Archive for 'Fashion and Fashionista Drama'
The Babyfur Fashion Scene

Fashion-forward babyfurs love loose, kicky dresses, holiday highlights! [the Herald's babyfur week continues with a look at the babyfur fashion scene] by Pixeleen Mistral, fake fur fashionista In-world security can look great The Holidays are just around the corner – what a perfect excuse to spend a little me-time shopping to dress-for-SL-success! Just look at [...]
Full StoryProfessional Avatar Makeovers – Only L$4000/hour

Advice from designer Joel Eilde by Wendell Holmer It’s a good thing you can’t sweat in Second Life, or I wouldn’t have any friends. I go a month without changing my clothes. Eventually, someone says it’s time to burn my outfit and takes me shopping. It never occurred to me that you could design a [...]
Full StoryLindens Boot Dueling DMCA Claims To RL Court

Can you copyright prim arrangements on virtual footwear? by Jessica Holyoke Coen boots – with three strands wrapping below the knee A few weeks back, I was asked by a friend of mine to report on behalf of Panjomy Ames. The Avastar partially covered the story of Panjomy Ames and her dispute with Bax Coen. [...]
Full StoryHey Girlfriend! – Avatar Of The Month Calendar Contest

Baby unicorns, furries, neko, robots, elves, gorean slaves, drow, and human girls will compete to be avatar of the month Monday night was the kickoff for the contest – where a printed calendar will feature a sexy female avatar for every month. Founder Monkeyface Wooget and Fallon Winnfield arrived by helicopter – no, I’m [...]
Full StoryCelebrity Trollop – Post 6 Grrrl

[Note from Justine- This week it is with great pleasure I bring you one of the great fashionistas of Second Life, Celebrity Trollop. Celebrity is the owner and publisher of Second Style Magazine and Second Style Fashionista Blog, two of the most widely read publications in Second Life - that also makes her my boss, [...]
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