Archive for 'Miscellaneous'

Sausalito Smackdown: Millions of Sheep?

by Pat the Rat While Reuben Steiger, who runs Millions of Us, one of the Big Three players in the metaverse-industrial complex, tried to make light of it in a recent blog post, Pat the Rat hears that the recent meeting of the minds between Reuben and Electric Sheep Company CEO Sibley Verbeck was hardly [...]

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[editor’s note: Kris Dibou is one of the new wave of warrior poets/pirates that make Second Life such an exciting literary scene. Here is his latest work.] Avatars I went to sleep last night and dreamt of avatarsSymbolic of our souls desire made visible to allAnd through the eyes of avatars we danced, we loved, [...]

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Peace, Justice, and the Second Life Way

by Fiend Ludwig [Editor's Note: When my father first set up shop in Second Life, I knew it was only a matter of time before he would find a way to get his peace work going there. Recently, my dad sent me a press release, asking whether the Herald wouldn't be interested in reporting on [...]

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Why Dinosaurs are Extinct

If this cartoon is right, the trouble could have started when one dinosaur invented the “duplicator ray”! Thanks to Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics for permission to reprint this very topical strip, although he says he had no knowledge of the SL copybot phenomenon when he made it. Copybot is the Zeitgeist baby! I found [...]

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Ghost Hill – part 4

Fiend Ludwig’s final live report on location in Opelessence: the moon is a harsh mistress After much blind groping I found the release catch on that abomination of spring-steel and made my way a door leading outside. My gore-spackled research indicated that I would find conveyance to Fonzarelli through a mausoleum – Dead or alive? [...]

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Ghost Hill – part 3

Fiend Ludwig reporting live on location in Opelessence: Luckily, I was able to hitch a ride to the end of the road a few hundred yards down the way, leaving Cazzi and her sharp grin behind. From there, I trudged up to the manse on Ghost Hill and entered with some trepidation the gore-spattered house. [...]

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Just Askin’: Write my story for me?

[Editor's note: the Herald occasionally reprints stories from other highly respected SL-oriented blogs publications that demand special attention for their depth of analysis and insightful comment. Enjoy!] by Alaska Tallahassee – guest columnist from the Second Life Blingsider I know I’m not the only one with this problem. I don’t really have any ideas and [...]

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Missing Lindens

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Rumours, Conspiracy Theories, and Inside Dope for Inside Dopes They’re still booming the treacherous waters of Omidyar off the rocky coast of Rodeo now, but with the month’s mind come and gone, I’ve been forced to give up my lonely vigil for any clue to the disappearance of my old [...]

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Ghost Hill – part 2

Fiend Ludwig reporting live on location in Opelessence: a Fiend in the Dark On passing the gate to Ghost Hill I was thrust in to some sort of maze. It was too dark to tell of what it was made, and the meager light from my lantern was sucked up by the void. The terrible [...]

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Have the Lindens Stopped Talking?

By Prokofy Neva, Community Affairs Desk A new resident by the name of Gargling Ginsburg asks about the features voting system, on the now-restricted official LL forums: “I noticed that features were acknowledged and commented on fairly frequently until 2006-08-24. Since then, not a single acknowledgement or comment. That’s over 2 months ago!” he exclaims. [...]

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