Archive for 'Scammers, Griefers and Goons'

Griefer Destroys 6 Private Sims

Centre Ville, Anshe’s market sim, after the terraforming attack (Photo by Planet Mars) As reported in the SL Forums, last night a griefer flew over several private sims and destroyed the ones with open land edit by repeated terraforming. Unfortunately SL does not allow users to grant specific individual land editing priviledges, thus repeating a [...]

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One Song?s Worst Nightmare: FMFN Alums Inhabit Mall Wall

There I was, walking along the New Jessie Wall, which separates Jessie from the site of One Song?s future mega-mall, when I ran into ex-TSO uber-scammers and Free Money for Newbie aums, Mimi, Kim, Brad and Mary — now members of ?The Dysfunctional Family? in SL. ?What you guys doing here?? I asked. Turns out [...]

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Stuttgarter Zeitung examines Alphaville mafias

S? Iwersen, of the Stuttgarter Zeitung has just published part one of a two part article on Alphaville — this part dedicated to the golden age of Alphaville when JC Soprano of the Sim Mafia squared off agains the SSG. Lots of discussion of Piers and Jen and JC. I only have the article in [...]

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WWIIOLFalconBK Hanks banned!

Seems like just the other day that we reported on the dispute between Pancake Stryker and WWIIOLFalconBK Hanks. Falcon owned huge regions of Jessie, and was a major player in that sim, but his account was terminated a couple days ago. We are looking to interview Falcon and get clear on the details of this [...]

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Special: Granny Celestie meets Grimmy Moonflower

What sort of newspaper would yield its front page to two notorious griefers? Why the Second Life Herald of course! In this ill-advised article, notorious tso grieferGranny Celestie takes the reporter?s notebook and interviews notorious (and banned) Second Life grieferGrimmy Moonflower. The results are electric! Well, actually, they are what they are?

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Warning! First Sims Bank Scam returns to TSO

Thanks to Ian at the Alphaville Gazette for being right on top of this. The notorious scam operation, The First Sims Bank has returned to business on TSO. As reported earlier in The Herald, this is definitely an outfit to stay away from. Be sure to warn your friends about it.

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Mr. President Bradley Officially Announces Departure from TSO

Noted scammer and foe of in-game governmental agencies, Mr. President Bradley, has issued a press release announcing his departure from TSO. In it, he admits (takes credit?) for hacking the accounts of Seth Galloway, Fans, Eve, and the Lead Architect clone “Lead Archetict” among others. He also claims that he has made a donation of [...]

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Editorial: Ashley?s Stroke of Genius

While there is much gnashing of teeth about this over on The Alphaville Gazette, the Second Life Herald can only but praise Ashley Richardson for enlisting Eve and Mr. President Bradley (along with anisette) as judges in the finals of her recent beauty contest. Although both Eve (formerly many of the Merrill sisters, Voleur, and [...]

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He?s baaaack! Twitty: Satan?s Servant in TSO

In this interview we talk to the infamous Twitty, baddest of TSO?s bad boys, back after a brief stay in jail for drug running (or so he says, and who are we to disagree?). Twitty fills us in on Texas jails, bootcamp, his past wars agains Christians in TSO (including a church demo job) and [...]

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Open Letter from AV?s Home Designer: Keep Guard up Against TSO Hackers

Recent surges in hacking have led to many problems in The Sims Online. This is an issue I need to alert you people of. My account along with other Big Companies or ppl such as Lead artitect have been tampered with. It is vital that anybody playing The Sims Online should do the following. Do [...]

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