Archive for July, 2010
It Has To Be Said: No Men Allowed
I have been walking around a few different sims looking for feminist leaning cafes and the like. When looking for a feminist cafe, more often than not I run into clubs that says in big, huge letters "No Men." And really, those signs are saying "no male typists", not, "no male avatars". Now obviously, this [...]
Full StoryHerald Survives Day in DNS Hell
Domain name denied — trusted servers play SERVFAIL card A pair of rogue domain name servers have been stripped of their authoritative status and permanently banished from the Herald DNS registration after putting the site through a nightmarish ordeal of DNS lies and deception that rendered the newspaper inaccessible to growing numbers of readers [...]
Full StoryFake Trial of Century Begins

Chaos in The Courtroom by Journey Yellowlist, Herald Legal Desk Today Second Life held its breath, and stood well upwind, as the SL District Court heard opening arguments in the case against Pappy and Jezz Enoch. The fake hillbillies are on trial for multiple crimes, including embezzlement of fake currency, assault on a tiny, vehicular [...]
Full StoryDruuna Pessoa — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Timothy Morpork is on vacation this week, so this week's Post 6 is presented to you by Daeynaries Lane. "I've known Druuna for ages and quite frankly, she has one of the most alluring Av's I know.. Without being over the top. I hope you enjoy this hot, sexy, post 6 grrl" -Daeynaries Lane] I [...]
Full StoryVideo Girl Barbie Will Be Watching

Google to sponsor a line of toys with the soul of a Flip Cam next? Mattel’s latest offering – Video Girl Barbie – dances somewhere between the creepy and cool with an almost perfect sense of iconic and ironic aimed at ages 6 and up – along with what appears to be carefully scripted media [...]
Full StoryMetaverse Meetup – Long Beach July 30 – 31

Future of Metaverse be decided around a hookah on Queen Mary? The decks of the Queen Mary will echo at the end of July with the sound of open source techno-communists in jackboots, academics in clogs, birkenstock and flip-flop clad developers, and more than a few virtual world entrepreneurs sporting the sort of [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Archives — Jenna Thurston, Makes Magic, Ost Clawtooth

by Timothy Morpork It doesn’t seem possible that over a year has passed since I took over the best job on this virtual world- Post 6 Photographer. I thought I should do something to mark the anniversary, but that date came and went a couple of months ago. Organization and planning are not top priorities [...]
Full StoryUS Government Hits 73,000 Blogs With Ban Stick

by IntLibber Brautigan In a blatant show of force against a host of more than 73,000 wordpress blogs, the US Government ordered BurstNet Technologies to take down the server of for repeated acts of abuse of intellectual property and insufficient respect for the DMCA. According to a story on TorrentFreak, the owner/renter of the [...]
Full StoryGE and NBC Place Bets On Vivox
by IntLibber Brautigan The venture capital arm of General Electric and NBC Universal, aka "Peacock Equity" has invested $2 million in Second Life voice chat provider Vivox. Vivox provides voice chat services to 30 million users, with corporate clients CCP Games, Nexon, Linden Lab, Sony Online Entertainment, and many others. Vivox will use the new [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab Stock Sinks at SharesPost

The return of Philip Rosedale as interim CEO of Linden Lab has apparently left real world investors unmoved, as offers to sell heavily discounted Linden Lab shares sit untouched at the site. While SharesPost reports sales of Linden stock at $5.50 USD/share as recently as February 2010, current offers to sell stock go begging [...]
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