Archive for 'Fashion and Fashionista Drama'
Stop Being So Damn Skinny – Real Life is Enough!

by Alessandra Narayan Lilley Albanese talks SL fashion It’s a new form of SOS: just change ‘O’ for ‘B’ and you’ll find the new message: Stop Being Skinny, stop believing everything the TV tells you – men like curves, not the ‘plain’ models you seen in the runways; do you feel good having to [...]
Full StoryBolero Collection Fashion Show – SL Fashion Week 2009

by Lavinia Carver I’m back with the last of the shows from SL fashion week day 3. This time, we’re showing Bolero, a wonderful fashion designer that’s all about the elegance. Models: Gamp Lane, Aealla Illyar, Summer Deadlight This dress is absolutely divine! I loved every moment that I got to look at it. It’s [...]
Full StorySWA Fashion Show – SL Fashion Week 2009

by Lavinia Carver I’m back with the second show of day 3 of fashion week. This time, we’ll be showcasing Second Wave Apparel’s line of freshly sewn designs. I also was able to snag an interview with one of the models, Gamp Lane. She wasn’t in this show, but was in others during the day. [...]
Full Story::eLDee:: Fashion show – SL Fashion Week 2009

by Lavinia Carver Many people have heard of Fashion Week. It is a week of nothing but fashion shows, with different tents sponsored by fashion magazines, each one competing for the better shows. Well, it’s not just in New York, London, Tokyo, and Paris any more. Now, fashion week has come to Second Life. I [...]
Full StoryFreebies at SL Fashion Week 2009!

by Lavinia Carver I've been covering as much of SL fashion week as I can – and what kind of fashion week would it be without free stuff?! Here are some of the latest freebies from fashion week, all designer, top quality, and there's something to be had for everyone! I'll get right to the [...]
Full StoryWinter Magic by Black Swan

by Bunny Brickworks It'sthe time of the year that you open your closet and wonder what to wear to getinto the right mood for the holidays. Of course, it should be something sexy,glamorous and extraordinary. The only time of the year when even the grittiestNeko girls take off their tattoo layers and dive into the [...]
Full StoryHow to Skin a Cat (or a Neko)

by Stacia Villota, virtual Neko Jungle Voodoo’s Leopard skins, “Neko style” (click any of these photos to enlarge) One of the questions I hear most often is where to find good skins for Nekos. While it would be easy to provide the names of the most popular Neko stores that sell skins, I prefer a [...]
Full StoryFree Fashionista

Looking great without spending a fortune in L$s ! by Lavina Carver I’m so excited to be starting this new weekly post. Now, I must warn you that I may not be able to post every week, it being summer and all, so don’t go complaining to anyone about it. I also must warn you [...]
Full StoryThe Bridget Brigade — 3 Post 6 Grrrrrls

Kiddoh Korobase, Stephie Dawes, & Rabid Vendetta – a special Post 6 triple feature by Alyx Stoklitsky What do you get when you have a full-perm freebie of cross-dressing character from a relatively obscure Japanese fighting game, a bunch of anime-lovers, builders and artists, and throw them all into a live DJ event? You get [...]
Full StoryBoxing Easter Egg Hunt Fashion Show

by Lavinia Carver What do you expect from a fashion show? Models, lined up, coming out one by one and posing on the way, then going back in. Now make the runway a weird boxy shaped stage and add a boxing ring in there. Now after the show, throw in a Easter Egg Hunt with [...]
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