Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: I Really Don’t Like The Sound Of This

by Inigo Chamerberlin Last night I caught Philip Linden in-world and was able to raise what is to me, personally, the main issue of voice – the cost to me. You see I own a grandfathered class 4 island and it seems likely, from the original blog post, that there will be a charge for [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: A First Look at Second Life?

Software written by kittens in a feather factory by Inigo Chamerberlin I’ve been engaged in testing the ‘First Look’ Second Life viewer since it first became publicly available and I think its development process tells us a great deal about why Second Life is so flaky. My system is fairly high spec and is capable [...]
Full StoryWalled Garden

Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Worlds, Planets, Universes, Metaverses, and A Secret Virtual Garden That Fits in the Palm of Your Hand I first heard the term “walled garden” to describe Second Life about two years ago from Tony Walsh at Clickable Culture. Of course it brought up strong memories of The Secret Garden which we [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: wtf?

by Pixeleen Mistral I am a generally patient soul. calm. not easily excitable. But I do view with a certain amount of alarm a few problems in the metaverse — such as those that resulted in a non-functional world for my small petty pursuits over the last few days. Indulge me if you will – [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: It’s Always My Fault

Getting blamed for something you didn’t do, or had no control over? by Seola Sassoon With each Second Life release, problems afflict some citizens, while others simply say “it’s fine for me”. What do these who have no problems have in common with Linden Lab? They both blame the victim! The droning advice of “update [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Missing Lindens

Linden, oh Linden, wherefore art thou Linden? by Seola Sassoon In recent months, there has been a serious breakdown in communications between the users of SL and the company that created it – Linden Lab. Firstly, we saw a lack of response in the Linden Answers forum, then a shutdown altogether. Where do the masses [...]
Full StoryThe Return of the Salon and the End of Mass Media

Pointyheaditorial by Urizenus Sklar Denizens of the internet have long noted that many online meeting places have served roles like those of the literary salons and coffee houses of the 18th century. Online conferencing systems like The WELL and Mindvox, MUDS and MOOs like Xerox PARC’s LamdaMOO and MediaMOO, and graphical social spaces like The [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Virtual Paradise – But Never on Sunday

Take evenings and weekends off, OK? by Inigo Chamerberlin Trying to accompany a friend on a shopping trip Sunday led to me arriving half naked in, of all places, an InfoHub, or whatever they call those things where newly minted noobs are thrown in at the deep end these days, in Mauve. I logged out, [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Sky Isn’t Falling – Ground Is Rising — Fast

Watermelon and gaffer-tape bodge by Inigo ChamerberlinWell, here I am, Wednesday 10th January 5 pm PST, stuck on my private estate, like I have been for the last 3 days. Objects are going off-world and NOT being returned like there’s no tomorrow, the packet loss (which according to Neotrace is all in the Linden Lab [...]
Full StoryOp Ed: YouTube, News Sites Wimp Out Over Winged Wangs
By Prokofy Neva YouTube and other news and commentary web sites have caved to the pressure of the powerful Anshe Chung Studios and taken down photos and machinima videos of the infamous penising of his interview of the virtual millionairess in Second Life. The news sites, of course, should not have published these materials in [...]
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