of the Woodbury group from Second Life. Of course, this is far from the first Linden Lab group ban – many of us remember the mass ban of Voted 5 on September 19, 2006 when Philip Linden claimed 60 avatars were suddenly and permanently booted out of SL after a series of grid crashes, and their sim, Satyr, reclaimed without a refund.

Tizzers Foxchase
The sins of the bad boys and girls in the Woodbury group seem to be a little bit more serious than the grid crashing goons of Something Awful – not because they harbored griefers extraordinaire amongst themselves (which unfortunately they did) but perhaps because they ruffled some feathers in the ranks of the Linden game gods.
First the Justice League Unlimited faction and several Linden staff colluding with the JLU were embarrassed by the Brainiac wiki leak masterminded by the WU subgroup, the Wrong Hands. This was followed by the Wrong Hands exposure of the Emerald viewer developers, Jcool410 a.k.a. Fractured Crystal, et. al., and more revelations of questionable involvement of Linden game gods with players acting as vigilante groups, compiling secret databases, and spying on others in the community.
Let’s put it this way: the information revealed as a result of the Brainiac Wiki leak suggested that some of the folks in the G-team had been getting rather cozy with some of the people who like to wear tight spandex. The questioning of Fractured Crystal (Jcool) as to his motives (and his iffy background) by the Wrong Hands and the disclosure of the secret datamining taking place by developers of the Emerald viewer severely undermined the credibility of Linden Lab who gave its blessing to the tainted viewer and developers. The most likely conclusion, in the absence of any other explanation is that these two incidents led to the mass ban of WU.
When asked, Tizzers Foxchase strategically says “At this point we have no proof of what actually sparked that final ban decision.”
Tizzers recollection of the events is a bit more revealing, however: “Between January and April of this year, Woodbury University (represented by our solutions provider Loki Clifton) and Jack Linden had been in extremely amiable discussions about Woodbury’s future in Second Life. The company was VERY willing to work with us and met with us on a regular basis. On the 16th of April, we had a short meeting with George Linden who told us. ‘Everything is fine, we’re looking forward to meeting with you again next week.’ (This is a week after they sold us 2 more sims). On the afternoon of the 20th during that meeting, they were banning our members and destroying our sims.” Woodbury was even approved for the educational discount. The only thing that could have happened between the 16th and the 20th is Hazim Gazov’s e-mail to Soft and Joe Linden about the questionable practices that had been taking place with some Emerald viewer developers.
For those who are used to brushing off WU as a de-facto griefing group, Ms. Foxchase reminds people that the mission of Wrong Hands was to enlighten the Second Life community about some of the more scandalous behind-the-scenes happenings on the grid. While the group was originally formed to infiltrate the JLU, and the Emerald revelations were never part of the original plan, eventually the Wrong Hands thought it was only right to expose who exactly was developing the Emerald client clients, as it was being used by so many people.
It turned out that several permanently banned griefers with questionable pasts were developing the viewer that had received the Lab’s royal blessing – Emerald. The shocker was that LL was very well aware of who these individuals were, and continued to do business with them regardless. All the clues that have been disclosed thus far seem to suggest that the ban hammer may have struck to WU group for something other than several grid crashes and some tasteless chan humor. The recent purge in the ranks of the G-Team not only confirms this suspicion, but also may be indicative of some kind of a change in direction for SL’s not-so-distant future.
Ms. Foxchase explains that WU exists as a commentary for SL that said “HEY! Stop taking this seriously” - as have many other groups who made it to the Halls of Notoriety before her. So, what next, one would ask…
Comparing Second Life to a ten-year-old car, Ms. Foxchase explains that Woodbury’s primary focus over the next year will be to branch out of this aging platform onto other worlds such as Blue Mars and MyCosm. While admiting that “[SL] was undoubtedly a necessary step for virtual worlds,” Ms. Foxchase hopes that “next generation worlds will begin to materialize as polished platforms that learned from Second Life’s mistakes.” Clearly, according to Foxchase, Blue Mars is one such platform. Yet others, citing clunky interface and steep learning curve, beg to differ.
Explaining that Woodbury currently has 20 developers working on several different projects in Blue Mars, Ms. Foxchase admits that they are extremely excited about their involvement in this promising platform and that they look forward to hosting the first annual Metaverse Community Convention this July in Long Beach, California.
But branching out does not mean that Woodbury is going to leave the grid, at least not right now.
