Archive by Author
New SL Developers Circle Develops — Residents Cry FIC
by Walker Spaight Seventeen Second Life content-creators met with Linden Lab evangelist Reuben Linden yesterday in an attempt to hash out some of the issues facing in-world developers, and to create some kind of shared resource for people who derive their income from SL activities. But when organizer Hiro Pendragon attempted to go public with [...]
Full StoryCanadian ‘Casters Corner Cory O.
Canadian podcast site Thunderbird Six has sat down Linden Lab veep of development Cory Ondrejka (that’s Cory Linden to you) for a long interview now posted to their site (see episode #23 for immediate listening). Among other things, Cory notes that more than 130,000 people have signed up to SL at one time or another, [...]
Full StorySowing the Seed

Though its beta test has only just started, the new MMO Seed is already getting the usual breathless attention from virtual world fansites and other online communities. The latest Seed news comes from online gaming and music radio station Split Infinity Radio, which is advertising an upcoming interview with Runestone CEO Lars Kroll, the man [...]
Full Story419 Scam Rocks EVE Online

EVE Online, the virtual world where scams and double-dealing are all part of the starscape, is now the target of the latest manifestation of the "419 scams" that originated in Nigerian some years ago. 419 scammers commonly claim they’ve got a whole sackload of money tied up in a Nigerian bank, but since the money [...]
Full StoryBlizzard: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. But Go Ahead and Call People “Fag” All You Like.
In Newsweekly ("New England’s Largest GLBT Newsletter") is running a story on an appalling new "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy on the part of Blizzard Entertainment where gay- and lesbian-friendly guilds are concerned (linked from BoingBoing the other day). Apparently, a member of a World of Warcraft guild advertising itself on the Blizzard forums as [...]
Full StoryThe Demi-Pharaoh Speaks!
A Tale in the Desert is one of those games that chooses to tread the dangerous boards of player-run government, at least to a limited extent. The game’s demi-pharaohs, of which there have been some 20 over the last three years, each have the power to exile up to seven of their countrymen, should they [...]
Full StoryAnimal Auctioning

Technical issues kept me from posting this sooner, but it wouldn’t be the Herald without a bulletin on the auction market that’s sprung up for stuff found in the Nintendo DS massively wifi-player game Animal Crossing. Thanks to a Faithful Reader for alerting us to where all things Animal Crossing can be bought and [...]
Full StoryBUY BUY BUY!!! Uber-Authors’ Doomsday Book Debuts on

Woot! If you didn’t believe it before, now you can actually feast your eyes: The Doomsday book recently penned by uber-authors Peter Ludlow and Mark Wallace in a flurry of champagne, clattering typewriter keys and cigar smoke is now available for pre-order on For those who aren’t already aware, the book recounts the adventures [...]
Full StoryPlay Money No More: Non-Virtual Goods to Sell for Linden Bux
Cutting out the middleman, SLBoutique founder FlipperPA Peregrine announced at Saturday’s Democracy Island event that his virtual commerce site would soon begin accepting Linden dollars in exchange for tangible real-world goods. Read more at the Second Life Future Salon blog where we heard the news. Then call your accountant.
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