Archive for 'Sights and Sims'

Phoenicia Gallery Relaunched

The art-space formerly known as the Phoenicia Gallery has relaunched in a new location as the Phoenicia Center for Contemporary Art, and is now displaying new works from RL artists from around the globe. Check out urban photography by James Seithalil on the first floor in the west wing; experience China via photographer SongLi’s work [...]

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The Texan Spectacle of Rancho Rambler

by Daftcoho Callisto Recently I was invited to sit at the dinner table of the cowboy, Gnash Rambler, and his southern-belle sweetheart, Icould Careless, in the Texas-inspired Rancho Rambler. [SL link--> Gluphisia] I originally discovered the ranch while aimlessly flying across SL, and to my surprise, saw a giant Texas flag made out of bushes. [...]

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Picking the Picks People Pick: Does Dwell’s End Mean A New Face For Popular Places?

by Prokofy Neva The impending end of dwell by June 13 has left the SL business and entertainment community wondering how the virtual world’s most popular destinations will fare. Though traffic payments were often gamed, they had become a reliable source of income for many virtual proprietors. Will there be a way to draw attention [...]

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Calling All Fashionistas: SecondChic Now on the Air

The Herald is proud to report that one of its own has now gone audio. Herald Fashion Editor Matthias Zander is launching the SecondChic podcast on all things fashionable in Second Life. Rather than the reviews Matthias does so well for the Herald, however, SecondChic will feature information on new products and interviews with designers [...]

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Monster Boats Sail Forth

by Budka Groshomme As a show of strength of the water community in SL, the Second Life Sailing Federation has created docks in Sanchon and invited all sailors to show their creativity and approaches to building working sailing craft. The monster boat show ends Tuesday, so if you want to see and experience sailing in [...]

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SteamPunks Seek Sim Funds

A new steampunk group is now taking donations for the creation of a steampunk sim in Second Life. Interestingly, they’ve built a model of their proposed cityscape in the Celadon sim, creating what’s in effect a little virtual virtual world. Use the SLurlPane at Herald affiliate site to go direct to Celadon, and check [...]

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Has Plastic Duck Migrated Back to SL?

Camp Darfur trashed — by Plastic Duck? Sources tell the Herald that the notorious griefer and W-Hat associate Plastic Duck (the Herald’s third-place Avatar of the Year for 2005) is back. This time, if it’s him, he’s trashed the re-creation of a Sudanese refugee camp [< -- SL link] that’s been built as a consciousness-raising [...]

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LL Changes Town Hall Format

Well, it seems King Philip wasn’t so excited about talking to the SecondCast crew after all. It now seems residents will get to speak directly to LL’s CEO himself, calling in to Johnny Ming, who will then screen the calls and patch them through just as a radio host would. Johnny will hopefully have someone [...]

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Blumfield Residents Get Their Doodle On

by Jeannedellalune Prudhomme, Special to the Herald Patch Lamington at his Doodle House in SL’s Blumfield sim BLUMFIELD — Sometimes a scribble is just a scribble. Other times, it’s a doodle and a way of life. So it is for Patch Lamington, preeminent SL doodler and popular founder of the Blumfield Residents Association (BRA). Patch, [...]

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The Haunted House of Sinatra Cartier

A Second Life Diversionby Daftcoho Callisto, Special to the Herald While venturing through the massive land of SL, I encountered an odd, contorted being named Sinatra Cartier, black from head to toe, except for a pair of beady, dark-red eyes. Sinatra owned a few sims of land and, like many residents, sold clever scripted toys [...]

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