Insisting that that Woodbury has not left the Linden grid, Ms. Foxchase boldy states, “Linden Lab can destroy our buildings and sprawling landscapes but they cannot destroy the resolve of our members to maintain freedom in the metaverse.” Woodbury University is working on an OpenSim grid for which they will be releasing a custom-tailored client that will allow users to seamlessly jump between the AGNI server and theirs. For now, the OpenSim Project is essential for Woodbury because it’s an environment that their members are familiar with and whose tools they are comfortable in using.
When asked if Woodbury – or anyone in Woodbury – held any grudges against LL or anyone else in light of the recent events and whether the OpenSim was going to be used for any retaliatory purposes, Ms. Fozchase retorted that “Linden Lab is Linden Lab’s worst enemy. We could not even begin to rival the damage they are doing to their own company. We have hired a lawyer, which is the extent of our ‘retaliation.’”
Whatever the plan may be (and Ms. Foxchase assures me that it will be clear as day soon), it appears that WU may not be responding to the ban hammer by crawling back to the IRC dens or flushing the SL forums like the Voted 5 faction did several years ago.
Zeta Weather
Jun 3rd, 2010
The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin’.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.
It's Unfixable
Jun 3rd, 2010
All they’ll be able to do is lurk and troll. They’re reduced to the same tactical level as the PN, and every other trolling group. There is no longer anything special about Woodbury, except that they distinguished themselves by being banned and losing their sims not once, but twice.
Oh, and let’s just change the name to “Woodbury Herald”, since every article is about Woodbury now. Even most of the Post 6 grrls are really just Woodbury, and they’re not even girls.
It's Unfixable
Jun 3rd, 2010
Oh, and for Foxchase to qualify as “Mister”, he’d have to have a dick. Which I understand he’s considered having surgically removed.
It's Unfixable
Jun 3rd, 2010
Also, the Woodbury ban wasn’t the first group ban, but it was by far the biggest. Voted 5 lost only 22 people, and Woodbury lost nearly 30 – Voted 5 lost a single sim, and Woodbury over two bans lost a total of five.
Also cocks.
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 3rd, 2010
In other news: Duke Nukem Forever to be released very soon …
The Dude
Jun 3rd, 2010
Woodbury was the only fun thing left in Second Life. I’d rather run my dick across a cheese grater than role-play or whatever the hell it is faggots do there.
Also I know Jordan IRL and the whole Tizzers persona is just a big fucking act. You idiots done got trolled right good.
hobo kelly
Jun 3rd, 2010
I managed to get me one of them there Woodbury care packages the night before everything went poof. They was just sitting there in the corner of them shadows on the dock at Ravenglass. Care packages. Just sitting there looking like two little wooden crates in those shadows on that dock. The two little boxes which were just sitting there on the dock gave me the distinct impression that somebody knew the end was near and had taken time to make a pair of little wooden genetic lifeboats and had left them there on the dock with the hopes that some sea/b/ees would come along and rub up against this pollen and take some home and spread it far and wide like a persisting fragment of a memory of ancient ancestors . Like little wooden ships with their precious cargo carefully packed up and sent out into the unknown void in an effort to have something survive a dying planet… Its like they knew what was coming a couple of nights before it hit.
Could there be a “Crazy Cat Lady” Talking Hand Puppet inside one of the crates? By any chance in hell? Such a rare and unobtainable dream to have come true after hours and hours of serchin’ through all of Pappy’s secret Hobo hangouts with their freebies, and also after serchin’ about every freakin’ freebie store in the fake world with no luck. Whatsoever. I had to rip the crates open and look inside.
Wellsum, one of them thar crates had a full set of Woodbury Uniforms inside of it, what withl their basic black Soviet style with the red accents. Very snappy duds. I reckon I just might try some of them on for size sometime. Mebbe go out on some hell raisin’ bender after dark, thats the time after that big glowin ball up in the sky goes down, and it only last about an hour, but you can sure get a lot done when you have a whole planet between you and them thar nasty cosmic rays that come in and blasts yer brain durin’ the day makin it hard to think straight and all. When them damned headaches start up again.
