Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: But What About The Children?
by Jessica Holyoke In the U.S., the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the re-hearing of a man who was convicted for e-mailing child sexual fantasies that he had. Dwight Whorely is currently serving 20 years in prison for 74 counts of child pornography and obscenity, including 20 counts of obscenity involving writing about his [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Prokofy the Communist?

Diversionary tactics nurture collectivism by Matt Cvetic Recently introduced to the celebrity Prokofy Neva's blog, a great curiosity arose in me. For the uninitiated, Prokofy is a prolific and controversial Second Life blogger. Her contribution to the public discourse is to claim anyone and everyone who captures her notice is a communist, a collectivist, a [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: The Dangers Of Dealing With Private Estate Landowners
by Johanna Renfold Residentsneed to be aware of the dangers of dealing with private estate owners in Second Life and thefact that there is no in-world recourse for fraud, theft, etc. – yet too many residents are unaware of the inherent risks. While most estate owners arehonest, some resort to questionable practices like non-transferable tierif [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Looking in the Mirror

by Jessica Holyoke I had a break up last week with someone on SL and I found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. Until I find my next new thing, possibly having Jimbo's love child, I decided to make use of my gym tax and go take yoga. I used to [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Asking for it
by Jessica Holyoke A friend of mine used to joke that you can't rape the willing. It was a silly statement that is fundamentally true. You can't rape the willing. The act and crime involves a lack of consent for sex. That consent can be either taken by force, induced chemically or statutorily unable to be [...]
Full StoryOpinion. Finally! PETA Joins PETSA Crusade Against Killing Virtual Animals

by Mrs. President Chomsky Faithful readers of the Herald will recall the dark days of the pet culling operations in The Sims Online. Those events led St. Frank of Alphaville and me to form PETSA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Simulated Animals). While those pet culling operations and TSO have thankfully gone offline, a [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Second Life Smut Must Be Purged!

End Linden orgies for a better, more decent world by Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro, Second Life League of Decency LindenLab has decided to uproot the nefarious weeds sown by Second Life’ssalacious Sybarites. My sisters and brothers in the League of Decencywill assist in the painful process of purging perversion from ourpresence. Caveat Lector: Dear [...]
Full StoryCommie Award Winners: At0m0 Beerbaum and Orion
[A note from the Editrix:At the Herald, the real story is often found in the comments - and we occasionally recognize outstanding contributions with the “commie” or comment-of-the-week award. Today, for the first time ever this award is presented to two commenters - Orion and At0m0 Beerbaum for their responses to “Op/Ed: Catering to Corporations, [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab Discriminates against Snails

by Happy Trails, Snail Activist Now I'm not one to complain, but this is about as much as I can stand. Linden Lab does not cater to snails; there are no snail sims, there are no snail clothing stores, very few snail skin makers, and no snail sex ball makers. There is one lousy snail [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Catering to Corporations, Running Over Residents?
by Tenshi Vielle It's not like the support quality of Second Life has gone down any further. It's stayed at rock bottom since last year's great insurgency of newbies thanks to Linden Lab's draw of corporations and those corporations' subsequent advertising measures. Some residents are fairly convinced that Linden Lab is losing its focus, and [...]
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