Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: Second Life Ethics

Gambling, sex, gender-bending, financial fraud: does real life morality apply in SL? by Victorria Paine A recurring theme in debates between SL’s denizens about any number of the “hot topics” that divide the community (gambling, sex, gender-bending, financial fraud, you name it) is a fundamental disagreement about what “rules” should apply to any of these [...]
Full StorySecond Life Corporate Hype Bubble Deflates – Now What?

Riding a DotCom non-strategy into the ground? by Inigo Chamerberlin Recent articles have focused on various issues affecting Second Life of late. But they have simply reported issues and, sometimes, commented on the issues as isolated events. I think it’s about time the causes were discussed, the likely outcomes and potential future moves. Most of [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Avatar’s Dilemma – Trust
What do unconscionable contract provisions say about contract creators? by Jessica Holyoke Residents are talking about trust more on the grid. And that trust expresses itself in many forms. Some of the trust deals with the SL financial sector. In a world of anonymous avatars and few accountants, it is hard to know what to [...]
Full StoryThe Linden Business Plan?: Pwning the Metaverse the Chef Cantu Way

by Urizenus Sklar, food critic Chef Cantu at Work. Since I am the ultimate metaverse insider with a profound grasp of new media and the economics thereof, it is natural that when Media Playahs and Venture Capital Guys and Grrls meet me they want the 411 on Second Life. “Uri”, they ask me “exactly what [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Pools Closed …so it goes

Linden Lab really, really sucks at security – if one of the Lindens can be harassed for hours without as so much as a ban, what about the average resident? [Mudkips Acronym recently stepped down from leading the PN - a notorious griefing/invasion gang in Second Life. When I contacted him for comment, Mudkips was [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Escorts OK – If SL Is Like Phone Sex

Simulated prostitution and stripping are legal – Robin Linden by Jessica Holyoke I went to Robin Linden’s office hours today to find out if Escorts or Strippers are on their way out of SL. Many residents feel that with gambling gone, escorting is next to be hit with the banstick. When asked about the reasons [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Reality in the Virtual World

How easily is the fabric of the virtual world is torn? by Inigo Chamerberlin Reading some of the comments to the latest episode of the Ginko saga I saw some comments that made me think about virtuality, reality and our Second Life. It suddenly dawned on me that Ginko was, is if you are an [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: I was wrong
by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista "We All Have A WeaknessBut Some Of Ours Are Easier To Identify."–Dig, Incubus Did you ever just have one of those days? Well, as it appears, I’ve had one of those weeks. One of those weeks that, in a slew of insults and nasty things being thrown, someone finally holds [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Civics for the Un-Civil
…Or How to Effectively Protest the Second Life Gambling Ban by Carl Metropolitan Linden Lab announced their new “no gambling” policy on Wednesday, and by Thursday afternoon, it had already provoked significant—but misdirected—protests from a normally quiet section of the Second Life population and the dozens lengthy forum threads. Cheers to the protesters and posters [...]
Full StoryOp-ED: Criminal Gangs Can’t Ask for No “Guilt by Association”

By Prokofy Neva/Op-Ed In Second Life, you can make a group with only 27 cents and one other person. Don’t like the group you’re in, because it’s taken over by a tyrant or filling up with griefers you don’t want to be associated with? Make a new one — and the tools enable you to [...]
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