Well, I wus startin’ to get a headache by that time and was feelin’ like it might be a good idea to go out on a fake killin spree to relieve some of the pressure in my head an to keep them gauldang earthquakes from openin’ up more of them damned sinkholes that will no doubt subduct some other fake shithole sim down underground, trailin’ after it the screamin’ and yellin’ and the gnashin’ of teeth along with the inevitible yiffing, all echoing down as it approaches hell. I don’t know about you all but theres bees bein a whole lot of sims just up and disappearin’ lately. Never to be seen again. Earthquakes. Gotta relieve the pressure…
Crate two gave me some more pressure openin’ it. It hurt. My brain was feelin’ like I had a million rental boxes out. Cat Lady, cat lady, how crazy are you? Is there a Cat Lady Hand Puppet inside, or possibly two? No.
Inside that thar secret woodbury crate number two I found sum other things though. I found me a Woodbury jet pack and woodbury hats and cigars and guns and wu flags and about every woodbury logo you could ever imagine, yes even them thar familiar ones you all have seen a hundred times.
But then I found me a flying machine. A big gas bag type of flyin’ machine. I guess youall call them zeppelins or them thar derigible or even them thar Blimps. I guess you could say it was a big Blimp. It gives you a round sound when you say it. Blimp. Blimpo. Blimpy. Its round. Like a goatse. But its long too, like a cat. Or a Blimp.
So here a couple a days ago I got this big Woodbury blimp out and like it was right in front of a bunch of people that I ain’t never seen before. They all looked like nare-do-wells to me. Shifty. Like they all had shifty eyes and some were wearin’ these square boxes on their heads like they were a little loco en la cabasa if ya know what I mean. The reason that thar were so many strangers around was due to that fake world foulin’ up again, puttin’ people here and there around the world instead of wheres they were a tryin’ to go. It had dumped me into this area I ain’t never been before and I reckon I ain’t going to be goin’ back any time soon.
So like I was sayin, wellsum, I took out this big Woodbury Blimp with the idear of mebbe flyin’ up up and away before the blockheads or the earthquakes could get me, but I ran into a problem. I was havin’ me a bit of trouble tryin’ to make that gas bag go where I wanted it to, and the next thing you know there must have been 10 or 12 of them shifty eyed blockheads a flyin’ clean across the whole sim after that thing hit them, and as I tried to stop the bag it done just kept goin’ and next thing I knew I ran the gas bag into a couple of these guys what where standin ther. Mebbe I need to lose some weight or sumthin’ cuz I was havin’ a tremelous time tryin’ to get some altitude. I wanted to get that bag high. But instead it smacked into these two guys, who were the most shifty lookin’ of them all.
I thought I was ok then. I was gettin’ some lift from the rebound. Them last two guys went flyin’ like monkeys after we hit. They went one direction, and that there woodbury gas bag blimp went the other. But my improvin’ situation weren’t to last… Next thing I know the big Woodbury blimp, which had the word WOODBURY emblazened on it sides just blew up. Poof. I was fallin’ through space then. I was preparin’ for a hard landin’ when all of a sudden ther was this TING sound and my whole world went black right then. I dun been kicked out by somebody.
There ain’t much worth in me recountin’ all these woes and tragedys cuz I know everybody out there has ‘em and all, but I thought you all might want to practice flyin’ yer gas bag blevies alone before you get around them shifty people cuz they might be doin’ some srs bsns and not appreciate yer quest for the ellusive Crazy Cat Lady Hand Puppet even if you think ya need a gas bag to find it. Or something like that.
Jun 3rd, 2010
KRSHHHHH FLUSH (sound of linden lab down the toilet)
Judge Joker
Jun 3rd, 2010
Nice article I have not slept in nearly 48 hours, busy bee but it was still clear and easy to understand, Defne is a good writer and I hope she/he wont be put off by the nasty comments likely to flood this article. Especially by me
Though as usual “It’s Unfixable” can’t resist being a douche bag, why don’t you hurry up and out yourself as some random vigilante spandex clad troll, on a Sissy bender because poor Woodbury made you have a boo boo.
It’s pretty sad because eventually you will give up, where as Woodbury and other people on this site wont stop untill they do what they need to do.
If you’re who I think you are, and I don’t think you’re Kalel or GLE, I can see why you would choose It’s Unfixable, because your reputation is fucked if not something about you is fucked whom really decides to use a It’s Unfixable pseudonym without it having some prior influence or meaning.
Better call yourself an amber lamps if that’s the case!
Now some might say my reputation is fucked but I don’t care, anything is worth it to get rid of Kalel and GLE’s vigilante scum group, who by all documented accounts attributed and accounted for far more damage to Second Life.
How? simply by corrupting Lindens and by existing and propagandizing themselves into a orgy of delusions and ridiculous spandex clad policing that fueled this whole saga.
