Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: Linden Lab – Play Fair and Stop Spamming Us!

by Sitearm Madonna The spam ads sent to the Email List are an outrage. Linden Lab just sold its avatar accounts confidential email list to a commercial retail sales organization without asking our permission or giving us an option to Opt Out. The fact that the commercial retail sales organization is NOW owned by [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: You Can’t Fix Stupid

Why are so many SL men total idiots? by Steve01 Denimore The comedian, Ron White, once said: "You can't fixstupid." He is right. Stupid is what many males in SL are. I know thisbecause I have many female friends who tell me about the idiot behaviorthey encounter from SL males. I have also seen some [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Get A Life! Any Ideas Which One?
by Sigmund Leominster It’s incredibly easy to trawl through the Internet to find stories about virtual worlds and the Second Life experience. And the stories are typically centered on a pretty well focused set of topics: sex; sex with children; infidelity (sex with someone else’s partner); bestiality (sex with someone else’s pet); and general corruption [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: US$2,356,250 Reasons For LL’s OpenSpace Policy
Open Space sims and how Linden Lab got it right – for themselves by Maximilian Proto, Department of Random Guy Posting After Linden Lab introduced a new pricing policy for its highly popular Open Space (OS) sim product, residents joined to celebrate the cherished tradition of feverishly complaining about price increases (“they’re making it too [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Island Owners to LL: New Continent and Tier Payments Are Killing Us!!!
An open letter to Linden Lab by PonygirlSarah Clapper, Island Owners Association M Linden, Congratulations on becoming the CEO of Linden Labs. Unfortunately, those of us who have invested heavily into SL have seen our investments fall into worthlessness thanks to decisions made by someone in the company. Let me explain, if I may. First [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Sarah Palin: The View From Gor

Gorean slave masters expected to vote for Palin by Jessica Holyoke Now that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is running for Vice President on the Republican ticket, many groups are asking what will this mean for them: the liberals, the feminists, the inside the beltway crowd, and the business as usual oil fat cat crowd. But [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Repression, Tyranny and Corruption = Economic Stagnation
by IntLibber BrautiganKREMER, SL – The recent LL blog announcement by Jack Linden that LL is holding off any new mainland land sales indefinitely, due to flat land prices, indicates that there is little new interest in land buying by the general public. This means literally zero economic growth in SL for the past two [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Tortured Thoughts
by Jessica Holyoke, Gorean kajira Torture has been on my mind lately, not only due to my Gorean excursions, but also in real life as well. Back in June, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was on the U.S. news magazine show "60 Minutes." He was asked why is the U.S. government allowed to torture….I [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Google Whacks LL’s Ad Options

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk unemployed bots forced to seek Lively jobs as chat session miners and ad customizers? The Herald newsroom was quiet – staff writer Idoru Wellman had headed out muttering something about “Ginger & Jack, and four or five Feminax”. After the door closed, I stopped sorting through pictures of the [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Great Watermelon Strikes Back

Banned for abuse of support staff by vandalizing Torely Linden’s SL Wiki page? by Jumpman Lane No one labors under the impression that the kindly game gods of Linden Lab who traipse around the grid in (as) who-knows-wtf-that-avi-is-supposed-to-be avatars are anything but human on the meat side. However, some mistake the sudden appearance of a [...]
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