Archive by Author
American Idol for MMO Developers

by Onder Skall, courtesy of Second Life Games To all Second Life designers and developers looking for a chance at breaking into the gaming industry – this is it. David Perry (Earthworm Jim, Enter the Matrix) has teamed up with Acclaim for a one-of-a-kind project. They are building a new MMO with a full development [...]
Full StoryPixel Sumo Wrestling – Winter Grand Basho

by Ebenezer Pixel It happens only once a season and 26 February kicks off the Winter Pixel Sumo Grand Basho. The event is actually 3 separate events: matches East, Central, and West. A winner will be declared at each event and at the end of the 3 events a grand champion will be chosen. Over [...]
Full StoryDarkLife Robbed – Developer Blames Open Source SL

DarkLife creator robbed of $400 USD – fingers griefers as suspects by Ouchquack Stern, spastic bastard “ZING!” The sound DarkLife players yearn for is reminiscent of the muted strum of a harp in the key of “C”. The meta-game players — both the Mages with their wands, robes and pointy magic hats, and the Fighters [...]
Full StoryNew LL Orientation Islands’ Bait and Switch

Brent Linden promises cut-rate First Land – did he miss the first land discontinued memo? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Helpful exhibit explains all about the First Land you cannot buy New citizens joining the metaverse this weekend are being presented with revamped basic training on the noobie-only orientation islands. Here brave metaverse settlers [...]
Full StoryEavesdropping in SL – The Unbearable Weight of Erroneous Assumptions

by Fiend Ludwig According to Nick Yee, of Stanford University, and his colleagues, Second Life, and by extension other virtual environments, is an ideal place to test paradigms of real-life human social interaction. In the paper The Unbearable Likeness of Being Digital: The Persistence of Nonverbal Social Norms in Online Virtual Environments, Yee asserts that: [...]
Full StoryRogue Squid Takes Over LL Server

Reliable metaverse service? – we’ve heard of it by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The special care, high quality and reliability that has made metaverse service provider Linden Lab famous was in evidence today on both their resident web site and the login page in the second life client. Herald staff were bemused as the [...]
Full StoryGina Vansant – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Gina Vansant lays down the law this week. As always, this week’s Post 6 Grrrl is courtesy of Marilyn Murphy - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. Based on the evidence presented here, I’m sure there are plenty of residents who would like to be in a privileged relationship with the [...]
Full StoryThe 5 Minute Virtual Relationship

Get A Lifeby Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist. (Name Withheld): hi, your avatar is pretty cute(Name Withheld): what are u doing for live(Name Withheld): livingHeartun Breaker: I am a high school teacher. You?(Name Withheld): i deall with cloth i inport themHeartun Breaker: That sounds very cool. Business is fascinating. (VERY LONG PAUSE) Heartun Breaker: Hey, [...]
Full StoryTableau – Brave Survivors of Volcano’s Wrath Rebuild

[Readers saddened by reports of a horrific natural disaster in Tableau will be happy to read this tale of the triumph of the human spirit - the plucky survivors of a virgin-starved volcanic eruption are rebuilding a new life - a Mexican themed life - in hopes of moving beyond their subsistence level prim farming. [...]
Full StorySL Grid Powered by Hamster Wheel

Exercise wheel credited for recent improvements in Grid performance by Hotlips Tornado, Metaverse Infrastructure expert Auxiliary power station for the grid The Grid seems to have been stable for several days. The Wednesday update only took an hour more than it was meant to, teleports are mostly working, hair is usually staying on heads and [...]
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