Archive by Author
Furries Invade RL Fashion Show

Furries on the runway – is nothing sacred? By Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk SL – RL furry crossover crossdressing fashion? The Herald mojo wire made some strange sounds this morning and coughed up a furball of an RL fashion alert. It appears that some designers have been spending far too much time in Furnation, [...]
Full StoryAllison Ersetu – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Allison Ersetu is our erotic and erudite favorite this week. Allison is Marilyn Murphy's latest discovery - and Marilyn is - as always - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. After our readers learn more about Allison I am sure they will want to seek Solace - I know that I'm [...]
Full StoryLindens Move to Throttle SL
Lindens realize serving paying customers makes sense? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Robin Linden today announced that it could be possible that just maybe on a very busy day in the metaverse it might perhaps occasionally make some sense to sometimes limit who can log in – especially if nothing is working right anyway. [...]
Full StorySecond Life Is Like An Acid Trip

Get A Lifeby Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist. HEY HEARTUN ~ So, I have number of “friends” in SL who I find vaguely threatening. In real life I don’t enjoy hanging around people who either ignore me or leave the room without looking at me or (who fail to respond) to me when I say [...]
Full StorySHAME! Two Herald Reporters Jailed!

Disgraced Mistral and Breaker serve time in SLAB Prison by Denise Levertov, New Media Observer In a development sure to roil the metaverse journalistic scene, Herald Editrix Pixeleen Mistral and advice columnist Heartun Breaker were caught serving time in the SLAB Prison in Albata sim Thursday evening. Both journalists we captured on prison surveillance video [...]
Full StoryIntersexed Avatar Children Hard to Find

Daddy/little girl, mom/daughter are most popular ageplay groups by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk For those who’s Second Life might not be complete without acting out fantasies with hermaphrodite child avatars – the odds do not look good. But an exclusive Herald study suggests that daddy/little girl ageplay is popular among 44% of those who [...]
Full StorySL Double Dare – Games From The Shadows

by Onder Skall I’m fairly compulsive when it comes to my web surfing, so how I ended up at the SL Double Dare blog is a bit of a mystery even to me. I found myself looking at featureless black with sparse grey text describing a new game of dares in Second Life. Members would [...]
Full StoryMax Case Updates Sim Neighbours

Texas and California – does location matter? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Finding out where your sim’s server is in real life has just gotten easier thanks to an updated version of Max Case’s Sim Neighbours tool. Giving virtual land owners easy access to information about where their server is located and which other [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: wtf?

by Pixeleen Mistral I am a generally patient soul. calm. not easily excitable. But I do view with a certain amount of alarm a few problems in the metaverse — such as those that resulted in a non-functional world for my small petty pursuits over the last few days. Indulge me if you will – [...]
Full StoryGorean Copyright Fight

Ethics of copyright violations divide Gorean community by Curious Rousselot For over a year, a Gorean copyright fight has been raging over the ethics of distributing the novels of Gor in Second Life. John Norman’s Gor novels are the basis for the Gorean role-play – and some eager Gorean scribes have ignored real life copyright [...]
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