Archive for 'Clubs, Casinos, and Events'
My life as an exotic dancer in SL

By Miravoir Psaltry(Previously published in Players Magazine, vol. 7) [In this story, our friend Mir Psaltry takes up virtual exotic dancing, and gives her readers the skinny, so to speak, on one of the more lucrative professions in SL. As a bonus Mir gave Uri a demonstration of her moves (for photos and research purposes [...]
Full StoryBaku Crashed Again! Techsols Take Credit

In the continuing war between One Song’s group, The Associates, and the groups on Jessie, in particular the WWIIOLers and the TechSols, it was the TechSols’ turn to avenge One Song’s attack on the Reichstag. According to an anonymous Techsol member pictured below, he didn’t “know” how One Song’s home simulator crashed again today but [...]
Full StoryDid WWIIOLers Crash Baku?

Hours after Cyanide Leviathan and Jackee Satyr donned their terrorist duds and lag bombed One Song’s club in Baku, I received word from someone that the entire sim of Baku was missing. I went to the site, and sure enough, there where Baku used to be, was a big hole in the SL grid. As [...]
Full StoryOne Song and Tank split, Tank booted from The Associates

Part 1: One Song?s side. Well, no sooner do we post father Callahan?s interview with Tank Levy, than Tank gets booted from The Associates (and because of the interview!). Tank will have to proceed on his own with the big mall development now. I first got the news when One Song summoned me to his [...]
Full StoryOne Song?s Worst Nightmare: FMFN Alums Inhabit Mall Wall

There I was, walking along the New Jessie Wall, which separates Jessie from the site of One Song?s future mega-mall, when I ran into ex-TSO uber-scammers and Free Money for Newbie aums, Mimi, Kim, Brad and Mary — now members of ?The Dysfunctional Family? in SL. ?What you guys doing here?? I asked. Turns out [...]
Full StoryWAR!

Tensions on the Jessie/Stanford border exploded into the first battle of what will doubtless be a protracted and technologically advanced virtual war, as mega-mall developer, land baron, and gang leader One Song entered Jessie amid a hailstorm of gunfire and tracking turret fire from the techsols and WWIIOLers. Clearly sporting fancy scripts that rendered him [...]
Full StoryRuby Wilde vs. Land Baron One Song

Life on the Jessie/Stanford Border gets curiouser and curiouser. As reported earlier, One Song and The Associates have bought up most of the sim of Stanford, but remaining small patches were still owned by me and Ruby Wilde. I traded the Associates for another piece of land, but negotiations with Ruby broke down in a [...]
Full StorySkirmishes Break Out on Jessie/Stanford Border

The tensions along the Jessie/Stanford Border boiled over last night and Jeff Linden was called in to mediate a charge by James Few that One Song had hit him with a spamming script that followed him back into his home territory. Following is an edited transcript of key elements of the exchange. As noted earlier, [...]
Full StoryTensions rise on the Jessie/Stanford border.

One Song and Tank Levy of the Associates recently purchased nearly the entire sim of Stanford, putting them in a direct path between the teleport hub and the most popular location on Second Life, Club Elite. It also puts them smack on the border of Jessie. No one knows for sure what kind of project [...]
Full StoryWinners of Alphaville Awards Announced. Same Ol’ Same Ol’?
Winners of the 9th annual (i.e. monthly) Alphaville Awards have been announced (see below for winners), but the event has been overshadowed by charges on the Stratics boards that the event has become an exercise in cronyism. Were the winners merely the same old FOOs? (Friends Of Organizers.) Coming in the wake of controversies over [...]
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