Archive by Author
Interview with Ex-Linden Cubey Terra

Cubey drops his Stephen and Coffee Linden alts – happy to be a regular resident again by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Persistent rumors have been circulating about Coffee and Stephen Linden’s disappearance from the Lab staff – and after a bit of detective work the Herald has turned up a very rare breed – [...]
Full StoryLindens Flood Land Market

40 sims last week were not enough – 80 more sims on the way?Filling in the gaps by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Just over a week ago, the Lindens created what must have felt like a seriously spiritual experience for some land buyers when the game gods suddenly dumped 40 mainland sims on auction. [...]
Full StoryDonna Underall — Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Donna Underall is our overall favorite this week in the latest spiritual - and spirited - photo shoot from Marilyn Murphy, the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. Delrona Antonelli is super lucky to have Donna to help decorate their new house when she is not busy modeling or flying her helicopter. [...]
Full StoryTableau Sim Volcano Erupts — Refugees Flee to Demersal

Virgin shortage angers volcano – promiscuous Barnesworth & prudish Ingrid not much help by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista [Bowing to the whims of the Linden PR minder Catherine Linden - who suggested today the media get going with some spirituality in second life stories - the Herald officially kicks off our Second Life Spirituality Week! [...]
Full StoryOlmannen Premiere Performance

Second Life Ballet fills the sim – Linden suggests selling tickets by Pixeleen Mistral, Cultural Affairs desk Sunday, the Second Life Ballet company’s world premiere of “Olmannen” – an original ballet staged for metaverse production in Quat sim surprised me on several levels. I’ve enjoyed watching dance theatre in real life, and I was concerned [...]
Full StoryPontiac G8 – Metaverse Spy Shots!

Feel the Pontiac Excitement Tingle in SL – sometime this summer by Tenshi Vielle – Fabulous Fashionista Pontiac G8, as viewed in the psychedellic shadow box on the Pontiac sim Tonight, at about 6pm SLT, Pontiac gave the SL world the very first look at their new car – the Pontiac G8.The G8 is a [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Makes Us Feel Orange

Girl’s Night Out Fashion Show — Exclusive Photos! by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Exhilarating and exhausting! Fun and surreal!” These are Callie Cline’s words, fresh off of a fashion high after the Ivillage Girl’s Night Out Fashion Show. Despite a few hiccups, the ingenius build spanned the crux of four sims and handled about 150 [...]
Full StoryGoon Public Service Announcements

Philip Linden and Plastic Duck – as seen by Something Awful goons by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Recently, Decomposing Monstre dropped by with a series of public service announcements to share with Herald readers – but these presented a serious publishing problem — how to create a real multiverse media mashup on the web [...]
Full StoryJolie May — Post 6 Grrrl

[Editor’s note: This week, Marilyn Murphy, the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine - introduces Herald readers to Jolie May - a delightfully Irish addition to the metaverse. I’m sure everyone will be excited to see more of this classic celtic beauty.] Hi I’m Jolie May, I’m still a relative newbie on SL only [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: It’s Always My Fault

Getting blamed for something you didn’t do, or had no control over? by Seola Sassoon With each Second Life release, problems afflict some citizens, while others simply say “it’s fine for me”. What do these who have no problems have in common with Linden Lab? They both blame the victim! The droning advice of “update [...]
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