Archive for 'Scammers, Griefers and Goons'

Invisible Man, or teh Peeping Tom?

by Gina Fatale I was in between getting dressed the other day when I noticed on the mini-map a green dot beside me, yet I could not see this person. Next thing I know, I was being pushed around the room by this “invisible man.” Thinking on my feet, I asked for an interview for [...]

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Controversial German Designer Returns From Her 8th Suspension – Interview 2/2

Athel Richelieu’s screen-shot of the now-erased compound, moments before he abuse-reported it. SS logo in foreground. by Neal Stewart In part two of our interview with controversial designer Katja Eisenberg, Katja responds to allegations that she is a Neo-Nazi and connoisseur of racist humour. She explains her true views on Adolf Hitler, George Bush, the [...]

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Controversial German Designer Returns From Her 8th Suspension – Interview 1/2

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Nazi Training Camps and Dead Boys In Trees

Athel Richelieu and Grandduke Ferdinand face-off at Tom Bukowski’s residence in Dowden, following an Ethnography discussion event. Neal Stewart takes a look at a face-off between two Second Life residents over an SS training camp – one is the builder and the other reported the abuse. Apparently in his first life Grandduke Ferdinand is a [...]

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Op-Ed: When the Game Goes Too Far

by the Teflon Don A recent incident in which three Louisiana high-school students were arrested for something called “cyber-bullying” should put the fear in some MMOG residents, as it now appears that what some groups do in-world can be considered a felony.

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Meet the W-Hats: swastikas, minors, obscenity, and griefing

Screenshot of the W-Hat property. Swastika since removed by Nova Linden. The W-Hats have been in the news of late, but who or w-hat are they exactly? In this interview we talk to their long time Baku neighbor One Song, who fills in the picture for us, and it isn’t pretty: despite several bannings, the [...]

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On Scamming Scammers

by The Phantom Recently someone on TSO scammed a scammer and then gave the proceeds to the victims of the scammer. Three cheers for the virtual Robin Hood or bad idea? A discussion has opened on Stratics.

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Op/Ed: Saw it Coming – anonymous gaming as a training ground for sociopathic behavior

In this essay, our reader DigitalGaia takes us back to the early days of virtual communitites and contends that griefing and predatory behavior (especially by teens) has always been with us and should come as no surprise now. Sample quote: “It was then that I began to observe the frighteningly real effect a life without [...]

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Viva Toivonen attempts denial of service attack against Herald

Former Alphaville griefer Viva Toivonen (aka Viva T, Angelica, Isabella, Fruitcake Lady) has initiated a feeble denial of service attack against the Herald because the Herald refused to remove comments that Viva posted several months ago and then wished to retract. Apparently the offending comments are in these two threads: Following is a complete [...]

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Editorial: If Lindens won’t help, then Land Owners Unite!

By Prong Thetan It is easy to say that the recent sim demolitions were the land owners fault, but I look at it from a slightly different perspective, because I am a land owner. If Linden Labs provided the necessary tools for land owners to properly secure our land, then I could see some validity [...]

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