Archive for 'War and militias'
Sovereign Regime Invades Seduction and Sin

The Vanguard Armed Forces, Stavka Coalition and Chthonic Syndicate attack Adeptus Minor, but encounter an entirely different Caine Constantine The forces of the Sovereign Regime military alliance invaded last week the home of Adeptus Minor, Seduction and Sin, and after setting for themselves a time limit of a one-hour attack, the fight soon began. [...]
Full StoryWill SexBed Dispute Lead to Nuclear Conflict?
Angry furs plot revenge – Stroker Serpentine ejects all users from SexGen Users Group – a Serpentine alliance with fur leader Nexxus Ambassador? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk “Stop freaking out like rats on acid and actually find out what can be done to HELP corsi” – Almira Leopold Harsh words were barked, squeaked, [...]
Full StoryTop Ten Armies Reviewed – Consumers’ Guide to SL Military
A must-read for potential recruits by Vinzenz Fiertze Part I – The Brass Accord (Iron Symphony Section) Army 1: MerczateersLeader(s): Lurdan Huszar, Anthony LehaneBackground: Set in Post-Apoc Ukraine, hence the sim: Badnarik.Current Members in Main Group (as of 9/3/08): 274Rating: 9 Pros: I found the Merczateers to be one of the BEST armies the grid [...]
Full StoryW-Hat Takes Up Arms

Suicidal rabbits and guns with no bullets stockpiled as W-Hat goons prepare for unconventional warfare with Alliance Navy? by Metallicoe Gears, metaverse military reporter Mall being demolished as goons move to a military footing While doing my daily round of the bases, I came across the Mercz base once again, in Salamis. I walked up [...]
Full StoryWill LL Squeeze Combat Out Of Second Life?

Socrates Linden puts players in their place as concerns about new abuse report category’s effect on military are voiced by Caine Constantine This isn’t a democracy. It’s about enforcement of Terms of Service. The ruling party is me and my ban button. No others. – Socrates Linden Second Life is – regardless of what sort [...]
Full StoryThe Merczateers – One Life, One Fate

One of Second Life’s largest military forces — from the perspectives of its members, its allies, and its enemies. by Caine Constantine When it comes to armed combat in Second Life, there may beno more recognized military force than the Merczateers. They are massive, clocking in at 254 members as of thewriting of this article. With [...]
Full StoryZOMG!! Military Warfare At Risk!!!
Will Linden Lab allow Second Life Militaries to go extinct? by Adrastos Fhang During my time in Second Life, many Second Life residents have gone through harrowing journeys. Upgrade after upgrade, Second Life attempts to become the new ERA for PC Games. In all of these upgrades, many things seem to go right, and then [...]
Full StoryNanao Mahfouz Ejected From Alliance Navy!!!

Former Admiral to pursue other interests, spend more time with family by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Mr. Mahfouz studies his civilian options in an elaborate heads up display As word spread of the ejection of former Admiral Nanao Mahfouz from the Alliance Navy last weekend, the big questions in the Second Life militia community [...]
Full StoryElite Armed Forces Leave the Iron Symphony for Vanguard’s Sovereign Regime

Merczateer operatives unmask and attack the EAF weaponssmugglers, but Vanguard comes in to back up their new allies – resulting in thelatest battle between two old foes. By Caine Constantine, Herald War Correspondent A sting operation conducted just a few days ago caught theleader of the Elite Armed Forces – a marvelously named group allied [...]
Full StoryRed Guards Overpower Task Force Marines

Worker’s revolution also defeats the Alliance Navy, Sparta, Elite Armed Forces by Caine Constantine The Task Force Marines of Prize Delta may now be missing their would-be British overlords. On June 29th, an enemy far less humane came by to visit. The Red Guards, foot soldiers of the communist revolution, invaded Prize Delta and slaughtered [...]
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