Archive for 'Uncategorized'
“$1.6 Million US Dollars Spent,” and It’s Fake (ok, what else is being faked?)

I was impressed when I check the LL homepage yesterday and saw that it was announcing $1.6 Million in “US Dollars spent” in game. But then I checked my email and found an anonymous letter from a Herald reader claiming that one million of that amount was genererated in one and half hours by a [...]
Full StoryYou Thought it Wasn’t Possible: New Levels of Arrogance Achieved by PR Firm in Second Life
Well, we’ve done out best to call out the PR firms for the false claims of firsts, so you would think some of them might be getting the message. But what message are they getting exactly? In the following message leaked to the Herald, Jane McDaid of Thinkhouse PR in Ireland says exactly what she [...]
Full StoryYet Another Fake First! Fucktards at UK’s Guardian Working Overtime Reprinting False PR
Wow, the Guardian must be churning out false PR releases just as fast as they can receive them from the PR Flacks. Check the facts asserted in corporate PR releases? The Guardian says: “Why the fuck bother. This is just a fucking video game.” Just yesterday the Guardian reprinted the false boast that Axel Springer [...]
Full StoryTravel: Matt Gross’s Night in Paris

Impressed as all fuck by his fascinating travel reporting on Second Life in the New York Times, the Second Life Herald has commissioned Matt Gross (aka Urge Gainsbourg) to be the travel reporter for other fascinating destinations with diverse cultures. As his first assignment, we sent him to France. Following, is Matt’s eagerly awaited report. [...]
Full StoryLL Extends Deadline for Island Rush; Favoritism Fallout Continues

By Prokofy Neva, Virtual Estate Desk In a move to quell a tidal wave of anger over the new island price hikes, only hours before opening the doors of the Land Store again, Linden Lab moved to extend the deadline for purchase of islands at the current fee of $1250 and monthly tier of $195. [...]
Full StoryBusiness Week: In SL, Boxy Buildings and Objects Look Best!

RacerX Gullwing’s magical snail-race chariot meets a Scion. As You Can Tell, We Just Cannot Get Enough of this Screenshot! I was so godsmacked by Prok’s link to the Business Week article on how much money was being given to developers by meat space corporations that I plum missed the sidebar/playbook in which Business Week [...]
Full StoryReality Check Please…And Bring Back the Change

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Flak Catching Just the other day Clickable Culture reported on Cory Linden flogging the line again about open source, tempting listeners with the idea that very soon everybody will be able to “host their own sim” or at least “roll their own.” Citing Reuters, CC quoted Jim Purbrick as saying, [...]
Full StoryDestroy Television to Broadcast Herald Birthday
For those of you who can’t afford a free account at Second Life, but don’t want to be left out of Theeee Metaverse Social Event of Fall 2006, I am happy to report that the nonstop broadcasting avatar, “Destroy Television” will be on the ground, beaming the debauchery live on Teh Interweb. I mean Teh [...]
Full StoryUri Does Snoozecast!
Episode 38 of Simcast Second Cast is now podcasting through a speaker/headphone near you. In this episode hosts Johnny Ming and Torrid Midnight (that voice: swoon) talk to Hyperventilators Eric Rice (aka Spin Martin) and Jerry Paffendorf (aka SNOOPYbrown Zamboni of the Electric Sheep Company) and yours truly, Urizenus Sklar. I have to say it [...]
Full StoryPlaying in Traffic
By Prokofy Neva Argggh! Walker Spaight warned us we’d all have to sharpen our keyboards! I was just putting my notes together, hoofing it around the world to follow up on a story idea I had, checking on the actual traffic numbers of all these hyperventilating Big Brands with the giant builds and MSM-saturated events [...]
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