I’m sure you know Woodbury has stated without idiots like the JLU it would have been hard to keep themselves together.
Loose knit community’s need enemy’s, and your on your way to becoming a rusty Pepsi can Woodbury might just choose to kick around one day. Though I prefer Coke because I think Pepsi is inferior even if they taste the same.
When good people don’t stand up the world falls apart, so if you believe your a good person here’s a how to guide, go acquaint yourself with how to stand up for yourself.
Or perhaps you can pass it onto Kalel, because I don’t believe hes learned anything by hiding in the shadows like a coward.
It's Unfixable
Jun 3rd, 2010
More TLDR; from Judge Intlibber. Nice one, Int. Yes, we all know it’s you nau.
Prediction: Every article from this moment forward on the Herald will be about Woodbury, because the entire blog is now written by Woodbury apologists or Woodbury themselves.
Second Prediction: Woodbury is gone, so posting more articles about them pushes the Herald into irrelevance by the end of summer.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jun 3rd, 2010
“The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin’.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.”
Good old Bob Dylan.
Picard's Wonky Eye
Jun 3rd, 2010
@ The Dude
You completely lack the spirit of The Dude. Please get a new name or we’ll have you de-duded the old fashioned way.
Picard’s Wonky Eye
Pappy Enoch
Jun 3rd, 2010
Hobo Kelly, I done got me one of them there care packages too. Don’t let them fake superheroes an’ sock puppets git you down none: wave that there freak flag high.
Well, back to squattin’ again. I tell y’all sum’fin: Them Linden Flyin’ Monkeys am in a heap o’ trouble and ain’t on the job no more.
I bin in my squat a month now and nary monkey in sight.
James Freud
Jun 3rd, 2010
@ Gundel Gaukelei
*Snorts milk from my nose*
ra ra rasputin
Jun 3rd, 2010
My cat just farted….
(has about the same information value as this “article”)
likeing the cap of Tizzers tho..i can has copy?
IntLibber Brautigan
Jun 3rd, 2010
LOL Unfixable is still playing that broken record.
I just woke up.
Why don’t you ask Pix to verify whether Judge and I have any sort of similarities in our IP addresses when we post?
Actually, Unfixable, nobody believes anything you have to say around here, you are just a troll, and a bad one at that.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jun 3rd, 2010
Unfortunately, Unfixables reading comprehension sucks as bad as his ability to discern one avatar from another. This article isn’t about Woodbury, it is about Linden Lab. Woodbury is merely the lens through which Linden Lab is interpreted here, with what happened to Woodbury a case study in examining Linden Lab and its policies, and challenging the public to question what they think they know about Linden Lab.
Mary Elizabeth
Jun 4th, 2010
“Explaining that Woodbury currently has 20 developers working on several different projects in Blue Mars,…”
How many of these projects involve dick shitting nipples?
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jun 4th, 2010
ITT people who cannot move on.
Andromeda Mesmer
Jun 4th, 2010
Excellent article. Suggestion for future articles in Herald — reports from SL residents who have checked out other synthetic worlds and what they see for the particular world’s future.
When I was a newbie, I had utter and complete faith in LL management, and was enthalled byf SL. Now — well, not so much. Still, SL is a great place, but I am rather disappointed with the amount of chicanery and theft that LL allows (the old land bot thieves for example) — and their neglect of the gifts of time and thought and work, of hardworking volunteers …
Zeta Weather
Jun 4th, 2010
>>Alyx Stoklitsky – Jun 4th, 2010 – ITT people who cannot move on.
>>Alyx Stoklitsky – Jun 4th, 2010 – cannot move on.
>>Alyx Stoklitsky – Jun 4th, 2010
>>The Game
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jun 4th, 2010
>Implying you need two ‘ > ‘ signs to greentext
Jun 4th, 2010
^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Implying you don't need two 'Greater Than' signs to greentext.
Jun 4th, 2010
avherald actually needs to keep putting the screws to emerald/modular as they’ve done.
they’re the biggest losers and idiots. once they’re gone off the grid, things will most likely get better for everyone.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jun 4th, 2010
>Implying I will fall for your shitty troll attempt
It's Unfixable
Jun 4th, 2010
@Intblub – nice try, but responding so fast as IntBlub just proves Judge Joker is you. Also, trying to pretend nobility after scamming thousands of dollars from Woodbury and leaving the state doesn’t really sell your point very well.
