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Shaun Altman To Liquidate Ginko “Perpetual” Bonds

Nicholas Portocarrero given 11 days to hand over the remains of $750,000.00 USD in deposits, 18,000 people still holding claims against failed bank. by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Shaun Altman announced today that as majority bondholder of Ginko Perpetual Bonds, he will take possession of all Ginko assets so that they may be liquidated [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab Locks Up Players On Orientation Islands

Compulsory orientation tutorial broken since April6 months of gross incompetence – or stealth population control for Second Life? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Welcome to Second Life! broken in April, still critical and unfixed in October On April 17th, the first reports of a borked metaverse orientation appeared: Six months later, in spite [...]
Full StoryEx PN Leader Open Sources Griefer Weapons

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Taking a cue from game developer Linden Lab, Mudkips Acronym has embraced open source software and published scripts for griefing weapons used by the notorious “Patriotic Nigras” griefing gang. Previously access to these scripts was limited to those who asked nicely, or passed some sort of initiation to join [...]
Full StoryWelfare Island vs. Reuters/Acura – Free Swag!

Impoverished residents ignore luxury vehicles, throng Welfare IslandBob Dylan sends a message to the concierge at the Linden RL embassy by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The contrasts could not be more striking between the Reuters’ virtual news corporate cathedral/Acura car dealership and the third most popular place in SL – Welfare Island. Reuters recently [...]
Full StoryBig Blog Dramha Roundup
Second Citizen closes – other blogs step in to fill drama gap by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Second Citizen, a Second Life-oriented over-the-top verbal mud wrestling site/forum has closed. Second Citizen was notable for generating large amounts of noise and drama, and an occasional worthwhile tidbit – much like Second Life itself. The Second [...]
Full StoryHawt Triple Instructional Video Action!
Educators agree – YouTube is your friend by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Now that YouTube has become the distribution channel of choice for instructional videos, one of our sources noted a striking similarity between the voiceover in Torley Linden’s metaverse how-to videos and this outstanding example of the state of the art in real [...]
Full StoryLife 2.0 Summit Receives Royal Reproach

Unexplained avatar bans draw imperial frown by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Dr Dobbs Life 2.0 fall summit concluded yesterday, but was marred by what may become an international incident – Princess Manqo of Yaximixche’s expression of pleasure at meeting virtual world experts is mixed with strongly worded warnings to event organizers about how [...]
Full StoryDreamland Slams Lab Leaders

“There is no leadership evident at Linden Lab” – Master Quatro by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Second Life’s largest land baron – Anshe Chung’s Dreamland – broke ranks with the fanboy-dominated SL media today and sent a group notice to Dreamland customers slamming the Linden game gods for lack of leadership in the seemingly [...]
Full StoryBen & Jerry’s SL Island – Dookie Chunk Ice Cream Swirl

Players flee fecal collection game in ice cream factory advertislandCorporations step in mixed marketing messages by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk I have seen strange and wonderful things in Second Life, and Ben & Jerry’s virtual ice cream factory/cow poop collection facility/new resident “orientation” area left me in awe. Not a good kind of awe [...]
Full Story24% of Second Life Sessions End in Tears

LL consistently unstable January-July Some residents have had enough of 3D advertisement world by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk For the last 6 months, nearly a quarter of Second Life sessions have ended abnormally according to numbers recently released by Meta Linden. For SL players who have been begging for stability instead of more new [...]
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