Archive for 'Fashion and Fashionista Drama'
Minnu Model Skins PhotoSourced from Renderosity???

Metaverse shocker — pirated skins being sold in SL!!! by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista – courtesy of shoppingcartdisco Do you remember a while back, when we were talking about “what ifs” regarding stolen content across virtual worlds? I think the best case has to be artists’ work being bought then redistributed without their permission [...]
Full StoryFashion Advice for the Penniless Girl

by Lavinia Carver Noobs. Everyone’s been there at least once in their second life. And we all know that when we start, you have NOTHING. Unless you are extremely happy with the noob look, then you’re both broke and ugly. Fashion in SL can be such a delicate thing, what may look good in a [...]
Full StorySL Fashion – Copying or Inspiration?

by Tenshi Vielle I’ve noticed a lot of confusion about copying and inspiration from other designers, whether it be in real life or in a virtual world. Let’s look at the subject and “where the line is” — it might help all of everyone clarify where they stand. Maximilian Milos had an experience last year [...]
Full StoryDolphins with Breasts — Newest SL Fashion Trend
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Daily Show’s coverage of the recent congressional hearings on Second Life has had a surprising side effect on the 3D walled garden of cyber delights – skyrocketing demand for aquatic mammal avatars with D-cup breasts. Virtual correspondent Beowolf Porpoiseburg started the trend in the video clip below, and [...]
Full StorySLEXchange DMCA Takedown Leads to Stalking

Skin designer’s DMCA complaint outs identity, leads to RL harassment by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista Stephanie Misfit dropped me a very particular link this morning. PXL Creations was forced to file a DCMA with SLExchange against a skin stealer. Well, it appears that when the thief recieves the documentation, they now have access to your [...]
Full StoryFighting the SL Way – Copy & Resell For Free

Content theft in Second Life on the riseDon’t like someone? destroy their business by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista Resident content theft runs wild while Philip and Robin Linden have gone missing Content theft has been absolutely rampant in Second Life lately. It’s like scabies – once you think it’s gone, a whole new bunch of [...]
Full StoryPixel Clothes, Virtual Fashion Summit, IMVU, and HiPiHi

The Celebrity Trollop interview by Pixeleen Mistral, fashionable reporter IMVU fashionista Recently, Celebrity Trollop took time from her busy schedule for an interview about the pixel clothes scene in SL, IMVU, HiPiHi and elsewhere. Celebrity also mentioned what promises to be a very interesting event – The Virtual Fashion Summit – a conference for virtual [...]
Full StoryDesigners Running AttackAlts? – Fashionista Shock!!!
Why the Brutal Honesty blog cannot keep their mains clean Ana Boogiewoogie sez: Amelia Abernathy = Tina Travanti & Elexor Matador = Lothian Utorid by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk I’ve been having a hard time writing this story – probably because it bothers me to see SL society descend to a level of nastiness [...]
Full StoryBrutal Dishonesty Blog Stiffs Herald Paparazzi

SLebrity Tenshi Vielle hopes to donate prize money to charity by Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista One of Second Life’s famous fashionistas – Tenshi Vielle – still holds out hope that Brutal Dishonesty blogger Tina Travanti will make good on her promise of big prize money for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tenshi. [...]
Full StoryBrutally Pathetic Starfucking Cyberstalkers

Herald Paparazzi scores coveted shots of SL Fashionista, demands immediate payment by Pixeleen Mistral, new media critic Leading the race for dumbest fashionista in the metaverse is the Brutal Honesty blog, where “clever” Tina Travanti put a bounty out for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tina’s favorite target to hate on – SL [...]
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