@Alyx – Woodburieds troll so easily, that’s why we keep doing it. Can’t help it, it’s in our blood.
It's Unfixable
Jun 4th, 2010
@ra ra – cat fart.
You done pissed me off, boy – you summed up this whole Woodbury thing in two words, and here I’ve been trying to do it for days.
“Cat fart”
Jun 4th, 2010
>Implying they’ve been able to troll someone from Woodbury on the Herald.
It's Unfixable
Jun 4th, 2010
@Kiddoh – by not letting go of your massive fail, you are trolling very very nicely. Keep feeding me. I live for it.
It's Unfixable
Jun 4th, 2010
BTW, “Lindens suck, film at 11″ is not a headline. We all know they suck. Blaming everyone else for getting yourself deleted? Priceless.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jun 4th, 2010
Fully 8 of 30 comments on this thread are by Unfixable. Proof of its getting desperate.
And no, response time isn’t proof of anything other than that you are flailing.
Jun 4th, 2010
It’s Unfixable’s law:
‘ Bring up Woodbury to spur a trolling spree everywhere’
Unfixable, you are sooo jealous. Wanna be someone? Huh? Do you? Huh?
Great article!
LL Sucks!
Jun 5th, 2010
@Unfixable: Bring up this massive failure please I can’t live down- oh, and that two pages of “rage” you said you made me do. Also;
“Keep feeding me. I live for it.”
>Implying this has any sort of consequence to me and that I should avoid it like the plague.
>Implying that you are not doing the same yourself for me.
Also; if you want to talk about failures, let’s talk about how you fail to deliver. Come on, pay up! I want to see the “rage” you “made me” do after you clearly stated you were trolling, and perhaps even before you said you were trolling.
Jun 5th, 2010
No news here. I’ve said for 6 years, remove Linden, you’ve removed the problem. It’s not a problem with the technology. We all love what Linden has created. It’s the issue of fraud and bad business practices that have led to the issues. Prok (yes an idiot with good vocabulary and writing skills), wrote a recent blog that talked about techies (or us programmer, or other skilled types) mentioning that they shouldn’t be running the company. Well, for once, I have to agree. I think what we have seen is a dismal failure of Linden providing the service on the scale they had envisioned. But make no mistake about it, they are the ones that played mind games with new comers as well. They took their virtual power too far in the wrong way, and didn’t compensate for the damages they caused the community.
The technology of Second Life is bar none something I had never experienced in all of the years I had practiced computing. I’ll never state otherwise, but on an act from the real divine being will allow Linden to be the success they could be with business practices that back up the technology.
I’ve just seen too much fraud and bad experiences with finances in Second Life to ever believe they will be a player on the new 3D frontier. They can call it what they want., but many know the truth about what SL has been since 2004.
Jun 5th, 2010
” but on an act from the real divine being will allow Linden to be the success they could be with business practices that back up the technology. ”
Was supposed to be:
but “only” an act from the real divine being will allow Linden to be the success they could be with business practices that back up the technology.
General Drama
Jun 5th, 2010
You are of course correct. I don’t think any thoughtful person disagrees on this. Their problem is that they violated the God Paradox, and started messing around and making up rules to socially engineer their userbase according to their political agenda and playing favorites.
Same reason Apple got their asses handed to them back in the 80′s by M$FT, they got egotistical and god complexes overrode good business sense.
They may recover, but not without a real serious reboot.
Baaa Goat
Jun 5th, 2010
“While the group was originally formed to infiltrate the JLU, and the Emerald revelations were never part of the original plan, eventually the Wrong Hands thought it was only right to expose who exactly was developing the Emerald client clients, as it was being used by so many people.”
Of course, you then bring up the fact that there was ‘hacking’ performed against Modular System’s servers and suddenly they won’t take credit for that.
I don’t believe for a second WU has our best of interests in mind, I’m pretty certain that they do stuff just for the “lulz” and popularity. Always walking a very fine line, never taking responsibility for criminal/civil misdemeanour acts performed by their group members but then riding up on any results they provide.
Accepting donations made from their own group members which are knowingly selling licenses to viewer software used for copyright infringement on Second life, using such software themselves.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Linden lab just got fed up of all the fine lines WU does and decided to get rid of them. I truly do not know why WU was banned, no single incident alone that I can think of really warrants a ban, however when you combine all the small crap together, I can see that keeping these particular people isn’t exactly quite good for the grid either since it’s seems to be turning into it’s own organized criminal/civil misdemeanour ring.
