Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: Should We All Spy On Each Other?

Guilt by association creates a world of spies by Jessica Holyoke Reading the articles about the Woodbury situation and the actions and the reactions, makes me look around the real world and second life, sit back and ponder. I do support the underdog, the person who doesn’t have the ability to fight back. In this [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Seven Days in Second Life

by Inigo Chamerberlin It’s not just me, is it? I mean, being a whinger or whatever is one thing. But noticing the current state of affairs at Linden Lab is another. And unavoidable lately. Just this last week is absolutely mind boggling. Last Sunday I got an Email telling me I had no payment information [...]
Full StoryThe Broadly Offensive

Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Community Affairs. Op-Ed. Last night, we met at the Sutherland Dam for the Friday evening salon (will try to post the transcript on my blog soon) to discuss how to respond to the May 31st Daniel Linden Edict which threatens not only to take away cultural and political freedoms in Second [...]
Full StoryFear and Loathing in Second Life: The New Sex and Violence Policy

By Prokofy Neva, Community Affairs Desk. Op-Ed. The new Linden policy on explicit sexual and violent material in Second Life is going to cause a total uproar. It was posted this evening California time at 6:00 pm, and not everyone may have noticed it. It is signed not by Robin Linden, who has signed the [...]
Full StoryWindLight Skies – They PAID For This?
LL’s rose colored glasses and color perception by Inigo Chamerberlin So, the WindLight First Look arrives, with the usual breathless Torley Linden intro. And of course, the now standard Linden chant of ‘Jir AH! – Jir AH! – Jir AH!’. But to the point – WindLight. Linden Lab PAID for this? In fact they were [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Why The Lindens Won’t Listen

And why nobody else will, either by Tenshi Vielle, Thoughtful Fashionista Many residents have been asking, “Why won’t they listen to us?” …With all the in-world problems, programming bugs, and general nuisance issues, the Open Letter Project was introduced and thousands ran to sign it. I decided to take another look and figure out exactly [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Leaving Second Life

Living rich communities are a virtual world’s only exportable product by Myrrh Massiel [I met Myrrh Massiel a few years ago in the drama (and fun) drenched SL sailboat racing scene. While we have certainly had our differences of opinion, Myrrh has been one of the most committed people I know in staging events and [...]
Full StoryThe Linden Lab Shell Game
Why is so hard to tell the truth? by Onder Skall Originally we were told that this age verification system was put in place to prevent underage individuals from accessing the mature content. Despite the fact that the entire grid is supposed to be only accessible by people 18 years of age or older, the [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: A Neko Cyborg Asks, “Where Do We Go From Here?”
by Syd Loon (Neko Cyborg Informant) A “proper” prosperous capitalistic society with reason and purpose emerges from the burning embers of a historically passionate art and development community. A natural open source economy, is overshadowed by demeaning skyscrapers filled with marketing executives, armed with nondisclosure agreements, scouring the lands for the next branding concept to [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Philip Linden’s Folly

How the hell did we get in this mess? The Linden’s proposed faux verification system and the wanton selfish destruction of innocence by Inigo Chamerberlin I intended writing this as a simple expose of just what Aristotle/Integrity is, using public domain information harvested from the ‘net. However, I’ve been overtaken by breaking news. It’s made [...]
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