Archive for 'Featured'

US Government Hits 73,000 Blogs With Ban Stick

by IntLibber Brautigan In a blatant show of force against a host of more than 73,000 wordpress blogs, the US Government ordered BurstNet Technologies to take down the server of for repeated acts of abuse of intellectual property and insufficient respect for the DMCA. According to a story on TorrentFreak, the owner/renter of the [...]

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KathrynAnn Kobaleinen — Post 6 Grrrrl

[KathrynAnn Kobaleinen came to see me ages ago about modeling. Finding time for her to pose with my increasingly busy RL and her time zone proved to be a problem, and then other delays have kept her from appearing here, but I have to say, she's very much worth the wait. KathrynAnn Kobaleinen is stylish, [...]

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Op/Ed: The Loss of Civility

by FoxM Ember Is it art that imitates life, or is the other way around? I forget, and perhaps with today’s technology they have become interchangeable.  At the risk of exposing my “old fashion,” I believe we have now become fully immersed in a self-created culture of declining morality and non-existent shared values.  We live [...]

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Kal Cartier Says Nicholas Is Not A “Mafia”

…but still admits to some mischief As our readers know, there has been a recent surge of mafia activities in and around Second Life as gang activities have been more in the foreground of late. Last week, I met with two of the prominent members of Nicholas, Kal Cartier, the current commander in chief of [...]

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Alynna Triellis — Post 6 Grrrrrl

[Sometimes, despite my best efforts, models get lost in the shuffle and poor Alynna Triellis had to wait several months for her shoot, and she handled it with style and class for which I will always be grateful. Alynna is as nice as she is beautiful, and it is with great pride and pleasure I [...]

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Jezzabel and Pappy Enoch Jailed

Anti-Collectivist Artwork vandalized, Mount Rushmore plot uncovered by Journey Yellowlist, Herald Legal Desk  Two recent fugitives from justice, Jezzabel and Pappy Enoch, were jailed today in the Really, Really Bad Girls Reform Facility.  This prison, known for its salacious abuse of felons, has a dubious record of rehabilitation in Second Life.   I was able [...]

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Op/Ed: The First-Hour Experience Before The First Hour

by Gwyneth Llewelyn Unconfirmed rumours claim that Mark Kingdon’s "stepping down" might have been caused by a failure to address the goals he had set for himself and for Linden Lab in two years. Of course we don’t know all the goals, but, besides the creation Enterprise division, we know of two others: introducing a [...]

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Lab Nerfs SL Combat – Players Demand Server Rollback – Lab Surrenders

Friendly fire has become a serious issue that even the best of us can no longer control Non-violent protests at Help Island Public – demanding more violence in Second Life – and a furious Jira thread have resulted in a rollback of the most recent Second Life server update – an update which crippled combat [...]

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First Bank of Enoch Holler Fails

Financial Traction Impossible, Fine Art to Cover Debts  by Journey Yellowlist, Financial Desk In a little over one week, deadbeat and drunken criminal virtual financier Pappy Enoch managed to lose both Linden dollars of virtual capital that he had collected to start his bank, plus another 19L in investments from two suckers avatars who came out [...]

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Lila Corith — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Sometimes you meet a model that is just perfect. Lila Corith is that girl. The shoot was entirely her design and I just hung on in the wake of her vision. I now just want to shut up and get out of the way so that you can meet this week's incredible Post 6 Grrrl, [...]

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