Archive for July, 2011
Second Life: Sex, Hair and Dancing!!!

by Debbie So, my friends all like my stories and want me to write about the normal stuff we do. That could get tedious, but I did have an interesting conversation the other day. I was bitching to my friend about how slow and shitty SL is all the time. People are gray for a [...]
Full StoryShocking ‘Man-of-Steel’ Incident Mars SL SciFi Convention

Kalel “Steely Dan” Venkman griefed with his own path light prims I’m not sure why anyone would think it was a good idea to invite the Justice League Unlimited to the Second Life Science Fiction Convention 4 held earlier this month – and further compound the problem by placing the JLU plot directly next to the [...]
Full StoryLorne Aeon — Post 6 Grrrrrrrl

[My wife introduced me to this week's Post 6 Grrrl, having met Lorne at her club, Dear Prudence. She had me at the name of her club. It is a real treat and an honor to introduce one of the truly gorgeous avatars of SL, Lorne Aeon. ~Timothy Morpork] Lorne Aeon can be found on [...]
Full StoryGoogle+ Suspends Pixeleen Mistral – Nerfs Data Liberation Front

Exactly who owns my G+ social graph – and why won’t Google let me download it anymore? I was a relatively early Google+ user and spent the last few weeks adding friends to Google+ circles. In doing this I implicitly promoted Google’s seriously over-hyped circle-centric Facebook clone by sending invitations to friends. This was probably [...]
Full StoryGo Support Relay for Life, Bitches.

Second Life land squatter takes a virtual walk for charity by Debbie My friends told me that my first article was so good you’d like more. Here. Me and a friend went to check out the Relay for Life in Second Life. It’s pretty cool. I recommend you check it out, but don’t go there [...]
Full StoryFreespirit Crumb — Post 6 Grrrrl

Freespirit Crumb was recommended to me by a friend of mine who said “[She] is probably the hottest hobo on the grid.” As I’ve seen quite a number of SL Hobos, all of them interesting avatars, I was especially interested in meeting a hot one. I was not disappointed, and she goes a lot beyond [...]
Full StorySquatting Second Life

A world being abandoned so fast the Lab can’t keep up with the foreclosures by Debbie two sisters live free in Second Life On April 13, 2010 the Alphaville Herald posted a story about how to squat on virtual land, written by my genius hero, Pappy Enoch. The next day I went soaring over the [...]
Full StorySHOCK!!! Rez-Anywhere Exploit P0wns No-Rez Land!!!

For at least the last two months, a permission system exploit has allowed anyone – even those unauthorized by Second Life landowners – to create objects on “no-rez” or restricted land. This surprising news suggests players wishing to limit use of their virtual cyber-paradise may need to set aside time to patrol their holdings, or [...]
Full Story2 July 4th Post 6 Grrrrrrls

While I normally try to get a past Post 6 Model to feature for special holiday pictorials, for this year’s 4th of July, I happened to have on hand my beautiful wife, who you see in the first picture, and who, as a Brit, is a fantastic representative of Colonial America in our pictorial salute [...]
Full StoryAnonymous to Launch HackerLeaks

Not too long ago Peter Ludlow noted that the recent prominence of Internet activist groups such as Wikileaks is symptomatic of a new generation of hacktivist culture that is quickly transforming from a small underground subculture into mainstream culture for a younger generation. Calling this new generation of hacktivists “Generation W,” Peter Ludlow observed that [...]
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