I’m sure one of the WU saints will respond to this, one of them usually likes asking for evidence of griefing, well here is the thing – I know exactly how WU operates with that regard. Using map rights to find where other members are to figure out where the lulzy situations are, the skype chat – which admittedly most of the time had just shit talk in it, but had quite a bit of inciting ToS violations in it with intent to harass others.
Of course, any conjugation of WU members are purely coincidental and don’t represent the entire group! Even though their lulz may be shared with the rest of the group for enjoyment!
Now Tizzers comes on and tries to play the “but we’re innocent” tune. Well sorry, but while most people who are in the know won’t usually post here, many people are well aware of the crap they pull.
I don’t even want to call them WU (Woodbury University), since they don’t even have the authorisation from the university to begin with to use that name, but that’s another story.
With regards to Linden lab destroying it self, how much damage do you think WU has done? With it’s reselling of copyright infringing viewers, griefing/trolling that has caused people to simply close shop to avoid the crap and then public display of false innocence. I wouldn’t say WU has done no damage to SL and is improving it.
To those reading this, don’t believe me just because I said it, go out and try to verify these claims yourself from other sources.
Jun 5th, 2010
@Baaa Goat: Please provide evidence. I’m not going to bother asking around when I’m perma-banned. You mentioned our Skype so you probably have logs, go get them.
I’ll also like to inform you that a lot of what you’ve said is merely opinion and cannot be proven. Perhaps you should come back when you’re feeling more level-headed and get your stuff together in chronological order.
“Of course, you then bring up the fact that there was ‘hacking’ performed against Modular System’s servers and suddenly they won’t take credit for that.”
The hacking was done by a single guy on his own and no-one knew about it until after the group was nuked. No-shit we’re not going to take credit for it. We’re a little more honest than those RP Mafia jerks you see every now and again.
“I don’t even want to call them WU (Woodbury University), since they don’t even have the authorisation from the university to begin with to use that name, but that’s another story.
We’ve provided multiple forms of authentication and authorization; signed letters, and brought Deans to SLCC. We were and still are authorized to use the Woodbury University name one bigger reason being that we’re actually funded by the University- how do you think we bought all those damned sims?
“I don’t believe for a second WU has our best of interests in mind, I’m pretty certain that they do stuff just for the “lulz” and popularity. Always walking a very fine line, never taking responsibility for criminal/civil misdemeanour acts performed by their group members but then riding up on any results they provide.”
There’s nothing criminal about the JLU letting a spy into their group and giving them access to their stuff willingly. There’s also nothing criminal about confronting a hypocritical Emerald dev. about the client they’re using. These two things are the only things done by the Wrong Hands. And like, what the hell are we supposed to do when someone hacks someone else? Ban them? AR them? We’re fully aware of how much that does not work.
lol as much as you want to be cynical about this- WU isn’t full of psychopaths whose only goal is to totally destroy your time on SL we just happen to think the majority of SL is hilariously illogical. (This isn’t directed at you specifically) If you don’t want a bunch of young college kids pointing laughing at you, don’t act like such a god-damned lunatic.
Jun 5th, 2010
Well Honestly, Woodbury University Owner Tizzy, Teardrop, Did nothing wrong, nor did IntLibber to get banned from Second Life.
There is really no evidence besides the following, which would show anything of wrong doing for either of them, besides, The Wrong Hands, which Got the Brainiac wiki and stuff, Which used legal means of doing so, and did not breach any of the Second Life Terms OF Service, as it was an outside website, and they granted the person access to the groups and rights.
Woodbury did not harbor any illegals or Terms OF Service violations as I have said many times. There are Personal Revenges against Woodbury University, from Emerald Team/JCool410, and other people. You can’t really hold an entire group responsible just because a group of griefers comes onto the region, and uses a copybot steals things or griefs others. I witnessed Tizzy Teardrop ban a bunch of people for grieving, but you all know how copybotters come back all the time, and continue to grief no matter how many times she banned them.
Griefers Grief sandboxes all the time, abuse things, go onto other peoples regions and Braek TOS, but I don’t see Linden Lab holding these owners responsible for such, and neither should Woodbury have been held responsible for such. IT is up to Linden Lab to protect the community as a whole from griefers anywhere, but this is what they say.
