Archive for 'Op/Ed'

Op/Ed: Who Are You Again?

Ah! But how do I know who you REALLY are? by Inigo Chamerberlin Ok, here we go again. What’s waiting for me on Saturday morning but another brilliant Linden Lab initiative – announced, as always, on a San Francisco Friday with the office about to close. What a surprise. This time it’s Daniel Linden posting [...]

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Op/Ed: Playing Ball With The Lindens

Large scale voting in JIRA as customer feedback by Onder Skall Recently an open letter went out to the Lindens naming five issues that the authors thought were important. While many who signed the letter disagreed with the priorities, the root causes, and many of the specifics of the letter, the general message was [...]

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Turf Day

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Community Affairs A resident named Honey Wendt visited the Dell island today to make an environmental protest and got threatened with the virtual boot by Boliver Oddfellow, CEO of Infinite Vision Media. She challenged Dell’s concept of how to help the environment in RL and began saucily debating Oddfellow, whose [...]

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The Greed Shepherd

By Prokofy Neva, Corporate Watch The Electric Sheep Company released for public beta testing a few hours ago a new search engine. The engine doesn’t contain things you’ve tagged, so it’s not like SLOOG or SL 411 or Babbage Linden’s engine or any one of a score of search engines depending on the community to [...]

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Op/Ed: Contemplating Second Life’s Demise

by Onder Skall, courtesy of SLGames This just has to be said. The Herald recently featured an announcement about the YearlyKos Convention using 8 sims with 4 more set aside as backups. Many of us read that and thought: “Oh, ok, I might actually be able to go to this event without the sim crashing.” [...]

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Bad Business

Kids playing “Better Business Bureau” always picture themselves as the chair of the board. Prokofy Neva, Consumer Watch Goddamn, here we go again. Yet another stupid, misinformed attempt to create a “Better Business Bureau”. And yet another “ratings” system that styles itself as a “Better Business Bureau” even though, unlike a better system,, it [...]

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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

by hotlips Tornado My heart really was pounding and my hands were shaking. At last, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and I knew what I had to do. Nervous, but excited, I walked up to the server and touched it. Up popped the familiar blue menu that I’d seen a [...]

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Astrin Few’s Open Letter: Fix SL or I’m Out

An Open Letter to Second Life ResidentsAstrin Few, SL MusicianPosted on , March 8, 2007(reprinteded here at the request of Astrin Few) As I approach my fourth year in Second Life, I’ve reached a decision point regarding my future participation in SL. After spending countless hours performing, helping organize RL events, helping new musicians [...]

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Op/Ed: The New Priests

by Fiend Ludwig Last night I was chatting with Pix about the furor over Tenshi Vielle’s article. I asked her why she published it, because surely she must have foreseen the – more violent than average – storm the article would stir up. Pix replied, “Do you understand the Magic Circle concept – that when [...]

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Op/Ed: RL/SL Fashion Faux Pas

Why is Sabrina Doolittle’s RL typist is rocking a faded red shirt and a drooling dog in print? by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Dear Second Lifers, I have a rant to make. Besides my intolerance for Linden Lifestyle’s Miss Sabrina Doolittle and her “never do wrong” attitude, her “fashion princess” facade, herein lies the truth. [...]

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