Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Getting to the Bottom of Anshe’s Press Conference

by Pat the Rat Yes, devoted Herald fans, Pat the Rat is back! And while you eagerly wait — like little Duran Duran groupies — for the pundits and eggheads to break down the transcript of Anshe Chung’s press conference, I thought I would talk about something that really matters: What kind of footwear is [...]
Full StoryLudlow Joins Crayonista in Group Hug Snoozecast

In one of the more nauseating examples of SL log-rolling we have seen, Philosopher Peter Ludlow joins Crayonista Joseph Jaffe on episode 64 of his “Across the Sound” podcast. Topics discussed in their highly focussed one hour discourse: IBM, Jay-Z, Pontiac, Jimmy Kimmel, Nissan, crayon, Urizenus Sklar, Second Life Herald, Mark Wallace, The Sims Online, [...]
Full StoryCrayonista Chapman Pans Jay-Z/Kimmel Hypervent [Updated]
Man-o-man, Crayonista C.C. Chapman ‘s been chuggin’ the Haterade! A few more blog posts like this and we may have to hire him to write for the Herald. After a sim crash and delays upon delays Jay-Z finally performed. His avatar danced around the stage while we heard the live stream from the performance. Just [...]
Full StoryGoons Boldly Go…
Yes yes I know this is badly dated. We are talking *early* November already. But I didn’t come here to bring you the n3wz, I came here to bring you the *tr00th*. And today the truth takes the form of Something Awful goons, suiting up ala Kirk, Spock, and…who is that bald guy anyway? (hmm [...]
Full StoryUri does Amanda Chapel

What happens when the baddest bad boy of virtual tabloid journalism and Strumpette‘s Amanda Chapel (Amanda Vale in SL)– the baddest bad grrrl of the PR biz — get together? Get your minds out of the gutter! I meant *before* they retired to the sexy skybox above the Herald Headquarters. Well, in this interview Amanda [...]
Full StoryThe Birthing of the N00bs (and the Plight of the Midwives)
Pity the Slave Mentors, Who Are Charged With Raising The N00bs In this remarkable video, posted by Koz on YouTube (sorry, I don’t know who Koz is), we see and endless succession of grey newbies being birthed and slowly texturing. This raises the question of who looks after this process — who are the midwives [...]
Full StoryRaph Koster on SL User Numbers: “Something Doesn’t Add Up”
We’ve heard all the hype about a million residents of Second Life and talk about two million users being just around the corner. But, in a recent blog post, Raph Koster takes a look at the recent population stats released at the most recent Linden Town Hall Meeting. If you have experience with typical VW [...]
Full StoryElf King Wayfinder Leaves Second Life, Elf Clan Disbands. IBM Chairman Palmisano to Address Troops in Forbidden City.

Out with the old and in with the new. “It’s like the end of LOTR” In what is one of the saddest days in Second Life that I have known, Wayfinder Wishbringer, long time Second Life resident and ruler of the Elf Clan leaves second life today for parts unknown. Elf Clan, which boasted over [...]
Full StoryClones Pwnd?

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Stepford Wives, Trumansville, and Crop Circles The other night I’m rattling around Juanita at the Flamingo Court/Motel of Last Resort taking the names out of the “locked” doors of all those customers who stay with us such a short time (hehe), when I get an offline email out of the [...]
Full StoryCrayonistas talk Smack: “We pwn you SL biotches” (or something to that effect)

The Crayonista Street Gang Showing their Colors on the Mean Streets of SL Wowzers, those Crayonistas sure have their own style of smack talk. It’s the sort of raw, unvarnished street talk you might hear on Madison Avenue in front of Paul Stuart’s (certainly nothing you would hear in front of Brooks Brothers). In a [...]
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