To keep people from griefing your land, Please set it to group build only, and so on, Woodbury did not want this, because it was a place to express freedoms and for Woodbury students to hang out and such, There was nothing illegal going on besides those who abused that deserved to be banned. But again Linden Lab says that Sim Owners to keep from getting griefed in any way should set it to a group because there really isn’t much they can do. I have seen this issue on my own lands before, and on other peoples lands I manage, however even if you did set it to a group and make it open enrollment, a griefer would just join it and grief the region and break TOS.
So Yeah Damn Right I am looking foward to Woodbury being allowed to come back, and if they dont allow them to, So what, just more bad reputation for Linden Lab, they have already lost many many customers this year, and They have already said, they were going to increase the prices on GrandFathered sims, and so on, even after way back when SL was just out they said People actually (OWNED) Their Land, and they could not take it back from you or anything, before they changed the TOS and all that to what it is today.
Linden Lab has made many many mistakes, and if Blue Mars does evolve correctly it could b e the end for Linden Lab.
Jun 5th, 2010
If it doesnt happen in Second Life, Then there is nothing Linden Lab should be able to do, Outside hacking of any type is not Linden Lab responsibility, and any disclosure of other user names to other services, or RL info by you in SL, is also your own responsibility to keep private, as if someone uses such info to hack you, or anything its not Linden Lab fault.
Honestly if you tried hard enough you could connect almost over Half of the users of Second Life to meeting someone who has broken the TOS, done something illegal, or anything, wherever they actually knew it or not, or were just within 20m of them at a club, Should Linden Lab ban every indivudal who was just near them talking to them without knowledge of such?
Of Course I have seen, and met some groups who did a lot of illegal TOS violations, I actually joined one myself without knowing what they were doing for like a month or two until I saw, and I was so shocked I left and filed an abuse report.
Eva Ryan
Jun 6th, 2010
Woodbury… *yawn*
Jun 6th, 2010
@Eva Ryan: ~turns over in the bed~ Was it good for you too? ;D
IntLibber Brautigan
Jun 6th, 2010
Whenever I hear the tired claim that we didn’t have the WU administration’s approval or authorization, I just have to point to the Herald article in which I provided a scan of the letter I received from WU Vice President David Rosen, signed by him, on WU letterhead, naming me WU’s authorized representative on the grid. This has been public knowledge for quite a long time.
Secondly, Woodbury University paid for the groups trip to SLCC in SF, and for the party bus which gave all attendees a tour of downtown SF with a stop by the LL offices. Professor Clift, Dean of the School of Media, Culture and Design was in charge on this trip.
So, try another fail troll. You losers are getting ever more desperate and foolish looking.
truth teller
Jun 6th, 2010
i just think it’s absolutely hilarious taht people are complaining about a little anarachy. SL itself was originally promoted as a “do what you want, build what you want, own what you want” community to me when i originally joined SL many years ago. it was an arts community, think of the whole thing as a very large “burning man” event, somethings are offensive, but the skill that goes into creating it is impressive. i’m saddened, and incredibly disappointed, that the days of SL being an art’s community is dead, and has been for a very long time.
on a note of interest though, anyone quick to defend emerald or anyone else needs to realize that one of their main developers was actually banned from the grid about a year and a half ago for being a copybot user, and now is running a name so similar it’s laughable.
skills hak is formerly skills hax, she was banned from the grid awhile back because she was using copybot to rip other people’s stuff and look at the scripting.
now is this a Tos violation, sure, is this an example of reformation of someone? sure, because she knows how the technology works, and she id the signatures for that technology, now am i going to ask that she be removed again? no, why, she’s become a “hero” to many, and assembled a database of the users of copybot. now that beign said, am i concerned about her having a database assembled of people’s RL information, hell yes!
but i have a serious problem with anything that is hidden without a clear motive, and any information that isn’t open for public scrutiny i have an issue with…
“Here comes the future and you can’t run from it
If you’ve got a blacklist I want to be on it…”
“If no one seems to understands
Start your own revolution, cut out the middleman
In a perfect world we’d all sing in tune
But this is reality so give me some room
So join the struggle while you may
The Revolution is just a t-shirt away”
we are all just waiting for the great leap forward, SL was part of it and showed the path to the future, now there is nothing to see there, and it’s very sad to see it go….
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 7th, 2010
@truth teller: she was banned from the grid awhile back because she was using copybot to rip other people’s stuff and look at the scripting.
Thats obviously bullshit, because copybot is not able to copy scripts (simply because scripts are server side).
