Archive for 'Virtual Business, Finance and Economics'

Microfinance Business Kiva Announces Grand Opening for New SL HQ

by Urizenus Sklar (cross posted from The Microfinance Report) Via Fleep Tuquevia Linda Zimmer of the Business Communicators of Second Lifecomes the very interesting news that well known microfinance business Kivais opening a new office in the virtual world Second Life. Kiva has had a presence in Second Life for some time, but it isobviously [...]

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Scrooge McSheep Cans 22 ESC Employees One Week Before Christmas

Tiny Tim despondent – lumps of coal and company restructuring for the holidays by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Jeremy Vaught reports on the Second Life Podcast blog that 22 employees of the Electric Sheep Company will have a permanent holiday this Christmas – leaving them plenty of time to select and wrap presents and [...]

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Stronger Protection for Virtual Sex Toys in SL

Stimulating prospects for fapping-based economy? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Benjamin Duranske reports at the Virtually Blind site that a judgement by consent has been filed, settling the copyright and trademark lawsuit brought by several SL content creators against SL resident Rase Kenzo’s real life typist Thomas Simon. The content creators – including part [...]

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SL Crime Wave! – L$3 Million Bank Heist!!!

Were weekend griefing attacks a cover for banks jobs? by Jessica Holyoke Possibly in conjunction with the many griefing attacks of this weekend, the SL banks have been hit by hackers.  L & L Bank and Trust reports that 3 million Lindens were stolen through a hack on an ATM by avatar Hamid Jewell.  This [...]

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Shaun Altman To Liquidate Ginko “Perpetual” Bonds

Nicholas Portocarrero given 11 days to hand over the remains of $750,000.00 USD in deposits, 18,000 people still holding claims against failed bank. by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Shaun Altman announced today that as majority bondholder of Ginko Perpetual Bonds, he will take possession of all Ginko assets so that they may be liquidated [...]

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Surprise! European VAT Tax Surcharge in SL

Did LL really forget to collect tax until now – or is US$ exchange rate slide to blame? by Jessica Holyoke Linden Lab dares to be different – and forgets to include VAT tax in prices until now? Tax day has arrived in Second Life, but with a surprise twist. Instead of game-related tax collections [...]

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Second Life’s Slide vs. Everyone Else

9 months of losing ground against IMVU, TSO, World of Warcraft by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk SL web site rank falling since January – WoW, TSO & IMVU rankings rising By at least one measure, Second Life’s growth since January has not kept pace with other 3D immersive environments – including World of Warcraft, [...]

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Auctioning Off My Illegitimate Spawn At BidSL

Love for sale to highest bidder by Onder Skall, former Unicorn daddy Yesterday at the First Friday technology expo we saw some incredible inventions, but one in particular had the power to change the way we buy and sell things in Second Life. Through BidSL you can put things up for auction quickly and easily, [...]

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Banking in Second Life Is Not Totally Ginko’ed

L$ space buck banking in the post-Ginko Financial era by Jessica Holyoke The recent upheaval over Ginko Financial’s failure overshadowed other reports of the SL financial sector, so after the bank run and bond conversion, I decided to investigate the other banks in SL. What I found was surprising. serious L$ investors ponder metaverse banking [...]

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Our Heros Are Dead

Content creators feel the pain — Electric Sheep Cory Edo’s SL lockouts & Enktan Gully’s 2+ months without DMCA satisfaction by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista As many of you know, I tend to ride the fence on issues regarding Linden Labs. Recent events between residents and Lindens have begun to change my mind; I am [...]

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