Archive for 'Op/Ed'

Op/Ed: Whose Product Is It?

by Jessica Holyoke As reported in a few other metaverse news outlets, the fifth Second Life Birthday celebration has come under fire from residents based on certain policies.  In prior years, the SLB celebration has featured content that was labeled Mature.  This year, the celebration is being zoned PG and initially no builds that are [...]

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Metaverse SHOCKER!!! — Free SL Accounts Locked Out?

Why are free accounts sometimes disabled to make room for paying customers? by Avil Creeggan Dear Linden Lab, I am a free account. I have been a free account for the past two years. During that time, I’ve dealt with a lot of stuff that, frankly, shouldn’t be happening; flagrant asset loss and dehabilitation, incompetent [...]

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Op/Ed: New ‘Corporate SL’ – Ominous Sign of Things to Come?

Losing faith in Second Life by d3adlyc0d3c, ex-griefer I was recently banned from Second Life (again) where I had an account as Adromor Wierwight for a period of 3 months. During this time I established a company called ‘Pomilio Enterprises’ where I saw some success as an SL business person raking in over 34k Lindens [...]

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Op/Ed: The Point of View Inside SLLU

by Plot Tracer What sort of world would we live in if place names were trademarked? What sort of world would we live in where we could be banned for saying the wrong thing – for speaking against the government, or be banned for whatever takes the whim of those who wield power? The world [...]

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Op/Ed: d3adlyc0d3c for CEO of Linden Labs

A perma-banned griefer’s perspective on Labs leadership changes by d3adlyc0d3c, ex-griefer As many of you are aware CEO Philip Rosedale has just announced his intention to step down as CEO of Linden Lab. This is big news for all of us. Admittedly, upon hearing the news I expected to see widespread panic and predictions of [...]

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Op/Ed: Linden Empire in Jeopardy???

by Barbie Starr, SL and RL Dominatrix Build an empire. They will follow. Lead the lost souls to the light. A Master’s dream to have his harem at his feet doing his bidding.The goals, the dreams, the future. Then – LIGHTS OUT – The Master is gone! Philip Linden, the King of Linden Lab, a [...]

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Op/Ed: A Year In the PN Without Breaking the ToS

Griefers are better than cybersex addicts by Alyx Stoklitsky, ex-PN member TL;DR version: Yes, that’s right – I was a member of the Patriotic Nigras for over a year. Sure, I was only along for the ride – little more than a spectator and cheerleader for them – never an active nigra as I never [...]

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Op/Ed: The Problem with China

by Jessica Holyoke I was reading on the BLT, the Blog of the Legal Times, about a mainland Chinese human rights lawyer who was beaten by police due to his advocacy for residents campaigning against a high tech railroad that would cut through middle class areas. In reading about Zheng Enchong, I was reminded about [...]

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Op/Ed: Why Releasing Server Code is A Terrible Idea

by d3adlyc0d3c, ex-griefer For awhile now rumors have been circulating that Linden Labs has been considering open sourcing their server/grid code, a welcome idea for many. While some residents see this as an opportunity for freedom, to break away from the ‘establishment’, I see this very differently. Releasing the server code will result in a [...]

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Op/Ed: I Hate It Here – Get Off My e-Lawn!

by Splatter Gomorrah, reasonable resident Today I went for a little walk on the mainland. I stumbledon large herds of new users fresh from their education, newbie skin shining inthe sunlight which glinted off their system hair as they tried to walk. Cleanand fresh-faced, they were; just like the Mormons who try to sell meWatchtowers [...]

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