There have been, of course, known vulnerabilities in the server code which allowed for privilege escalations. Those exploits got nothing to do with copybot and its successors.
Please stop spreading hearsay. Thx!
It's Unfixable
Jun 7th, 2010
Here’s what really happened, I saw this posted elsewhere but it makes sense:
Tizzers was negotiating with Linden Lab to bring Woodbury back as a legitimate educational thing. Linden Lab really did NOT want to do this, and they were threatening to let them do it only if they could be kept encapsulated and prevented from having any interaction with the rest of the grid by not allowing anybody to teleport in or out of the Woodbury estate.
Tizzers had to strike a deal to get rid of this requirement, because he couldn’t prance around and troll everyone if Linden Lab kept him and his people separated from the rest of the grid. So he agreed to let the Lindens embed a handler in WU. This handler was Governor Soup.
Governor Soup got in, looked at everything, found out that Tizzers had been lying to everyone the entire time (big surprise) and the Woodbury fish was rotten from the head all the way back, looked at the steaming mountain of complaints against WU and told his bosses there was no way in hell they’d ever be able to control Woodbury if they let them stay on the grid.
The End.
It’s by far the simplest explanation for what happened, and is very likely the correct one.
It's Unfixable
Jun 7th, 2010
Oh, and IntLibber, you got a letter from one guy at WU who wrote it at a time when he didn’t know that WU was officially blacklisted from SL.
You fail, sir.
It's Unfixable
Jun 7th, 2010
Oh, and as I remember, you had to bail on teh contract because you got banned and had to refund the money to the University, lost your grant money, stole Tizzy’s computer and moved back home to live in your mom’s basement.
Not a really strong position of authority, there.
Don’t think you have any friends left on either side of this, big guy (and I mean that in the most obvious sense) because you’ve burned every bridge possible.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jun 7th, 2010
“Tizzers was negotiating with Linden Lab to bring Woodbury back as a legitimate educational thing. Linden Lab really did NOT want to do this, and they were threatening to let them do it only if they could be kept encapsulated and prevented from having any interaction with the rest of the grid by not allowing anybody to teleport in or out of the Woodbury estate.”
That part is actually completely true. LL was wanting to do soem sort of lockdown that would keep anyone in WU’s group stuck in their land and unable to leave it, and everyone else unable to enter.
“Tizzers had to strike a deal to get rid of this requirement, because he couldn’t prance around and troll everyone if Linden Lab kept him and his people separated from the rest of the grid. So he agreed to let the Lindens embed a handler in WU. This handler was Governor Soup.”
I wasn’t actually aware of GS, but to blatantly say that Tiz had to get rid of teh requirement because otehrwise he couldn’t prance aroudn and troll everyone is just too humorous. Tiz almost never left the Woodbury sims.
“Governor Soup got in, looked at everything, found out that Tizzers had been lying to everyone the entire time (big surprise) and the Woodbury fish was rotten from the head all the way back, looked at the steaming mountain of complaints against WU and told his bosses there was no way in hell they’d ever be able to control Woodbury if they let them stay on the grid.”
1. Actually, just a couple days before the ban even, and this has been proven numorous times, LL was more than willing to co-operate with WU. Then suddenly banned them all. So the idea that LL was disgusted and not planning on doing any work with WU up to just a couple days before the ban is anything but true.
2. Steaming mountain of complaints? From what I could tell, most club owners, and most sim owners for that matter, as of late, had almost no idea who/what WU even was. So I would like you to point me to anywhere in this source of yours these complaints are if any.
3. LL is not responsible for controlling the entire grid, just making it run. This argument of your is similar to Persephone’s arguments that LL is what makes SL all teh glory and prosperity that she thinks it is. LL makes SL run, they’re now akin to its janitors, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s not LL’s responsibility to track WU or any group immensely. That goes to the citizens. If someone griefs a sim, the owner should ban them before anything. Blatantly stating that LL couldn’t control WU when LL doesn’t need to is just….well, asinine.
“The End.
It’s by far the simplest explanation for what happened, and is very likely the correct one.”
According to you.
truth teller
Jun 8th, 2010
@Gundel Gaukelei if you doubt the existence of skills hak as skills hax, and her reasons for being banned from SL as skills hax, i encourage you to simply ask, this is what she told me, not hearsay, but merely what she herself has said.
i’d advise you instead of attacking someone on points that she herself admits to, you may want to investigate and have a discerning mind.
don’t attack a messenger, verify that the facts are true and make your own opinion